Sunday, June 19, 2011


What sort of life’s expected by a Christian today?
A life of laid-back comfort or the straight and narrow way?
We’d like go think it’s simple, like apple pie and cream;
A little stroll down easy street as if life is a dream;
A lovely bed of roses; a visit to cloud nine.
But that is not what happens to the sons of the Divine.
The first thing to appreciate is how hard life can be.
The things they did to Jesus, they’ll do to you and me.
It may not be identical in this computer age.
But we should understand that it is war that we must wage.
To use the cat-o-nine-tails, by now is out of date.
There’s better ways of dealing with the people which they hate.
There will not be a wooden cross, but we’ll be crucified,
By comments in the media that murder deep inside.
The whip’s been substituted by a grotesque apathy,
Which hurts as much as scourging by a callous enemy.
Our Christian expectations must all be realigned.
Persecution is the way by which you’ll be refined.
Let serving other people be the order of your day.
For even in this modern age it’s still the only way.
Everywhere that Jesus went, He planned on doing good.
He even went to places where men didn’t think He should.
He shared the people’s burdens; He healed all their disease.
He only did His Father’s will; He didn’t try to please,
The Pharisees, the Sadducees, Religious Scribes or Priests.
He focused on His people from the greatest to the least.
His attitude was meekness; His gentleness well known.
He acted in humility before His Father’s throne.
He never was self seeking; His only inward drive,
Was honouring His father while He remained alive.
He couldn’t stand hypocrisy in any shape or form;
And loving other people was constantly His norm.
No wonder that they hated Him. No wonder they were keen,
To execute this “hot head” whose ways were far too clean!
They hated Him without a cause. They’ll do the same with you.
They’ll plot your execution no matter what you do.
For Christians are disturbing. Religious folk feel bad,
When they are in your company. In fact it’s rather sad.
But Jesus gave the answer. His clemency rang through.
Father God, forgive them for they know not what they do”.
Offer no resistance as they “hammer home” their “nails”.
Keep in mind the promise that true love never fails.
Even if you’re martyred, When they lead you off to die,
Let, “Lord, receive my spirit” be your last heartfelt cry.
For this is Christianity, it’s following His way;
And isn’t grossly different from way back in Jesu’s day.
Jim Strickland – written Monday, 20 June 2011