Time with Jesus - Monday, 10 June
Since committing my life to
Jesus in 1960, I found that Christians are not always “happy” with other
Christians. The problem is usually, because you or I don’t measure up to their
understanding of what a Christian is, or should be.
Of course it’s a stunt from Satan. He wants us to believe that each of us individually is the epitome of Christianity. Thus, anyone who doesn’t conform to the “picture” we have in our mind, cannot possibly be a real Christian. It’s as though God has prepared a special part of heaven, reserved for the exclusive use of those who believe like they do. Incidentally, I’ve been there, so I know how it feels and how terrible you feel when the Lord pricks your bubble!
Of course it’s a stunt from Satan. He wants us to believe that each of us individually is the epitome of Christianity. Thus, anyone who doesn’t conform to the “picture” we have in our mind, cannot possibly be a real Christian. It’s as though God has prepared a special part of heaven, reserved for the exclusive use of those who believe like they do. Incidentally, I’ve been there, so I know how it feels and how terrible you feel when the Lord pricks your bubble!
Back then I was what we now
refer to as WASP’s. (White, Anglo-Saxon Protestant’s) From what I remember of
this heresy, there will be no other people in heaven! I’ve deliberately chosen
an extreme example for the purposes of illustration. It’s because each
denomination in turn has swallowed it hook line and sinker; this means we have
probably all been there at one time in our walk with Jesus.
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Sorcerer's Apprentice |
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By Holy as I am Holy |
Holiness is therefore, not an
option. It’s a command. Scripture clearly teaches, that God requires us to
“work at living a holy life”. It’s interesting to note Jesus “requires” us to
“work” at living a holy life. The implications are enormous. You and I can
never work for salvation. It is a free gift from the grace of God. But when it
comes to holiness, it becomes our responsibility. We know that we can’t do it
without the power of His Holy Spirit. But it is clearly our task and not His.
It’s the sanctification process expressed in simple terms. You and I must try and do it. We must desire to be holy. He will empower us to become holy. But He will not do it for us. Being holy is a bit like learning to play the piano. You must try it and keep practicing until you can do it. It doesn’t help if the piano teacher can do it. It’s up to you. Is it your desire for you to be a good pianist? Fine! Begin practicing! Do you want to live a holy life? Fine; start practicing. You have a better holiness teacher than any piano teacher can ever be. You have the Holy Spirit. He will tell you how well you are doing it. Occasionally, He may resort to a spot of discipline. It depends on how well you are getting on.
It’s the sanctification process expressed in simple terms. You and I must try and do it. We must desire to be holy. He will empower us to become holy. But He will not do it for us. Being holy is a bit like learning to play the piano. You must try it and keep practicing until you can do it. It doesn’t help if the piano teacher can do it. It’s up to you. Is it your desire for you to be a good pianist? Fine! Begin practicing! Do you want to live a holy life? Fine; start practicing. You have a better holiness teacher than any piano teacher can ever be. You have the Holy Spirit. He will tell you how well you are doing it. Occasionally, He may resort to a spot of discipline. It depends on how well you are getting on.
I’m sometimes asked what a holy
life looks like. My answer is, “living a sin free life”. Perhaps a better
answer is to say, “Live the way Jesus Christ did”. How do we do that? Read
Matthew’s Gospel, 5 to7. We call it the Sermon on the Mount. “But that’s
impossible”. That’s a great answer. Let’s add the “H” for Holy Spirit to the
front of the word. We find that impossible becomes Him-possible. For you and
me, a holy life is impossible. But in the power of the Spirit it changes to
“Him-possible”. There is no other way.
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Victory only comes from Surrender. Surrender in Obedience to Him |
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give |
Time with Jesus – 10 June 2013 |
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give |
These devotionals are the intellectual property of
Jim Strickland and copyright protected. You are welcome to copy and
distribute them to anyone provided it is for non-commercial Christian purposes
Disney. What does the name mean to you? For me, the name triggers off
memories of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and all the various comic books and
cartoons which were so popular when I was growing up. You can still see some
of them occasionally on DSTV Cartoon Network. I was about 10 years old when I
saw “Fantasia”. I can still remember small portions of it. The most vivid is
the Sorcerer’s Apprentice. The lazy apprentice “cast a spell” on the broom to
wash the floor. Then, he couldn’t shut the broom down. In desperation he
chopped it up. Then all the pieces of broom began doing the same thing. It
concluded with the return of the Sorcerer. Not exactly Christian but Mickey
Mouse was the apprentice. At 10 years we are more interested in comedy than
little earlier, Walt Disney released the movie “Snow White and the Seven
Dwarfs”. It was a full length movie with lots of comedy mixed with tragedy.
One of the early scenes in the movie was of the wicked queen looking into the
mirror and saying, “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the fairest one of
all?” Previously the mirror had always answered and said that she was. On
this occasion the mirror said it was Snow White.
this idea originated is not clear. What I do know is that in the Epistle of
James we find a reference to looking into a mirror. (James
1:22-25) James draws a comparison between reading God’s Word and doing
what it says. Of course James’ injunction is to be doers of the Word and not
hearers only. I must say that James was being very “21st century”
in his statement. My observation is that Christianity has a plethora of men
and women who have very little intention of doing what the Word says. They
want to be like the wicked queen from Snow White. They want to be told they
are doing fine, “Mirror, Mirror on The Wall, Who is doing best of all? The
problem is the mirror is a liar! If you read what God’s Word says and are not
obedient, your mirror is warped and cracked and you are looking at a
caricature of Christianity. Sure it will show you what you want to see. But
is that what God sees?
suspect that a large percentage of those who claim the Name of Christ are
about as Christian as a tadpole. Their brand of Christianity does not conform
to God’s Word. They read the Bible and see all about the genuine Christian
lifestyle. But they have no intention of doing what it says. They are
convinced that God’s grace will cover anything they want to do. “God
understands!” is the comment I hear all around me. But they are mistaken.
God’s sympathy and understanding are reserved for those who are seeking to do
what He says. Like Mickey Mouse they would rather try and cast a spell on something
to do it for them. In the end they get so swept up with self-deception, they
need to ask Jesus to come and fix things. He will do so. But not at the price
most are willing to pay.
Jim & Phyllida
12 Since God chose you to be the holy people
He loves, you must clothe yourselves with tender-hearted mercy, kindness,
humility, gentleness, and patience.
Colossians 3:12 NLT
41 "A certain moneylender had two
debtors. One owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. 42
When they could not pay, he cancelled the debt of
both. Now which of them will love him more?"
Luke 7:41-42 ESV
13 Make allowance for each
other's faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord
forgave you, so you must forgive others.
Colossians 3:13 NLT
32 "Then his master sent for him and said to him, 'You evil servant!
I canceled your entire debt, because you begged
me. 33 Shouldn't you have
treated the other servant as mercifully as I treated you?'
Matthew 18:32-33 GW
25 "Whenever you stand praying,
forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father who is in
heaven will also forgive you your transgressions. 26 "But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who
is in heaven forgive your transgressions."
Mark 11:25-26 NASB
21 Then Peter came to Him and asked, "Lord,
how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?"
22 "No, not seven times," Jesus
replied, "but seventy times seven!
Matthew 18:21-22 NLT
14 Above all, clothe yourselves with love,
which binds us all together in perfect harmony.
Colossians 3:14 NLT
If you look at someone, what is it you should see?
Identify by looking at Christianity.
Many say they’re Christians; They’re speaking Christianese
They’ve learned to use the phrases. Are you a one of these?
I will never know it listening to the chat.
I can train a parrot to speak as well as that.
Yes! You need to know it. Your spirit deep within,
Should give confirmation that you’ve kept out of sin.
But are you truly listening? Perhaps you’re just deceived?
And Paul has shown us clearly “Look and then believe”.
Are you tender-hearted in everything you do?
Are you filled with mercy when people insult you?
Are you filled with kindness and help the other folk?
What about humility? Is arrogance your yoke?
Are you gentle-hearted or are you only rude?
Does listening to others make you short and crude?
What about your patience; or are you driven mad!
Are the other motorists’ all idiots and bad?
Do you make allowance when folk go “off the rails”?
Do you want to “stand on them” and cast them into jail?
What about your debtors who really cannot pay?
Do you cancel out the debt or take their things away?
Do you expect from others something you won’t do?
What would you be thinking if the same was done to you?
What about forgiveness? Do you bear a grudge?
Do you have an attitude from which you will not budge?
You have been forgiven. That’s what the Bible says.
Do you hunt for others who’ve cornered all the praise?
What about the number of times you should forgive?
God will use your number to test if you should live!
What about the garments you wear from day to day?
Do you only wear them for the role you want to play?
Do you ask your husband, your children or your wife,
What is their opinion of the way you live your life?
Is your home a bastion of harmony and love?
What does Jesus think of it while watching from above?
Now that you’ve applied this test to others whom you see,
What will be the outcome when people look at thee?
Jim Strickland
Written 10th June 2012