Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Time with Jesus - Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Hi all,
The elixir of youth. Not exactly Christian but the “Holy Grail” of most non-Christians. Why not? Most people would like to live forever. In some ways, it’s still very popular. Although we all know that, unless the Lord returns beforehand, we are 100% certain to die.
This overwhelming certainty doesn’t seem to bother any of us. Why? Because God has put eternity in our hearts. 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. Ecc 3:11 ESV So in spite of the overwhelming evidence we think it won’t happen. Not yet anyway.
This “eternity” concept is supported by science which tells us that there is no reason why our bodies should die. Scientifically we should live indefinitely. Except for the fact at some juncture in our lives, the cells don’t work as well as they did. The final outcome is well known and inevitable.
But the Lord has not left us helpless in our situation. Put simply the principle is; Born twice, die once. Born once, die twice. The maths is strange. I doubt if Newton would approve. But it’s still true.
In the meantime we have an opportunity of being obedient to the Lord. It’s all there in His Word. It is best summed up and recommended by Jesus. 30 And you must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.' Mark 12:30 NLT
We see here that husbands are commanded to love their wives. Probably, because as a general rule, they don’t. Oddly enough wives are not commanded to love their husbands. Could it be because most of them do? Unlikely. But we are all commanded to love our neighbour as ourselves. I can’t think of any husband who isn’t his wife’s neighbour. So we are all left stranded in our own love boats! Thank God for that
Today’s meditation is about love. What else?
Jim & Phyllida Strickland

Knowing Jesus

This is life eternal, to know God’s only S        John 17:3 GW 
And this is what’s important when all is said and done.
We have some strange ideas; we think it is a place
But really it’s with Jesus Christ and looking at His face
Of course it will be somewhere. But I don’t care a jot.
As long as I’m with Jesus I’m in the proper spot.
The very words He speaks to us are spirit and are life.
All other human effort bring nothing more than strife.
But how is it we get their? The Lord has made it plain
The only opportunity is being born again.
We’ve got to quit the contract that’s locked us into death.
We have to follow Jesus with each and every breath.
Unlike the Law of Moses the covenant He’s made
Has made it possible for us that He may be obeyed.
This is a different covenant. This one is clean and new.
And He has made it possible for folk like me and you
To follow and obey Him and go the way’s He’s led.
And we may all partake of Him; of Christ the living bread.
We’re told how we should love Him; as husband loves his wife.
Be constantly aware of Her and even give his life.
If it’s in the best interests of the woman he has wed.
Give her the pre-eminence and, as the Lord has said
She’ll give her submission as she’s been told to do.
Never by compulsion, but out of love for you!
But how can it be possible for us to live this way?
It isn’t complicated. Just honour and obey
The master who has shown you the Bible is the place
For us to find the right way for all the human race.
Obey its guiding principles; for it will keep you pure.
It will bring you comfort when is so hard to endure.
It will give instructions more valuable than gold.
And its awesome wonders for you it will unfold.
Taste His Word. It’s sweeter than honey from the comb.
Read it to your family when gathered in your home.
God is not a spoil-sport. He wants to see you thrive.
And think you have the very finest family alive.
All this seems incredible; but there is so much more?
Made available to those, whom Jesus Christ adore.
Jim Strickland – Written  14th March 2012