Thursday, November 3, 2011


It can be very difficult just following the Lord.
To practice what it says to us, in Jesus’ Holy Word.
We much prefer to compromise, so we don’t have to do,
The very thing we’re certain, that Jesus told us to!
At times it’s inconvenient to swim against the stream.
Especially when we’re following our very special dream.
And when we look around us and find the going rough,
We know that what is needed is to call the devil’s bluff.
He doesn’t make it easy. He fights us all the way.
We have but one solution and that is we must pray!
And even as we do it, we find it is a trial,
To make us lose our patience, or contradict our smile.
At times it feels as though we are passing through a fire.
That’s when our motivation, becomes the one desire,
That Christ has placed within us. The heat becomes intense;
We realise the effort for us is now immense.
It feels like being purified as silver or as gold,
As slowly all that’s not of God begins to lose its hold.
It shouldn’t be surprising, nor should we think it strange.
It happens to each one of us as Christ comes into range.
We know what has been happening. We’re passing through a trial.
It will not last forever. We’ll suffer for a while!
We know it is His discipline administered in love,
By someone understanding. The Lord God High above.
He treats us like a father who disciplines his son.
Knowing that He does it to each and everyone,
Who want to follow after, His Son in what they do.
So each and every motive is demonstrated true.
Our Master went before us. He didn’t sin at all!
The Great High Priest Who understands how easily we fall.
He wants us to have confidence, before the throne of grace,
Where we are shown His mercy and are given pride of place.
Not because of anything that anyone has done.
But simply on the basis, He is His Father’s Son.
So let us all continue. He’s said we are secure.
We will not be tempted more than what we can endure.
And with the temptation, which we can all resist,
We conquer by the power of His great and mighty fist.
Jim Strickland – Written - 04 November 2011