Thursday, August 18, 2011


“Holiness!” Yes, Holiness is what you are to cry.
For it's a lack of holiness which is the reason why,
The name of many Christians has now become a stench.
Because they will not change their ways, they consequently wrench
The leading I have given them from My directing hand,
And live a life that all can see is what the devil planned.
But you have been appointed a shepherd of the flock.
It's your responsibility to quietly take stock,
Of how the sheep are living and how the pasture seems.
To ascertain the difference 'tween vision and the schemes,
That Satan would endeavour to place into their minds.
To know if what they're eating will feed or make them blind.
To be a flock protector and not a bird of prey.
To keep the wolves and predators continually at bay.
For this is what I've called you to and this is My desire.
But it is your obedience that really I require.
 The way ahead is difficult. With danger it is fraught.
But you will find that I am here, the enemy to thwart.
Provided that you're listening and do the things I show,
Then, step-by-step and day-by-day, you'll definitely know,
That nothing I require of you will ever be too much,
Successfully to overcome, for I will be your crutch!
And as you start to lean on Me and let Me take your weight;
The power of The Holy Ghost will clearly demonstrate,
That you are Mine. A Servant; A Shepherd of the King;
Because I have decided that I will do a thing,
To shake the very heavens and rattle earth and sky;
To illustrate to everyone, just what it means to die!
Just what I have accomplished by coming to the Earth,
And giving to the humanity the chance of second birth.
But, many of My people don't seem to care at all.
Their lives aren't changed and many have ignored My Holy call;
And consequently, judgement is now upon the scene;
And they will now experience just what My wrath can mean.
But even now it's possible for Me to stay My hand.
If they will change their attitude and DO what I command;
Diligently minister to ALL of those I've saved,
And demonstrate repentance by the way that they behave.
For if a sinner turns from sin, I've promised he will live.
Regardless what a man has been, I always will forgive.
But if the righteous turns to sin and practise fleshly lust,
I will forget their righteous acts. For them it will be just
As though they never came to Me; And all their sinful acts
Will be restored again to them and judgement will be fact.
Jim Strickland – written Friday, 19 August 2011