Thursday, September 8, 2011


The Lord God gave them “manna”; there was nothing else to eat.
They said the name meant “What is it”? Some sort of heavenly treat.
It looked a bit like “hoar frost” all scattered on the ground;
The wilderness was covered with something small and round.
No one had ever eaten a thing like this before;
And so they went to Moses to know what was in store.
It looked like coriander and lay round like the dew.
But what is it we do with it? It seemed nobody knew.
Moses told them that it was a type of heaven’s bread.
You must go out and gather it is what the Lord had said.
Go and collect one homer for each and every man.
Enough to feed the family according to God’s plan.
Do not keep it overnight for worms will make it smell.
And so they all collected it as best as we can tell.
For forty years God fed them this very special bread.
He filled the hungry with good things; with nothing else instead.
The Jewish people tell us the flavour was unique.
Whatever they desired to taste, each person then could seek.
No matter what they wanted, that flavour was right there.
They’d cook it anyway they liked - no problems to prepare.
God gave to them the manna each day for all those years,
Except upon the Sabbath day; that is how it appears.
Today there is no Manna. Christ is our Living Bread.
He tells us all to feed on Him precisely as He said.
He is our bread from heaven and He will slake our thirst.
He tells us, “Open wide your mouth”. I want you blessed not cursed.
The rich who think they have it all will not receive a thing.
But if you’re poor and hungry, you’ll come beneath My wing!
So God still feeds the hungry. He feeds us from on high.
And those who give their lives to Him will never ever die.
It isn’t cotton candy or hamburgers and chips.
He sees that just the best cuisine will pass across our lips.
He feeds us with His body. Our manna every way.
Is not like coriander seed which smells by the next day.
It’s something from the tree of life which issues from His throne,
Prepared for those who love Him and want Him as their own!
We feast on His abundance and on His love we dine.
For what He gives is perfect and utterly Divine.
Jim Strickland – written Friday, 09 September 2011