Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Time with Jesus - Wednesday, 08 February 2012
Hi all,
Have you ever read or heard accounts of men or women taken briefly to see heaven and/or hell? Many Christians and unbelievers find these visits fascinating and highly descriptive. Certainly they can and do challenge people to examine their relationship with Jesus Christ. This is a good thing. The question is, “How real are they?” None of us can say with any degree of certainty that the one describing the “event” really saw what they claimed to see. Indeed, some of the statements made by these “visitors” appear to be inaccurate. Most of us have a tendency to elaborate on what we have seen and add a bit of our own opinion thrown in for good measure.
Many years ago, in Emmanuel Church on Grosvenor Road (Now called New Life Church) I felt moved to bring a prophetic word. I duly went to the front and was handed the microphone. The message I believed I was to bring was the following: "Why do you call me Lord but don't do what I tell you?Luke 6:46 GW It was a very challenging message; one which remains true for all Christians today. But somehow or other I felt that I should continue. So for the next couple of minutes I rabbited on inanely trying to add something extra. All I succeeded in doing was to confuse everyone with my drivel. Afterwards, it was clear that my contribution made things worse. I wasn’t deliberately intending to cloud the issue. I was trying to be helpful. One thing it did do was make me aware that we are all able to deflect the truth from something by a desire to be helpful. It’s a very common human weakness. I suspect that this is the sort of thing that sometimes happens when people elaborate on their experiences in heaven or hell. They are not deliberately telling lies. They are trying to be more helpful.
Today’s meditation takes a look at the New Jerusalem. Some of it was written several years ago; in particular the portion about the foundation of the walls being from semi-precious stones. Getting them all included into rhyme and metre was a real challenge. So what I’ve done is to incorporate portions of that poem into today’s meditation.
In the construction of this meditation I’ve tried to stick to the descriptions in the Bible. (NIV) The New Jerusalem will be so much more than this poor description. Quoting from Isaiah 64:4, Paul tells us: 9 It is written, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has known what God has prepared for those who love him." 1 Cor 2:9 NIrV In the case of my description and God’s Word, it’s clear that the most fertile mind can’t imagine the things God has prepared for us. All we can do is point to the unimaginable, unseen world and agree with John the apostle, 20 He who is the faithful witness to all these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon!" Amen! Come, Lord Jesus! Rev 22:20 NLT
Jim & Phyllida Strickland.

We're looking for a city that will ever more endure.
One, not made with human hands, but that Jesus has made pure.
The Heavenly Jerusalem that Jesus Christ prepared,
For those who love and follow Him and whom His teachings shared;
The mansion He erected that's filled with love and light;
With streams of living water flowing outward day and night;
And trees that have the healing of the nations in their leaf,
Which bear twelve different kinds of fruit and harvest-time's not brief;
Where walls are made from jasper and the city is pure gold.
Laid on a foundation that is lovely to behold.
From emerald and sardonyx, from beryl and sapphire,
Chrysolite and amethyst that glows with inner fire;
With chrysoprase, carnelian and precious chalcedony,
With jacinth and twelve gates of pearl in glittering harmony.
We’ll call the walls “Salvation”, The gates will be called “Praise”
In honour of the Master, the Ancient of all Days.
The city has been measured. It’s long and wide and high.
About two thousand meters that reaches to the sky.
We think it would fit perfectly, right within our moon.
We cannot wait to see it. “Lord Jesus, come back soon!”
Twelve gates have been inserted. Three gates along each side.
An angel’s stationed at each one; each gate identified;
And named after the founders of the tribes of Israel.
The names of the apostles are written there as well,
On each of the foundations. Their service to the Lord,
Acknowledged for eternity where Jesus is adored!
It doesn't need a temple,  Almighty God is there;
And Jesus Christ illuminates the pure and death free air.
But, what makes heaven wonderful is not what man can see,
It's rather just the presence of the Lord of Majesty;
The ever-living presence of the God of endless love;
The radiance of everything The Christ! The Lord Above!
It’s been years in the making; a home for Jesus’ bride;
A place where every one of us, will constantly abide.
Furnished to perfection, to suit each person’s taste.
Where nothing that was done for Him will ever go to waste.
At last we will be with Him. Our Saviour, Lord and King.
We’d rather be with You O Lord, far more than anything.
Jim Strickland – Written Wednesday 8th February 2012