Monday, August 29, 2011


There’s times when we are called to do a thing we’d rather not.
It’s rather like your feet are in a great big cooking pot.
The temperature is rising. You know you must get out.
But it has been so comfortable your mind is still in doubt.
It happened to Queen Esther; with Xerxes on the throne.
She had to go and see him and do it on her own.
She hadn’t been invited; And Xerxes plainly said,
That anyone who just barged in could very soon be dead.
It rested on his feelings and also on his mood.
He may have been her husband, but if her thought her rude,
The outcome could be fatal. The sceptre in his hand,
Would have to be extended or she’d die by his command.
Now Esther was no coward, but this was quite a chance.
It had to rest on something a bit more than romance.
She was a Jewish lady and popularity,
Was seldom in the favour of where she had to be.
So she made preparations by fasting and by prayer.
Her handmaids joined the party to aid her getting there.
For she was in great danger, she’d surely lose her head,
If she was uninvited and blundered in instead.
But what the people didn’t know was Who was on her side.
I don’t think that she knew herself although she was his bride.
For in those days the ladies were the property of men.
And if the king was so inclined they’d kill her there and then.
But she had a relationship and served the King of Kings;
And she took courage from the fact, He was in charge of things.
So when she walked in unannounced, she went at God’s behest,
So Xerxes held the sceptre out. That’s what her hands caressed.
And this is so like Jesus. He sits upon His throne,
And waits for us to enter into God Almighty’s zone.
He has a golden sceptre, but really it’s His cross.
And those of us who reach for it will never suffer loss.
Of course we may be terrified, but those who know Him best;
Tell us that we needn’t, because He wants to bless,
His bride each time she enters. He honours us this way;
And He is so much better than the king in Esther’s day.
In fact we are invited to come before His throne;
But not in trepidation, for we are His alone.
Jim Strickland – written Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Serving Jesus

 It seems that lots of school boys desire to learn of God.
I know that was my feelings and I was not so odd.
My parents had me “christened”; an Anglican; that’s me!
In nineteen fifty seven, my school made this decree,
“The young men who were Anglicans would be “confirmed” that year.”
It really wasn’t optional, and to me Christ was dear.
So I had no objection to going week by week,
Down to the local vicar where after God I’d seek.
It was a time of blessing. The Lord seemed very near.
And so I went along each week for nearly half a year.
My adolescent thinking was, “I should trust the Lord”.
It gave a satisfaction than men can ill afford.
I revelled in communion. I thought “God tasted good”;
And if I kept on serving Him the way a young man should;
That He would make me prosper. That’s what God’s word had said;
And though He wasn‘t Saviour, That is the way He led.
Each Sunday I woke early. The church was far away.
But somehow I would get there, regardless, come what may.
I went to take “communion”. My Lord, I had to “taste”!
I can’t describe how good it was. I think I would have faced,
Anything the devil brought; I wouldn’t trust in man.
And to this very day I’m sure that this was all His plan.
And after I disgraced myself and had to leave my land,
I somehow hoped against all hope that this was what He planned.
But I was still a youngster. I longed to hear His word.
But thought it was incredible! Was it His voice I heard?
That happened to the prophets and not to kids like me.
That I could also hear from Him – Impossibility!
But somehow He was near me. He kept me day by day.
He was the refuge whom I sought. It was the strangest way.
I couldn’t understand it. My life was one big mess.
But when I went to church one night I knew I had been blessed.
I didn’t think it possible. How could He trust a cheat?
But in that holy place that night, my Saviour I did meet.
Since then I’ve tried to serve Him; sometimes successfully.
And in the intervening years, He’s been so good to me.
I’ve never once gone hungry. My children have been fed.
Not once have any one of them gone out to beg for bread.
I’ve had sufficient income to lend to those in need.
So I have seen these Scriptures fulfilled for me indeed.
So I have tasted Jesus and proved that He is sweet.
His bounty overwhelms me; my every need He meets.
Indeed the Lord has blessed me far more than I deserve,
And given me a deep desire my Saviour to serve.
And so for half a century, not once have I seen lack.
And I’ll keep serving Jesus Christ and cannot now turn back!
Jim Strickland – written Monday, 29 August 2011