Thursday, June 23, 2011


They didn’t march just anyhow but how the Lord decreed.
To do it any other way would not increase their speed.
It would be a disaster. The Lord would not endorse,
A different way of marching. It was His stated course.
So why was this so different on those three special days?
To really understand it, see what the Bible says.
The Ark was in the centre. God’s pillar took the lead.
To point out the direction His people had to heed
The cloud provided shelter from the scorching midday sun
The fire kept them warm at night until the day begun
Was this an exception with the Ark up front instead?
A quaint misunderstanding of the words that we have read?
There’s no way to be certain but of this we can be sure.
A King can lead an army from anywhere secure!!!
Even if He’s standing in the middle of His troops,
His standard goes in front of them in case their spirit droops!
He’s just as much their leader regardless where He’s placed.
His leadership inspires them; they will not be disgraced.
Perhaps this is the meaning God decided to display.
For God will lead His people in His very special way.
His actual location is the spot which He decides.
He’s also all around them and since He always guides,
His actual position be it middle, front or rear,
Is rather immaterial. He’s unquestionably near.
So what is it we learn from this extraordinary tale?
Perhaps the most important is that He will never fail.
He’ll lead and guide His followers. He can’t be undermined.
Perhaps we cannot pinpoint Him but those who seek Him, find.
For He is all around us. He’s north, south, east and west.
To lead us to wherever from the place that suits Him best.
He’ll always be attentive to His people when we pray.
Omnipotent, omniscient in His omnipresent way.
And as He led His people in those days so long ago,
He’ll always be the leader of the ones who love Him so.
Jim  Strickland – written Friday, 24 June 2011