Thursday, October 24, 2013


Time with Jesus - 25 Oct 2013 

Hi all,
Scissors, Paper, Stone
How did you settle arguments back in your school days? Often it was a question of “might is right”. You didn’t disagree with those who were in a higher standard (grade). It could be painful. What about settling arguments with those in the same standard? On rare occasions, it came to “fisty-cuffs”, outside behind the back of the school. That didn’t really help. The stronger one won, even if he was wrong.

There was another way of deciding things. We called it “hic-hack-hoc”. The reason I mention it, is because Phyllida and I actually saw a brother and sister playing “hic-hack-hoc” last Saturday afternoon in Peter Torien’s theatre. We were there to see two of our favourite South Africa thespians; Jonathan Roxmouth and Angela Killian, the stars in “Sunset Boulevard”.
Three Views in One
 Jonathan was up to his usual standard of excellence. The real star, who stole the show, was Angela. What a performance she put on as an ageing movie star from the days before sound! Absolutely stunning! We think it’s the best performance we have seen from her for a number of years. But I digress.
A Flick of a Coin or Stone?
Graham Smith
“Hic-hack-hoc” was played by two players using only one hand. You had to choose between a stone, a piece of paper and a pair of scissors. There was a “winner” every time. The paper covered the stone; the stone broke the scissors and the scissors cut the paper. 
Michael Clarke
Scissors or Rude ?
Of course if both players chose the same thing, it was a draw and you tried again. In some respects it was a better way to settle something than flipping a coin. Mind you, I’m not sure how the fans would react to seeing Graham Smith playing “hic-hack-hoc” with Michael Clarke to decide who would do what!
As I recall, in those days, teams were selected by “one potato, two potato, three potato, four; five potato, six potato, seven potato, raw!” 
Not to be recommended for the SA rugby squad or cricket team, although there could be no arguments about whether selections were made on merit or to satisfy quotas. Perhaps “Bafana - Bafana” just might find a winning team with this “potato” method! It couldn’t be much worse than what is happening right now.
The Three Views
In the church, settling disagreements has never been easy. We see an example of this in Acts 15. The issue was whether or not Gentiles should be circumcised. Jerusalem was where this memorable convention took place. Today we talk about “Vatican 1” or “Vatican 2”. Since this was the very first of all the Christian Conventions, I suppose we should call it “Jerusalem 1”. 
Looking for Tomorrow
with Eager Anticipation
With apologies to William Shakespeare, the convention might have been advertised in the Jerusalem Times of the day as, “To be or not to be, that is the question!” or perhaps, “Gentiles for the Chop?” It seems that the issue was hotly debated and went on for some time. 
Eventually, and very much on the leading of the Holy Spirit, Peter, Paul, Barnabus and James (Jesus’ brother) persuaded the Council to approve what I like to call, “The Gentile Freedom Charter”. People tell me that I’m biased, because I’m a gentile – at least I was before Jesus changed my life. Nevertheless this was one of the most important decisions ever taken by God’s people.
Since those “long gone” days, the Church has splintered into so many pieces, it’s a wonder we all seek to serve the same Jesus. On occasions, I’ve had serious doubts about that. For hundreds of years, the Church held all believers in bondage on pain of death for heresy. Dissenters were pursued and massacred for not following “Rome’s line”. 
King Henry VII
Martin Luther is the man to whom has been attributed the honour of “sparking off” the Protestant revival. King Henry VIII of England, split away from Rome and appointed himself as head of the Anglican Church. It was because the Pope of the day wouldn’t grant him a divorce from Catherine of Aragon so he could marry Anne Boleyn.
Catherine of Aragon
Today, churches do much the same. Two church leaders disagree, so they both go their separate ways, taking with them as many supporters as they can. There was no Jerusalem council meeting. Usually, there was no Holy Spirit in the decision either. Mostly it was two men fighting over trifles, blown out of all proportion for effect to justify their own unwillingness to submit to each other! Both say God was on their side. I doubt it!
Anne Boleyn
This reminds me of the fully armed, young, God-fearing Boer, looking down on the advancing British troops at Spioenkop. He spoke to the Lord and said, “Lord, I know that down in that valley there are many Christian men and unbelievers. I can’t tell the one from the other. Soon the command will be given to ‘open fire’. You know I must do so Lord. No doubt I’ll kill a number of them. If not they’ll kill me. So Lord, my prayer is. Please stay out of the fight!”
Yogi Bear and Boo Boo
We all laugh at the predicament of this young Boer. But over 100 years later, we are not much different. No, we don’t fight about whether or not to circumcise Gentiles, or some other equally lofty ideal. No! We squabble over whether or not the all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are for today. 
We argue about baptism; should it be for believers only; or should we “Christen” babies? Hymn’s or Choruses? Women in ministry? Charismatic or Evangelical? Real wine or grape juice at communion? Then, when we have put all this to bed in our own minds, we come up with, “pre-trib, mid-trib or post-trib”! 
As if it really matters. What we do know, is that when it happens, we will all be off together. Now, that I like! As Yogi Bear would say, “I’m with you, Boo-boo”. Sorry about that. Like me or not, you’re stuck with me! (and me with you). 

Perhaps this is a good place to say, “Beam me up Jesus (Scottie), there’s no intelligent life down here! Even so, Come Lord Jesus.

Jim & Phyllida Strickland

Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give
Time with Jesus – 25 Oct 2013
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give
These devotionals are the intellectual property of Jim Strickland and copyright protected. You are welcome to copy and distribute them to anyone provided it is for non-commercial Christian purposes
The Great Tribulation. One thing all Christians agree, is that it will happen. Jesus made this very clear: 21 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. Matthew 24:21 ESV According to Strong, the Greek word is thlipsis (thlip'-sis) which means “pressure (literally or figuratively) such as afflicted, (-ion), anguish, burdened, persecution, tribulation, trouble.  Eugene Peterson translates the same verse: This is going to be trouble on a scale beyond what the world has ever seen, or will see again. It follows it’s not something any of us should look forward to. It’s going to be very tough! Now if that was all there was to it, Christians would agree. They know it will happen. The question is, “when”? That’s when things get decidedly murky!
The disagreement focuses around the non-biblical word “Rapture”. The Bible talks about our being “caught up” (1 Thess. 4:17) to meet the Lord in the air. The disagreement is whether the “rapture” will occur before, during or after the tribulation. Of course this is an over-simplification. Tomes thick enough to choke a donkey have been written attacking and defending each author’s opinion concerning “when”. But which one is correct? That’s the $1 000 000 question!
The most popular view in Western Christianity is the pre-tribulation rapture. It is comforting to think that when the big trouble comes, you and I will not be here. We will be having a party in the sky somewhere with Jesus and all the saints who have gone before us. This may not be theologically correct. But who wants to be here when God pours out His wrath? Any volunteers? Personally, not me. The reason is because I don’t fancy being “tribulated”! I’m also not entirely convinced the Scripture supports this view. But that’s just me!
The view of the Church Fathers was the post-trib rapture. i.e. Jesus will come for His saints afterwards. This view was held by all the Church up to about 1820. Changes came about as a result of some of the thoughts of J N Derby. Along with others he rediscovered many forgotten Biblical truths. The idea was taken to the USA and promoted by Dr C I Scofield, a brilliant man and preacher. In 1909 a KJV Bible with his notes was published. This included pre-trib theology. It was and is hugely popular. In USA this view is almost universally accepted.
The other view; the mid-trib rapture, is not extensively supported. It may be little more than a place to settle between pre-and post trib thinking. Ultimately it’s up to you to decide. What is sad is that most Christians seem to have forgotten the protective power of God. He can still protect His people. He is greater than the tribulation. He preserved His people during the Babylonian invasion. He still can!
Jim & Phyllida

7 The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.
1 Peter 4:7 ESV

Pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib. Which one do you prefer?
No matter what folk want to think, it causes quite a stir!
It hasn’t reached the stages yet, of grabbing by the throat.
But folk who think that they are right just sit around and gloat.
“I’m going with the first batch; the day the dead will rise.
I‘m sorry, I don’t want to see the sorrow in the eyes,
Of those who didn’t get it right. For I can guarantee,
That when the tribulation comes, nobody will find me.
I’m going to the party, with Jesus in the sky.
And all those sort of fun and games will simply pass me by.
The Lord thinks I am special, so I will go ahead,
And leave the unbelievers to suffer ‘til they’re dead!”
“You’ve got it wrong!” mid-trib replies, “it happens in the middle.
And through the comfy, early bit, you’re going to have to fiddle.
You’ll have to stay and watch it and hope you won’t get caught.
For if they get their hands on you, your prospects equal naught.
So we will miss the first bit; before things get real bad.
And then we’ll take the fast train and be with Jesus’ Dad!”
“I’m sorry, you are both wrong!” Post-trib to them declares.
“Better dig a basement and fire-proof the stairs.
You will have to hide away till tribulations done.
Then listen for the trumpet call announcing that God’s Son,
Is calling you to glory; to join Him in the sky.
Hopefully the worst of it will simply pass you by.
Have you heard these arguments? Which one appeals to you?
It really doesn’t matter. The Living God will do,
That which He intended before time was begun.
Pre-trib; mid-trib; post-trib; before you turn and run,
Could it be that some of you are also incorrect?
Have you all forgotten, that Father will protect,
Those who will be faithful? So let the tempest rage.
He will do what He has done in each and every age.
Of course you may be martyred. Do not be filled with fear.
Jesus Christ has promised that He is ever near.
You will be rewarded; it will be worth the pain.
And you will get a special crown, when Jesus comes again.
Jim Strickland
written 25th Oct 2012

11 Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. From his presence earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them.
Revelation 20:11 ESV

7 And by the same word, the present heavens and earth have been stored up for fire. They are being kept for the day of judgment, when ungodly people will be destroyed.
2 Peter 3:7 NLT

To the choirmaster. Of the Sons of Korah. According to Alamoth. A Song. 1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. 2 Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, 3 though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Selah
Psalms 46:1-3 ESV

6 You will hear of wars and rumours of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.
Matthew 24:6 TNIV

1 We know that the earthly tent we live in will be destroyed. But we have a building made by God. It is a house in heaven that lasts forever. Human hands did not build it.
2 Corinthians 5:1 NIrV

13 But we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth. Godliness will make its home there. All of this is in keeping with God's promise. 14 Dear friends, I know you are looking forward to that. So try your best to be found pure and without blame. Be at peace with God.
2 Peter 3:13-14 NIrV