Thursday, October 6, 2011


 I've often wondered why it is that God cannot abide
In any of His children, the smallest bit of pride.
Perhaps His understanding and mine are not the same.
For there are often times in life that other things are tame.
Perhaps my best example comes from several years ago.
My son had been in study for longer than I know.
He needed to be qualified so he could get ahead.
And he was being honoured the way Unisa said.
I sat there in the audience. My heart was filled with pride.
My wife and I were present and both of us just cried.
I think that this is not the pride the Lord considered bad.
It’s probable that in my place, that Jesus would be glad!
It’s rather like the pride between a father and a son.
Seeing him achieve a thing, I never could have done.
And when He saw His Son achieve the goal that He desired,
I’m sure that He was “proud” that Jesus did what was required.
Perhaps pride is destructive when its focus is on me?
That others aren’t important; how hateful that can be.
It contradicts completely what Jesus has achieved.
The Saviour gave His life away so we can be received.
It’s the complete antithesis of thinking, “I am great”.
And this is what the Father says He cannot tolerate.
The Lord has made each one of us, and we are only dust.
So when we feel superior, it fills Him with disgust.
A little speck of nothingness - for that is all we are -
Thinks he is important; some sort of shining star.
And struts round like a peacock with nose up in the air.
Thinking he is better than everybody there.
The problem is for most of us, it looks a lot like me.
And I am not alone in this; the great majority,
Of people who will read this are probably the same,
And need to be released from pride and joining in this game.
So let us start to realise, the world is more than “me”.
And others more important than we can ever be.
The measure of our greatness the Lord alone can tell,
And if we carry on in pride, our destiny is Hell.
I think this has convinced me that when I think I’m top;
The fact must be acknowledged that I am just a flop.
Perhaps we do not like it? perhaps we’d rather strut?
But if we all persist in this, we're some kind of a nut.
And we will have to come before the judge of all the earth,
And find that we have sacrificed our chance of second birth!
Jim Strickland – written Friday, 07 October 2011