Thursday, February 23, 2012


Time with Jesus - Friday, 24 February 2012
Hi all,
The great tribulation! Will the church of Jesus Christ be here when it happens, or will they have been “raptured” out of the way? Called the “pre-tribulation rapture”, this is the popular opinion today. Of course God is not subject to popular opinion. So this continues to be argued by Christians internationally.
My opinion is irrelevant. What is clear is that what has happened to Christians since the birth of the Church is liable to happen again. Furthermore, it follows that if it starts again in western “Christian Nations” it need not be part of the great tribulation. I say this advisedly because the persecution and martyrdom of Christians today is a reality in many countries. In other words, persecution is merely part of everyday life for those who are committed to Jesus Christ in the 21st century. It may not have been experienced by many of us. But this does not make it any less real. There is also evidence that persecution of Christians, in one form or another, has been ongoing since the days of the early church.
I’m not in a position to comment on the nature or severity of persecution of Christians during the great tribulation. Frankly, the severity being currently experienced is bad enough to intimidate many. Certainly the prospect of this breaking out in my locality is not something I am looking forward to.
As far as I am aware, the Lord has allowed His church to be persecuted for the past ±2000 years. So if it comes calling for us in South Africa, we should not be surprised. Nor should we jump to the conclusion that such persecution is part of the great tribulation. Our attitude should be that it is our turn to experience what much of the world has known for ±2000 years!
Those of us who are serious about serving Jesus Christ would be well advised to stop worrying about the great tribulation. We should focus on what could take place anywhere and at any time where you and I live. This tribulation is more than enough for me. My own personal Calvary may not be part of the great tribulation. But it will certainly be more than enough tribulation for me!
Jim & Phyllida Strickland

Calvary for You and Me.

There’s things about the Master, I do not understand.
Things that have been taught to me, that do not seem too grand.
We limit God the Father and “stick Him in a box”,
Through things we only cling to if our head is full of rocks.
So let us take a look at things which people have believed,
To see if they are likely, or if we’ve been deceived.
First we must acknowledge that without the Lord above,
Nothing would exist and everyone could not know love.
Everything created is the product of His hand;
And this is true in heaven, the sea and on the land.
There’s nothing we can ever do and no where we can go,
That Jesus cannot look at, or hear, or see, or know.
He knows when we are suffering. He knows when we are well.
There’s nothing in existence, we can think about or tell.
He doesn’t know the circumstance; the tiniest detail,
Cannot be concealed from Him; He knows it without fail.
Indeed He is the potter; and we are just the clay,
And all that we have ever done, He knows in every way.
There’s nothing which He cannot do. We must accept this fact.
He always does what’s righteous, regardless how we act.
He sits as a refiner, of silver and of gold;
And purifies the people to do what He has told.
He disciplines severely, each and every child,
So we can be more like Him; pure and undefiled.
We know He is the healer; He wants to see us well.
But if we practise wickedness, He’ll send us off to Hell!
He may allow the devil to put us to the test;
But every time it happens, it happens for our best.
He doesn’t bring us sickness, but it is also true,
The trial of Job by Satan can happen unto you.
And even when we’re hurting more than anything we’ve seen,
He sometimes will allow it, for that is where He’s been.
It happened to the Master. Why not to you and me?
We have to learn obedience, to gain the victory!
Our comfort’s not important and Christians have died,
By facing up to torture and being crucified.
Some have died in agony; by burning at the stake.
Some have faced a cruelty far more than we can take.
Millions have died this way; and if God’s word is true,
The things that they experienced are ripe for me and you.
Can it be avoided? O Lord I pray it could.
But it appears the Father sees our martyrdom as good!
It really makes me tremble. I’m not a masochist.
But if it happens to me. Lord, help me not resist,
The martyrdom you’ve chosen and allotted unto me.
That I may follow faithfully and know my Calvary.
Jim Strickland – Written Friday, 24 February 2012