Monday, August 19, 2013


Time with Jesus - 20 Aug. 2013

Hi all,
Over the past year or so, I’ve stated my position concerning the need to discipline children. For a change it seems it would be worthwhile hearing from a professional, respected by many. 
The man is Dr Phil from US Television. Hereunder are his comments along with a couple of remarks from Phyllida and me.
The idea behind parental discipline is to ultimately create self-discipline within your child. That means the kid has to learn something -- your value system and the difference between right and wrong -- that will guide him or her throughout life. So what do kids learn from being spanked? The hitting itself doesn't teach them anything. Whether you believe in physical punishment or not, Dr Phil has some disciplining tips and alternatives to spanking: (by Dr Phil - Courtesy Google)
Dr Phil
Phyllida and Jim
Don't take out your frustrations while spanking. Ask yourself if the spanking is truly warranted because of the child's behaviour, or whether it's an excuse for you to have an adult temper tantrum? Are you more prone to spank when you are in a bad mood?
This comment is “right on”. If you are feeling angry, it’s possible you can move the matter beyond discipline into physical abuse. When God says “spanking will not kill the child”, it’s only true if you are behaving responsibly. Never spank when angry!
There needs to be a sense of calmness and order in the house. If you are spanking your kid for being physical and chaotic, aren't you adding to the physical chaos by being physical and violent with your child? What are you teaching them?
A good point. If things at home are calm and peaceful, it may be fine to give a spanking. Don’t rush into it. Think ahead and decide whether a spanking will make a better point than a good dressing down. Spanking should be used as a last resort.
Make a commitment to your child's discipline. You have to do what you say you're going to do. Consequences should be highly predictable for your child.
In nature, if you jump off the roof, you will “hit the ground”. It might kill you. Keep your word. If you say there is a consequence to an action, good or bad, stick to it.
Define your child's currency. What does he/she value? You can withdraw a positive (take away a favorite toy) or introduce a negative (giving a time-out) event -- but be consistent.
As a 9 year old child, the penalty for most misdemeanours in school was to write out Exodus 20! Always let the punishment fit the crime, or the reward fit the achievement.
Develop a child-level logic. For example, kids know you are less likely to discipline them in public, so that's where they'll act out.
In this case the need to discourage the behaviour is vital. Be sure the child knows in advance what the outcome of his action will be.
When you have a confrontation with your kid -- don't ever lose! They will miss out on the opportunity to learn an important lesson if you cave in and let them get away with a behavior that is unacceptable.
This is right on. The rule of thumb is, “make sure you’re right before the fight”. He/she must know in advance that it is wrong to e.g. “pull his sister’s pigtails”. He/she must know that there will be a consequence.
Two things you should NEVER say to your child if you want him/her to behave are: "I'll give you something to cry about," and "Wait until your father gets home." Children can see through idle threats and will eventually ignore them. They will also take advantage of the fact that one parent doesn't want to deal with doling out the discipline and tries to hand it over to the other parent.
It is vital that both parents must speak as one. Decide this before marriage. The question of disciplining children needs to be agreed beforehand. Phyllida and I decided that we would support each other, even if we disagreed! We had agreed we would sort things out between ourselves later. No child should ever be able to get a decision by one parent reversed by the other parent.
Correct error
Don't rule with Terror
Discipline is not exactly a favourite topic, particularly for children. But it’s an essential part of growing up. It’s a bit like a garden. Left to itself it goes wild. Children are the same. They need discipline. The Bible tells us: 24 Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him. Pro 13:24 ESV
Unacceptable behaviour
It’s not easy for a loving parent to discipline a child, but it’s necessary. 
The greatest responsibility God gives parents is the nurture and guidance of their children. Lack of discipline puts parents' love in question. It shows a lack of concern for the character development of their children. 
The Last Resort
Never in anger
Always in love
Disciplining children averts long-range disaster. Without correction, children grow up with no clear understanding of right and wrong and with little direction to their lives. Don't be afraid to discipline your children. It’s an act of love. 
Listen Carefully
Remember, however, your efforts cannot make your children wise; they can only encourage your children to seek God's wisdom above all else! (courtesy Life Application Bible)

Jim & Phyllida Strickland

Explain NOT inflicting

Discipline must be Balanced with Love

Allow a child to be child
Allow a baby to be a baby
Let them have Fun!

Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give
Time with Jesus – Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give
These devotionals are the intellectual property of Jim Strickland and copyright protected. You are welcome to copy and distribute them to anyone provided it is for non-commercial Christian purposes
Today’s meditation is fictional, but is invariably true. Bad things happen. Kids get killed walking across the motor-way. They take chances. Sometimes the cost to you is your life. I’m reminded of an old poem. Not one of mine, But it went; Here lies the body of Jonathan Grey. He died defending his right of way; He was right, dead right as he drove along. But he’s just as dead as if he were wrong! I heard that little poem when I was in primary school. Sadly, it’s still true.
The accident statistics in South Africa for the “Christmas holidays” are shocking. Lunatic drivers, taxi drivers and drunk drivers create carnage on our roads each and every year. Mostly, it’s the perpetrators that get killed. But in many cases the victim is an ordinary driver; sober, alert and not over tired. But they get killed by those who should not be driving. Frankly, I believe that drunk drivers, who cause the death of others, should be tried for murder. Furthermore, those who are convicted of drunken driving offences should have their cars confiscated and face a very stiff penalty.
Sometimes accidents happen as a result of poor road maintenance. In this case, the local authority should be responsible for all costs associated with the accident. Perhaps I’m a bit paranoid about this? But we as a nation must bring down accident figures. It should not be optional. Our first Scripture takes an imaginary look at a scenario all too familiar to most of us. When the law and/or God’s Word is ignored, it could bring death around our ears. 12 There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. Proverbs 14:12 ESV
There is another situation that needs to be raised at this point. I’m referring to the disciplining of children. God’s Word makes it very clear: 24 Those who spare the rod of discipline hate their children. Those who love their children care enough to discipline them. Proverbs 13:24 NLT
Obviously, discipline should never be child abuse. That must never be the case. But children need discipline to grow into responsible, well balanced adults. Unfortunately, in most countries of the Western World, the law has been adjusted such that if you attempt to discipline a child – spank his/her bottom, it is seen as illegal. Many parents risk the wrath of the law by spanking their children anyway. They refuse to be intimidated by a law that restricts their ability to bring up children God’s way. The danger comes when little Tommy or Mary complains to the authorities that their father and/or mother have spanked them. So their children grow up to have no regard for the law or the “rights” of other people. There is little doubt in my mind that society is now “reaping what was sown”. A society where children and young people run amuck and cannot be controlled. The incidents in Norway and USA are good examples of what can happen when children are left to their own devices. Perhaps I’m not a good example, but the fact is my Dad was not shy about loving and the need to discipline. I got a hiding when I deserved it. Most of my school fellows received the same type of discipline from their parents. We all grew into manhood (it was an all boy’s school) and have become responsible citizens. Discipline is good!
Jim & Phyllida

12 There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.
Proverbs 14:12 ESV

Go to the next corner. Turn left and then turn right.
You should be on the proper road, to get you home tonight.
The route is full of potholes and some of them are deep.
But if you pay attention and do not fall asleep,
You’ll be as safe as houses and get there in good time.
If you decide to drive top speed, your life’s not worth a dime.
So easy on the gasoline; sit back; enjoy the drive.
But if you doze and fall asleep, you won’t get there alive.
These words were in the manual and it was good advice.
Provided that you follow it, your journey will be nice.
But if you play the macho and try to beat the clock,
You’ll do yourself an injury and smash into a rock.
But Tommy wouldn’t listen; He knew just what to do.
He thought “I’m indestructible; my car is still brand new.
I’m sure that it can reach the ton if I increase the speed.
A big rush of adrenaline is just the thing I need.
And so he put his foot down. His car was very quick.
He thought that he was floating and felt a wee bit sick.
“Tanked up” drinking alcohol; far higher than a kite.
To make things worse, he couldn’t see while driving late at night!
Oblivious of danger he watched his “speedo” climb.
One hundred; then one twenty. He heard alarm bells chime.
But in his drunken stupor, they didn’t reach his brain.
And long before he knew it, he’d smashed into a train.
He’d written off the motor car. His body crushed and bent.
They put him in an ambulance. To hospital they went.
The doctors had a look at him, but he was D.O.A
Although his family prayed for him, there wasn’t any way,
To snatch him from the jaws of death. It had too strong a grip.
And he had paid the penalty. This was his final trip.
His friends all gathered round him and eulogised his life.
But that could not restore him to family and wife.
God gave him ample warning in the manual that day.
It was his own stupidity that took his life away.
The moral of this story is, keep yourself alert.
Let the Father lead you; and keep you from such hurt.
Listen to Him carefully. He will not let you down.
And you will not be D.O.A. when you arrive in town.
Never mind the voices you hear inside your head.
Mostly it’s the devil and he desires you dead.
Take all your decisions and ask God please to show,
The way you should be living and what you need to know!
Jim Strickland
Written 20th August 2012

26 Anyone who trusts in himself is foolish. But a person who lives wisely is kept safe.
Proverbs 28:26 NIrV

Nun. 1 Your word is like a lamp that shows me the way. It is like a light that guides me.
Psalms 119:105 NIrV

4 Though people tried to bribe me, I have kept myself from the ways of the violent through what your lips have commanded.
Psalms 17:4 TNIV

1 "If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder, 2 and the sign or wonder that he tells you comes to pass, and if he says, 'Let us go after other gods,' which you have not known, 'and let us serve them,' 3 you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams. For the LORD your God is testing you, to know whether you love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul. 4 You shall walk after the LORD your God and fear him and keep his commandments and obey his voice, and you shall serve him and hold fast to him.
Deuteronomy 13:1-4 ESV

8 The LORD says, "I will instruct you. I will teach you the way that you should go. I will advise you as my eyes watch over you.
Psalms 32:8 GW


Time with Jesus - 19 Aug 2013

James Dean Movie
in the 1950's
Hi All, 
As mentioned previously, when you believe in your heart and speak with your mouth, according to Romans 10:9-10, you “get” what you say. Yesterday’s discussion about Cassius Clay illustrated this such that it needn’t be repeated. We saw that believing and speaking is the essence of faith. Of course that does not exclude those who are dumb, or even those who have entered a “silent monastery”. 

This reminds me of the story of a man who entered a silent order. When he joined, he was told that he was never to speak again unless he was asked a question by the abbot. He was also told that he would be spoken to by the abbot once per year for the next three years. Only then could he be fully received into the order. A year later he returned and was asked. Do you have anything to say? “The food is not very good”, he commented. 
The same thing happened the following year. “The rooms are draughty” he said. A year later he was back. “Do you have anything to say”, asked the abbot. He replied, “The bath water’s cold.”  The abbot then sent him away. “All you do is complain!” said the abbot.
The "silent" treatment
To some extent, fathers and sons, can slip into this syndrome. There comes a time in every young man’s life when he says very little to mom or dad. Not unless they ask a direct question. He says nothing because he thinks they are not very brainy. 
They can’t converse with him intelligently about the deep things in life, he has so carefully studied with his pals at school. Important things like Shakespeare’s plays or why the Sharks lost their last match to the Bulls. They find cell phones too complicated and are computer illiterate. They don’t know about second order differential equations and calculus is something which accumulates on teeth. Besides which they can’t tell him how to go about getting a date with the fantastic looking girl, who sits three rows behind him in school. In fact they have no idea about dating technique. On top of that, they go to church!

What the youngster hasn’t realised is that mom and dad know all about more or less everything. Nevertheless he continues with the silent routine until dad says; “Well now my son, you are old enough and big enough to launch out on your own.” 

One month after he has moved out and moved in, he realises that they knew a thing or two. Food is expensive; rent just about cripples you. In addition, keeping your own room tidy, combined with washing and ironing is a schlep. He still has to buy a fridge, stove, TV and washing machine. DSTV is out of the question.
Love you  Dad!
When he decides to chat with mom and dad, he finds they knew all about it. Mom had been too busy with a job and supervising the work at home. She had very little time to spare so, if he wanted to stay silent, let him do it. 
Love you Mom!
Dad knew nothing about the Sharks and the Bulls because he preferred soccer. Cell phones made him too easily available and complicated life. He could recite from memory some of the poems of Wordsworth, Keats and Shelley, so hadn’t bothered with reading much Shakespeare. “But if you are willing to teach me a bit about computers, perhaps mom will agree to asking the domestic to do your washing and ironing. It will cost you R20 per week. You are also welcome to have supper with us once per week; provided you bring your girlfriend with you so we can meet her!”

Most of those who read this will recall their own experiences; as a father and a son. How was it resolved? It was necessary to speak, believe and exercise faith. Dad did, so did son. Mom was delighted! “Now how do I arrange this with my daughter?” she wondered.
The following Sunday morning, guess who pitched up in Church? Would you believe it was mom, dad the young man and his new (and very nice) girlfriend?

Jim & Phyllida Strickland

Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give
Time with Jesus – Monday, 19 August 2013
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give
These devotionals are the intellectual property of Jim Strickland and copyright protected. You are welcome to copy and distribute them to anyone provided it is for non-commercial Christian purposes
Most of us go through a “rebellious phase” while we are growing up. We get to a time in our lives when our parents know nothing and we are almost omniscient. It’s one of those times in our lives when we are beginning to reach out for independence. Now independence is a good thing. We start making decisions for ourselves. We need to get there. No one appreciates a 25 year old still fastened to his mother’s apron strings. But that inevitable phase when we are smart and Mom & Dad are idiots, comes to all of us. Modern education is partly to blame. We come home from school, our heads stuffed with the knowledge of what we are learning, only to find that Mom and Dad have no idea what we are talking about. Do you remember those days? I do! So do our children and their children. Those days don’t last all that long. A few experiences in the University of Hard Knocks soon makes us appreciate parental wisdom. I recall one sage saying how different his youth would have been, if he only had the wisdom of his grandfather!
One of the things we tend to do, is challenge our parent’s authority. My dad had a wonderful way of dealing with me then. He would say “Listen to me my lad, when you are 21, I’m going to pitch you out! You will be on your own and will be able to do whatever you want. In the meantime, under my roof, you will do as I say!” It worked a treat! So much so, that I used the same expression on my kids. It worked with them and their children just as well!
In our dealings with the Lord we have similar experiences. We tend to “buck” His authority. Then He deals with us in much the way my dad dealt with me. In the first of today’s three Jimmets, we have a sense of His anger toward us when He thinks we are “too big for our boots”. We laugh at it now, in much the same way I can laugh at my Dad’s comments. But, as I have discovered, you may laugh with Him but never at Him. He knows us far too well for that! But He will and does discipline us. Notice in Isaiah 45:11, man is challenging what God does. By the time we reach the end of the Jimmet, we know He is in charge and we are not.
The second Jimmet comments on the need for God’s people to have a heart of flesh and not one of stone. We begin by looking into our own hearts and finding they are as hard as a rock. Against this background, He tells us why we all need hearts of flesh. More than that, He points out that we need a loving heart similar to the one beating in our Saviour’s chest.
The final Jimmet transports me back in time to the days of Kenneth Hagin and one or two of the other “Faith” teachers. They didn’t get everything wrong. Mark 11:22-23 was one of his favourite teachings. He pointed out that we only receive from God that which we believe we have received. For me back then, it was revolutionary. I also know that toward the end of his life he distanced himself publically from the “Extreme Prosperity Gospel” which is still in vogue. I don’t want to take sides with or against him or those he criticised. What I must say is that he enabled me to see a little further than the nose on my face. I will always remember him as a man of God who taught that which he believed was “God’s honest truth”. I’d love to be like that! I know I make mistakes. Lots of them. But I honour his love for Jesus.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland
11 This is what the LORD says--the Holy One of Israel and your Creator: "Do you question what I do for My children? Do you give Me orders about the work of My hands?
Isaiah 45:11 NLT
Do you have authority to TELL,                       Isaiah 45:11
The Lord of Hosts what He has got to do?
Have you got some strange and magic spell?
A sort of God compelling witches brew?
Be aware that there is no such thing.
Nothing can resist what I declare.
And in My omnipotence I bring,
To fruition all things anywhere!
I Am your Creator and your Lord.
I created all of time and space
In My hand I wield a mighty Sword
Nothing can oppose me face to face!
But I love the creatures I have made.
Come to Me, You needn’t be afraid!
Jim Strickland
Have you ever looked into your HEART, Ezekiel 36:26-27
And seen how stubborn it can be?
I knew all about it from the start.
Contaminating all your history.
But there wasn’t an alternative.
Somehow you just had to learn this truth.
If you had a real desire to live,
You should love Me while you’re still a youth!
One or two have been obedient.
But there was a problem deep inside.
That is why the Saviour was sent;
Knowing that He would be crucified!
Love like this can soften hearts of stone;
Make a heart of flesh just like His own.
Jim Strickland
Jesus challenged them, “Have FAITH in God!”            Mark 11:22-23
You must be quite certain what you say.
It’s not contradictory nor odd;
Even mountains do not disobey.
When you have this firmly in your mind,
Confident that it will come to be,
That is when you’re guaranteed to find.
That a miracle you soon will see!
That which you have spoken with your lips,
Will be manifest before your eyes.
If you doubt at all, you’ve “had your chips”;
And you’ll be accused of Satan’s lies.
But, when faith is rooted deep in Me,
You will cast that mountain in the sea!
26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you. I will remove your stubborn hearts and give you obedient hearts. 27 I will put my Spirit in you. I will enable you to live by my laws, and you will obey my rules.
Ezekiel 36:26-27 GW
37 "This is what the Almighty LORD says: I will also let the people of Israel ask me to make them as numerous as sheep.
Ezekiel 36:37 GW
19 When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. 20 And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I'll be there."
Matthew 18:19-20 MSG
22 Then Jesus said to the disciples, "Have faith in God. 23 I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, 'May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart.
Mark 11:22-23 NLT
Jim Strickland – Written 19th August 2012