Friday, March 9, 2012


Time with Jesus - Saturday, 10 March 2012
Hi all,
Many years ago I was told that the Bible is the greatest love story the world has ever known. I wasn't quite sure what was meant by this. Then I started to read it. I found that, if anything, the claim is an understatement!
The Bible is the story of God creating a people who, because of sin, refused to believe in Him. Most had no interest in Him and His claims. In spite of Him knowing all this before He began creating. He concluded that it was worth while. I’m prompted to say, “God alone knows why?” It’s about as clear to me as hieroglyphics to a blind man. But the more I “got into” the Bible the clearer it became.
At first it was astonishing to realise that God had no reason to create anything. He was and is complete. No needs! No urgent or unfinished business. Creating us, would not add to, or assist Him in any way. Furthermore, not creating us would also not change anything. We learn that He did it for His own good pleasure.
I must admit that this being done for His pleasure was puzzling? What possible pleasure can there be in creating men and women like us? Knowing what He knew, I don’t think I would have bothered. Of course, I’m not God so am in no position to comment meaningfully. Looking at the way we are now, creation for His own good pleasure seems to me to be totally masochistic. The human race seems to be unlovable and a contradiction to the very concept of love. It makes no sense to create something that will behave completely the opposite of what we are. To us it’s a bit like making a dog that we know is going to bite us!
Thank You Lord that You are not like that! Thank You that You can see beyond what we are, to what we can and will be in the fullness of time. Thank You that You love the unlovely. Thank You that You love every one of us. It seems beyond belief. But we must conclude that deep within Your loving heart, You knew that in the end, everything would work out correctly. No doubt ultimately, in the courts of heaven and history, we will come to the conclusion that You were right. Forgive us for doubting this. Forgive me for doubting that the entire story is the greatest love story the world has ever known.
Today’s meditation looks at this honestly.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland

The Greatest Love

The Bible is a story about the greatest love,
That ever has been written by Father God above.
On every page it glistens with the story of His care,
For everyone who’s every lived. It doesn’t matter where.
It tells us that the Trinity decided to create,
People and a Kingdom that knew nothing about hate!
Each step He went about it, is told simplistically.
Anyone who reads it can grasp it instantly.
It tells us of a garden, of animals and plants;
Of many different species of insects and of ants.
He made them male and female and told them, “Multiply,
Fill the earth with everything on earth and in the sky”.
Then He made His masterpiece; a man to run it all.
A woman was handcrafted, from his rib so very small.
The two were told to multiply; begin to fill the place.
That they were the progenitors, of all the human race.
The Bible then continues and tells us of the fall.
And indicates that Satan came in and spoiled it all.
The love that God intended was distorted by this act.
And sin came in to spoil it; and death became a fact.
But God had known about it when He started to create.
He knew the very instant. He knew the time and date.
But since love has it’s centre, in the middle of His heart,
The fall of man could never tear his love for us apart.
The problem is, a Holy God can’t tolerate our sin.
This was a major problem. But solvable by Him.
He sent His Son to pay the price His Holiness demanded!
So we were free to love Him and do what He commanded.
We see this sort of love displayed throughout God’s Holy Word.
It seems quite unbelievable and utterly absurd.
This love is supernatural it looks at how we’ve been,
And knows about our wickedness and that we are unclean.
But He was not mistaken when He created man.
Long before He made us, He came up with His plan.

So we can all come to Him and thank Him for His love.
Praise His Name forever; that Father God above,
Put a plan in action so we can be redeemed.
A plan which is far better, than human minds have dreamed.
Don’t ask me why He did it. I cannot even guess.
But Father in His awesome love decided He would bless.
A people undeserving of love of any kind,
Could live with Him forever! Such love just blows my mind!
Jim Strickland – Written 10th March 2012