Monday, May 16, 2011


They’re called the Ten Commandments: They are God’s Holy Law.
We know we aught to keep them; that’s what they are there for.
To break them makes us sinners. That’s how it’s always been.
But could it just be possible we don’t know what they mean?
I know we’ve always trembled. To break them makes us scared.
So let us take another look and see how they’re compared.
Our friends the Jewish people call them the ‘living words’;
Operate within them and you’re free just like a bird.
God put them there to caution us; a sort of boundary;
If you will live within them, then you’ll be safe and free.
But if you break just one of them then you have bust the lot.
Perhaps we do not like them, but they are what we’ve got.
A little illustration from the local harbour wall: -
They put a signpost on it, with letters big and tall.
They placed it on the farthest edge, beyond it is the sea.
“Don’t park your car beyond this point” is stated poignantly.
Another is the story of my daughter as a child.
The oven had a hotplate and it would drive me wild.
“Don’t touch that thing, you’ll burn yourself” I’d shout out my advice.
And then one day she touched it. It wasn’t very nice!
She really burned her fingers just as I said she would.
And surely my instruction was made for her own good.
So when she went and burned herself the fact is, she was warned.
But it was my commandment my little girl had scorned.
She did it to herself we say; and surely that is true.
And that’s what God intended for folk like me and you.
Don’t go beyond the limit; you’ll drive into the sea.
Never touch the red hot plate and put the blame on Me.
That’s why they call them “freedoms”. They’re there to keep us safe.
They never were intended to irritate and chafe.
But people in their thinking, including you and me,
Accuse the Lord of limiting our precious liberty.
I know we cannot keep them. We like to break God’s law.
We brush aside our boundaries and say we must explore,
The seamy side of living; and every time we do,
We find ourselves in trouble. The problem’s me and you.
We yearn to touch the hot plate although it’s glowing red.
And what about adultery in someone else’s bed?
We’d rather drive our motor car right off the harbour wall.
And try and find someone to blame! Yes! Anyone at all!
As Paul has placed on record, the laws of God are good.
And if we try and keep them, we’re doing what we should.
And here’s the very best part; in Jesus Christ we can!
For He alone is Saviour. In fact He’s God made man!
Jim Strickland – written Tuesday 17th May 2011