Friday, August 5, 2011


Many, many years ago when I was just a lad,
I came under the discipline of my beloved Dad.
His treatment was impartial and it was always fair.
The rod of his correction applied with greatest care.
That’s why I always loved him. I miss him to this day.
Although those years are history since my father passed away.
He never was a talker. His still waters ran deep.
He had a strange ability whereby he’d try to keep
A smiling face for everyone unless something went wrong.
At times like that, I always found his arm was very strong.
I loved him and respected him for all that he had done.
And it was such a privilege to be his only son.
Of course my Heavenly Father is very much the same.
Except on a much higher and supernatural plane.
His discipline is swifter but equally as sore.
And always for my benefit, like my father’s was before.
It’s never done with malice and always for my good.
In just the way a Father’s love in his correction should.
Of course the pain inflicted was not too much to bear,
And always demonstrated a love both just and fair.
So never be afraid His discipline is overdone.
It always is appropriate for father to a son.
Indeed, you’ll know it happened and never will forget,
That is was quite appropriate for justice to be met.
So focus on the good things you will find within the land.
Serve Him with a diligence above all you have planned.
Listen to Him speaking as He points out the way.
There isn’t an alternative for how to live today.
Let His Spirit guide you. He will not get it wrong;
And you will find your faith in Him will increase and grow strong.
All of your tomorrows will never give you pain,
While in His loving hands you always faithfully remain.
Yes! Listen to your Father Who reins on high above;
Who treats you as a precious child and holds you in His love.
Who wants to make the best of you that you can ever be;
Who holds you in His loving arms and tells you tenderly;
His plans for you are excellent, abounding with His Hope
And while you walk together, you’ll more than merely cope.
Jim Strickland – written Saturday, 06 August 2011