Monday, November 14, 2011


Life is an adventure from beginning to the end.
Perhaps what’s most exciting, is where the Lord will send
His people on the mission that He Himself has planned,
To Turkey or Arabia or other foreign land!
Of course, if we are young enough, then going oversees
To represent the Master, is something that should please.
It doesn’t seem to work like that; we’re scared of the unknown.
We feel intimidated and even though He’s shown,
That we His ambassadors, we feel a little scared;
And wonder, “can we do it?” and “have we been prepared?”
There is no easy answer. We cannot see ahead.
We have an inner feeling that we will soon be dead!
We wonder, if we’re doing the God appointed deed,
Or on some great fools-errand that never can succeed.
There is no easy answer. Our faith is on the line.
Will we be a failure or will the Christ life shine?
It’s easy to give answers, when others want to know.
But it’s another matter, when you’re the one to go!
But one thing is quite certain. He’ll never let you down.
Whether in our neighbourhood, or in some foreign town;
He’s promised not to leave us. His love for us is sure.
No matter what the future holds, we know we can endure,
Anything that happens. Perhaps there will be pain!
But we are in the service of the Lamb Who once was slain.
We know how much he suffered. We know how much He cared.
And in the light of what He did; there’s no need to be scared.
The worst thing that can happen to us is that we’ll die.
That’s doing us a favour! No matter how they try,
They cannot change our future; no matter what they do,
We know that Jesus loves us; He’s standing next to you!
Perhaps we’ll be imprisoned? Perhaps we’ll face the whip?
But if we patiently endure, He’ll never lose His grip.
Lying right before us, is joy that has no end.
And when this life is over, on this we can depend.
That He is waiting for us, with arms extended wide,
To greet us as a bridegroom receives His precious bride.
And in that very instant, we’ll know it was worth while.
At last we will behold Him and see His lovely smile.
Jim Strickland – Written 15th November 2011