Wednesday, November 30, 2011


There has to be a reason why the Lord became a man.
There had to be a purpose; one that’s better than,
To merely come and demonstrate that He is in control.
What was the objective? Not just to take a stroll!
Of course He is Almighty; so none could tell Him “Nay!”
Nobody could say to Him, “What doest Thou today?”
But why a human being? Why not become a dog?
A turtle or a camel; an insect or a frog?
We know that this is silly. And God is not a fool.
But we must find an answer, not told in Sunday School.
Another little question. Why was He born a man?
Were women too inferior, to fit into God’s plan?
The reason’s fairly obvious. It’s all in the blood line.
He had to be the offspring, of Someone Who’s Divine.
It couldn’t be a woman; the gender must be male.
And if this didn’t happen, the plan would surely fail.
Adam was responsible, for bowing down to sin.
And by his disobedience, he let the devil in.
Which meant a human being, must kick the devil out.
A man would have to do it; of that there is no doubt.
But there’s a little problem, of man’s representation.
It had to be person, who included every nation.
One who was equated, to all the human race.
And only God could ever stand in all of mankind’s place.
Jesus as a human, was one person on His own!
But since He is Divinity, He doesn’t stand alone!
He takes the place of everyone who’s ever lived on earth.
So when He conquered Satan, His victory was worth,
Far more than just one person. We live because He died.
He paid the price for all of us and Satan is denied.
He cannot keep us captive. For we have been released.
And now it’s Satan’s power that truly is deceased.
That’s why He had to do it. He had to be a man.
There is no other creature could fit into the plan.
A donkey or an elephant, a vulture or a moose.
In terms of our salvation, were not of any use.
It had to be a human. It had to be a male.
Any other creature was surely bound to fail.
And so He walked among us and Satan’s reign was through,
Because of what the Saviour did, for folk like me and you.
And no one else could do it, for Jesus is unique;
Divine while He was human! With Satan up the creek!
Jim Strickland – Written 1st December 2011