Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Time with Jesus - Thursday, 29 December 2011
Hi all,
The will of the Lord is something Christians often find confusing. As a new believer, I was taught something which I called “dot theology”. I was taught that regarding God, there were “three wills”. These were (a) His perfect will; (b) His permissive will and (c) that which was not His will. Dot theology meant that His will was the bull’s eye. The rest of the target or inside an unspecified circle was His permissive will. That which missed the target completely was said to be not His will. The diagram was useful for teaching purposes but theologically it was a nightmare. It was nothing more than a palliative (soothing anxieties or other intense emotions) to comfort the tender consciences of unbroken Christians!
There are only two possibilities in what we do. It’s either His will or it’s not! God does not have a permissive will! If you can show me a permissive Bible, I’ll admit He has a permissive will! Everything that happens is either His will or not. There are no shades of grey. Most things that take place on this earth are simply not His will. Sure He permits it to happen. But that does not mean He is in any way permissive! That we have a permissive God is unthinkable. How could a permissive God bring judgement? On the contrary, God is totally consistent and is not a respecter of persons. How could He smile on me and frown on you when we have committed identical sins? The very idea is anathema. (Somebody or something that is greatly disliked or detested and is therefore shunned)
It seems to me that we Christians have “invented” a permissive will because we don’t like to admit we are wrong about anything. For example, the Holocaust was not His will. What happened was absolutely contrary to His will. He permitted it to take place because people are free to do what they choose. He does not interfere. That does not mean He is permissive. It did not happen in His “permissive will”. He “hated” every moment of it. It happened because this world is filled with men and women who are “monsters of Iniquity”.
Without Jesus Christ, you and I are incapable of righteousness. We are still able to be like that. It’s only by His grace and the working of the Holy Spirit that God sees us as righteous. Jeremiah summed up humanity as follows: 9 "The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? Jer. 17:9 NLT. Nothing has changed since then.
Paul in his letter to the Romans describes how our life in Christ Jesus should be. 2 Don't live any longer the way this world lives. Let your way of thinking be completely changed. Then you will be able to test what God wants for you. And you will agree that what he wants is right. His plan (will) is good and pleasing and perfect. Rom 12:2 NIrV In his first letter to the Thessalonians Paul describes the Lord’s will for us: 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 ESV.
God’s will for you and me is to be obedient to His commands! A good place to start is by loving others. If we do, there will be no confusion in our hearts and minds and we will find that doing His will is as clear as day. The question we must ask ourselves is if we are “willing” to do it!
Today’s meditation looks at this in a practical and non-religious way.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland.

God’s Holy Will
Friends, do not be foolish; seek God’s holy will.
You won’t find it difficult; it’s easy to fulfil.
The Lord has not concealed it; it isn’t tucked away.
It isn’t vague and woolly; He’s made it plain as day.
It isn’t in a distant land. In fact it’s very near.
You’ll have no trouble finding it; He’s made it very clear.
He want’s you to be Holy; He want’s you sanctified.
He wants you to be spotless; an honourable bride.
Abstain from immorality; Keep well away from lust.
Don’t be like the Gentiles; be honest, true and just.
Do not be a mimic of those who don’t know God.
Do not be licentious and do not spare the rod.
Never be a tattle tale; don’t pass the gossip on.
If you aren’t involved in it, your interest’s surely none.
Don’t be late for meetings. It makes the others wait.
It’s their time you’re stealing. Plan well before each date.
Walk with unbelievers; display your inner peace.
Always be consistent; prayer must never cease.
Follow the Lord Jesus. He’s honest, pure and true.
Listen very carefully and He will speak to you.
Live a life that’s worthy, of Jesus Christ the Lord.
Only spend your money, on what you can afford!
Ask the Lord for wisdom, to help you understand,
What’s happening around you and what it is He’s planned.
Never cease rejoicing; praise the Lord in song.
Give Him all the glory; you will not get things wrong.
You belong to Jesus; be His humble slave.
Do not be rebellious; when He speaks, be brave.
Carry out His orders, do the things He says.
Read the Holy Bible; it tells us of His ways.
Pray for other people. Pray that you will know,
The Lord in all His riches; Therein you will grow.
Let hope be your beacon; always intercede.
Call upon His mighty strength; He is all you need.
Don’t fear what might happen; do not fear at all!
He will always help you, when on Him you call.
If you’re always doing what is written here,
You will always know His will, and He’ll always be near.
Jim Strickland – written 29 December 2011