Friday, September 9, 2011


The lovely prayer of Jesus in chapter seventeen,
Recorded in John’s Gospel. Will ever they be seen?
They can’t be wishful thinking, for He meant every word.
And Father God was listening, so Jesus’ prayer was heard.
He didn’t pray for nothing. He had something in mind.
Which most of us can’t comprehend, for most of us are blind!
We can’t see in the spirit. We only ever see,
In our own dimension of “non-reality”.
But Jesus brought us something, far more than merely sight.
He brought a brand new covenant to flood our souls with light.
His purpose and intention was to melt our hearts of stone,
And make them soft and pliable. More like His very own.
He sought to take our stubbornness; which fought against God’s will.
So each of us would long for it and follow it until,
We passed into the portals of where He reigns on high.
He wanted to give all of us, a chance to never die!
He came to teach us sinners the way that we should walk.
So that we all could be like Him and not just talk the talk.
He came to make us holy. He came to teach the truth.
To bring His special Kingdom to the adults and the youth.
He came to consecrate us and set us on the way,
To being what He wanted, as day succeeds to day.
He came to give us purpose; to be one in heart and mind,
The way He and His Father originally designed.
He came to teach His people from then until today.
To walk in true obedience and follow all the way.
He wants us to be disciplined with deep humility;
Committed to each other and do it faithfully.
To set out on a journey, the journey of our lives.
To see that what He’s planted, matures and truly thrives.
To live the Christian lifestyle each moment of each day.
To love our Christian brothers and neighbours all the way.
Not with good intentions but by doing what we should,
To help the people whom we meet and seek to do them good.
To let His Spirit lead us in ways we wouldn’t go,
Unless we were directed in ways we’ll never know.
O Lord, it is impossible we’re only flesh and bone;
And know we’ll never do it if you leave us all alone.
Jim Strickland – written Saturday, 10 September 2011