Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Our actions are more vocal than any words we speak.
You might say you are humble but if there’s an angry streak,
Visible to everyone; to children and the old.
Who will listen closely to the “clap trap” you have told?
We know words are important. That cannot be denied.
But who will listen to you if you’re twisted up inside?
Who will give approval to anything you say,
Unless communicated in the most consistent way.
Actions denote character. Your words are just hot air.
Unless folk see the evidence of how you really care,
Your “faith” will be regarded as pure hypocrisy.
Unless it’s plainly evident by what the folk can see.
I do not love my spouse if she is battered and is bruised.
You may shout “Hallelujah!” but the fact is you’re confused.
You cannot speak of honesty with fingers in the till.
The people will believe it when you pay your every bill.
You cannot look at women if you’re laden down with lust;
And no one will believe you if your words they cannot trust.
You cannot be a Christian while you’re in the devil’s camp.
How can you be a Christian if you’re living like a tramp?
I truly can’t point fingers. It’s true for you and me.
We cannot hear the fruit while it is hanging on the tree.
You know it is an apple by its colour, shape and size.
It doesn’t shout “come eat me, I will make you very wise!”`
You’ll only ever hear it when falls upon the ground.
And that’s approximately how a Christian is found.
He doesn’t sing his praises. He turns the other cheek.
He knows his strongest moments are the times when he is weak.
He knows that for promotion he has to step right down.
He seldom has a mansion in the poshest part of town.
He only has one purpose; to live for other folk.
To hover in the background and support the other bloke.
He doesn’t “push” his ministry. It matters not at all,
If others get the credit when he has done it all!
He always is contented regardless of his state.
Poverty or riches, He’s quite content to wait,
And bow before his Master and look into His eyes.
Jesus is important, not all the other guys.
He knows the Lord is watching and that Jesus Christ will say,
Well done My faithful servant. You lived your life My way!
Jim Strickland – written Thursday, 16 June 2011