Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Time with Jesus - Wednesday, 01 February 2012
Hi all,
The only Righteousness a Christian possesses is that which has been given to him in Christ. This is one of those things we’ve heard about but don’t really understand. Paul writes, 21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Cor 5:21 TNIV
As I read and come to terms with this, I’m compelled to believe that God has made me righteous. Many years ago, Dr Ken Stewart put it as follows. Jesus had all the righteousness and we had all the sin. Then we traded. He got our sin and we got His righteousness. It may sound very unfair. But God is not “fair”. Fairness is a human expression and does not apply to God. There’s nothing fair about the first being last and the last being first. There’s nothing fair about him taking our sinfulness and giving us His righteousness. He does it by grace; and grace is seldom “fair”.
God chose to do this. He didn’t have to do it. He didn’t need to do it. His infinite grace welled up and as a result we traded. So in some inexplicable way, in Him I have been made righteous. Don’t blame me for this. God did it and I’m not complaining.
I must confess that in those early days, I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t feel like it, look like it or behave like it. If anyone had asked me if I was righteous, I would have said, “No Way!” None of that has changed. But since then I’ve learned to lean more and more on Jesus Christ. I like to put it this way. I may look like a cheap and nasty old fiddle. But the Lord tells me I’m a Stradivarius. The music I play sounds terrible. The strings are broken and the bow is twisted and bent. Then Jesus picks me up and begins to play the very music of heaven. One day, I’ll look like a Stradivarius. In the meantime, “Play on Lord Jesus”. You see, He has made me righteous. Don’t blame me for the way I look! Furthermore, it was His idea and I’m not arguing with Him!
Today’s meditation looks at God’s standard of righteousness.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland.

God’s Righteous standards

There’s never been a single day in all of history,
That anyone’s been righteous. It cannot ever be.
But there is one exception. Our Master, Jesus Christ.
He was completely perfect. His righteousness sufficed,
All of the requirement that Father God required;
And it’s by His perfection we do what He’s desired.
God created Adam and he was innocent.
It’s when he had defected, that human life was bent.
Of course men claim that they are good. But it is a delusion.
None of us are righteous. So let’s clear the confusion.
Any righteousness that you perceive in me and you,
Is nothing of our making; but just what Christ can do.
The fact is, we are wearing His cloak of righteousness.
Take a look what’s underneath and see the ugly mess!
Some say this is offensive. “My righteousness is fine.
I’ve always been a “good guy” and I’m content with mine”
But here is what is shocking. The best that’s ever done,
Is just a pile of garbage the Lord above will shun.
No matter what we think we are, we cannot make the grade.
The finest deed done by the flesh and anything that’s made,
Is far beneath the standards the Lord above demands.
It’s tainted by the filthiness of sinful human hands.
So when we start repenting, we must bear this in mind.
We’re wicked, ugly sinners. In us you cannot find
A morsel of true righteousness. And so we must repent
Of all the “good things” we have done. They’re twisted, warped and bent.
So now let us all face the facts. It is in Christ alone,
That we acquire our righteousness. Do I detect a moan?
“Without Him I am nothing? I’m sure that cannot be.
There has to be a little good deep down inside of me.”
But that is a deception. Whatever you may see,
Came down to you from heaven and from His Majesty.
So let us all be sober and take a proper look;
See what has been written in God’s Most Holy Book.
Forget about your goodness. It isn’t good at all.
It doesn’t meet His standards. I hope this makes you stall.
Because, till this is understood, you’ll think you’re good enough.
But it is what the Lord declares. I’m sorry if it’s tough!
I’m sad if you’re offended. I wish it wasn’t true.
I’d like to think the things I’ve done was all I need to do.
But Jesus Christ has made the rules. He is the referee
And He will blow the whistle on “stuff” from you and me.
Jim Strickland – Written Wednesday 1st February 2012