Thursday, September 1, 2011


Concentrate on Jesus while you are still alive;
The day will come when you’ll be glad you didn’t take a dive.
That’s really unproductive. You never will succeed;
Unless you lean on Jesus and let Him take the lead.
Never take things over by believing you are right.
That’s disaster’s recipe beyond the Master’s light.
Think of how a gravestone stands reaching for the sky.
Rather than do things yourself, allow yourself to die!
Life will have no meaning if Jesus isn’t there,
So emulate a gravestone and rest in Jesu’s care.
Perhaps you have been thinking that the Lord has surely gone.
Heaven feels as if its brass and answers there are none.
But do not be discouraged His goodness will appear.
The everlasting God has said that He is always near.
The Lord has the solution; He will not let you down.
Rise up on wings of eagles and put away your frown.
The Lord does not grow weary the way that mortals do.
For He is the Creator Who shares His strength with you.
The young men may grow weary; Perhaps they’ll faint and fall.
But God will take good care of them. He loves them one and all.
He always will sustain them and hold them in His hand;
And all intimidation will melt at His command.
He has been a refuge for the needy in distress.
The tyrant’s breath will surely fail. God’s purpose is to bless.
He will be a shelter from the rain and from the heat.
A place of safety from the storm the enemy can’t beat.
Put your confidence in Him and put Him to the test.
He’ll supply your every need and see that you are blessed.
Ask Him for the strength you need to keep on going on.
He will bring the victory when all your strength is gone.
So do not be faint-hearted. It’s not the time to quit.
Put your confidence in Him and He will do His bit.
Victory is certain. He says it’s guaranteed.
All that’s necessary is to follow where He’ll lead.
Bear in mind He could appear at any point in time.
Those who quit and fall away – that is a greatest crime.
But those who keep on going will surely win the prize,
And they’ll be the survivors who Trust Him with their lives.
Jim Strickland – written Friday, 02 September 2011