Saturday, December 31, 2011


Today is the first day of 2012, So let me commence by asking the Lord to bless you, family and friends in 2012.
Some phrases in the English language become “hackneyed” with age. The same is true in Scriptural language. Please don’t think I’m being irreverent when I say that I am more than mildly irritated when I am present at a prayer meeting; or any other gathering of Christians when I hear the phrase, Where two or three people meet together in my name, I am there with them." I’ve heard it so often that I rather suspect it’s become a sort of Christian “mantra” that we need to hear but don’t really believe. In a sense it’s as though people are saying, “Jesus is with us, but don’t expect anything to happen”.
I suspect this frustration comes from my school days at Marist Brothers. There were regular brief interruptions for prayer throughout the day; every hour on the hour. But habit had taken the meaning out of the prayers. So we said the words before we could get on with the class. Great if you love ritual. But if you want to put your heart and soul into prayer, find a better method. For the sake of clarification, look at the way the Message expresses the words, 19 When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. 20 And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I'll be there." Mat 18:19-20 MSG. I find nothing in these words to suggest that Jesus’ sole purpose is to answer the prayers of those who are praying.
One of the phrases in English which I find equally disturbing is, “The longest journey begins with a single step.” If ever words were strung together to discourage people they are these words. I wonder if Hudson Taylor or Gladys Aislewood pondered this phrase? How about Paul, Peter or any of the church fathers?
Today we are setting off on a one year journey to follow the Daily Light Evening Scriptures. The journey will take 366 days (Leap year) Let’s not think of this as a chore to be undertaken. Let’s see it as a breathtaking journey into the heart of God. Each day should be a pleasure. It will be if that’s what we decide.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland.

The Lord of Life

As Moses said to Joshua, “Take courage and be strong.
For you will lead these people as soon as I am gone.
Go take the land God’s given them, divide and share it out.
The time has come for taking it. That’s far beyond a doubt.
The Lord will go ahead of you and grant you great success.
He won’t fail or abandon you, His purpose is to bless,
The people He has chosen to be His very own.
Just follow Him consistently and do what He has shown.”
The words that Moses gave them, all still apply today,
And Jesus says to all of us, here’s what we must obey.
It’s not a time for slacking off; It’s not a time to mope.
It’s not a time for thinking, that there’s no future hope.
It’s time for looking forward and straining for the prize.
For focusing on what the Lord has placed before our eyes!
It’s time to seek the glory; the type the Father gives.
The sort that is reflected by the way the Master lives!
It’s taking on the suffering, the way that He endured;
That when we trust in Jesus, our victory’s ensured.
It’s having a deep knowledge, of all that He has said.
It’s putting all our trust in Him, to whom we’ll soon be wed.
It’s waiting for the day to come, when He’ll return as judge.
To know this is a certainty from which we cannot budge.
It’s grasping He will do it; That all will be fulfilled.
That nothing can prevent it, for that is what He’s willed.
It’s getting into training, so we can win the crown.
It’s fully recognising we’ll wear His wedding gown.
It’s fully understanding, His word will never fail;
In spite of execution, or being thrown in jail.
It’s truthfully discerning, the presence of the saints.
Who’ve died and gone before us the way the Bible states.
It’s listening to them cheering, as we go running by,
Aware we will be with them the instant that we die.
It’s looking unto Jesus; He is the only way!
Assured that He will take us, to be with Him one day.
And as we move together, into our Promised Land,
Be certain He will be with us to help us understand,
That when the battle’s over, He’ll give us a reward.
For being His disciple and making Him our Lord.
Jim Strickland  - written – 1st January 2012