looking all around us to try and carry on.
We know the past is over. The
century is young.
need to know just how to live to glorify God’s Son.
We asked the Lord about it. We
didn’t understand.
said that crucifixion by Him was always planned.
He told us that His glory was
seen upon that day,
He was executed in that dreadful shameful way.
He showed the world His glory.
It looked like a defeat,
in the last analysis, His victory was complete.
But why was all this necessary?
What was there we could see?
bloody, gory cross, upon that hill called Calvary.
What loving did it demonstrate?
And what had that to do,
wicked, sinful people, the likes of me and you?
A hero had been butchered; it
happened everyday.
was the Roman method to make the world obey.
The Lord then asked a question.
What was it that was seen?
another victim who’s been treated rough and mean?”
He asked if we would do it for
someone whom we knew.
didn’t really think so; there may be one or two.
A member of my family perhaps
might qualify.
laying down my life for them? I wouldn’t even try.”
But what about what He had done.
He said it paid the cost
sinners universal; for all of mankind’s lost.
His comment had me gob-smacked.
He’d caused His life to shine.
effort wasn’t wasted. He gave His life Divine.
It shone upon the hilltops and
all the world around;
all the people, they could be heaven bound.
The very thing I couldn’t do is
what the Lord had done.
pay for my iniquity, He’d sacrificed His Son.
Such love is overpowering; it’s
stronger than the grave.
deluge cannot quench it; His love was sent to save.
The life of the Messiah was
poured out with His blood.
words were overwhelming. His love was like a flood.
Far bigger than creation. How
could we comprehend;
limits of a love that our relationship would mend.
We are His chosen people. We are
His priests and kings;
and purified; released from all the things,
That once had kept us captive; away
from God Most High.
if we long to be with Him, why not be crucified?
Jim Strickland –
written Monday, 03 October 2011