Saturday, October 22, 2011


I’ve sometimes sat and wondered about prosperity.
What exactly is it, and its effect on me?
We mostly think of money and the balance in the bank.
And for this false conception, who is it we should thank?
It’s mostly from the circles we move in every day;
And so we think prosperity comes in a certain way.
We look at people’s houses; their motor cars and yachts;
Or very costly holidays in very different spots.
If that depicts the wealthy and their affluent lifestyle.
The distance from the average man is greater than a mile!
We also know of people who’ve amassed a hoard of gold.
But are these people happy? The answer’s “No”, I’m told.
The problem for rich people is putting cash away.
They’re saving for the future; or for a rainy day,
When everything evaporates and crumbles in a heap.
When things are so expensive, you settle for what’s cheap.
And so we split investments protecting what we’ve got,
Thinking there is plenty when actually there’s not!
The question we must ask ourselves is where to put our trust?
In silver, gold and diamonds whose value turns to rust?
We have to look beyond this, to where shares are guaranteed.
To someone who will care for us regardless of our need.
There’s really just one person on Whom we can rely.
That’s Jesus Christ the Saviour, whose care will never die.
He has a bank in heaven with assets so immense,
To even try and count them makes very little sense.
It isn’t only money the bank of Heaven keeps.
It’s open seven, twenty four. In fact it never sleeps!
Withdrawals are made easy, without a banking card.
You’ll only have to ask the Lord; it isn’t very hard.
His line is always open. You access it by prayer.
There’s no long distance charges; it’s local everywhere.
There are no credit ratings. There is no banking fee.
The Master’s always listening for folk like you and me.
Your cheque may be post-dated; your blessing be delayed.
But He will never let you down; so do not be afraid!
You get just what’s required to meet your daily need.
Provided you don’t want it to satisfy your greed.
This must be true prosperity; the way I’ve just defined;
So let’s be realistic. Where else will Christians find,
A deal that’s more attractive, than any earthly bank?
And for these special services there’s only Christ to thank.
Jim Strickland – Written 23 October 2011