Tuesday, October 4, 2011


It really is a question of who it is you trust.
For some it’s the employer who is likely to go bust.
For some it is the media and their favourite rocking chair.
But who can trust the media? Their lies are everywhere.
Some rely on alcohol and any form of booze.
But drunkenness is guaranteed the way by which they lose!
Some trust in their teacher or their granny’s crystal ball.
Sadly at the very end these do not work at all.
Others trust religion and their favourite guru.
But when it comes to trusting; O Lord there’s only You.
It wasn’t always that way. Not while I was still young.
While life was like a violin that someone had unstrung.
For You were there to rescue me and cause my face to smile.
I’d been so deeply in the “dumps”, it had become my style.
O Lord You hear the longings of people who are hurt.
You specialise in rescuing from overwhelming dirt.
Your love became a beacon in which to place my hope.
The Blessed Holy Spirit gave the strength by which I cope.
To cope with my shortcomings which haunted all my past.
That’s when Your love, unfailing, so wide and deep and vast,
Rescued and forgave me in spite of my distress.
All of this You did while I was living in a mess!
So Lord I have to praise You, for all that You have done;
For giving me my freedom through Your Great and Holy Son.
I never can forget it. The good You’ve done for me,
Exceeds the expectations of all I thought could be.
You heard my cry for mercy and my terror of the grave;
You knew my deepest longings and You heard my prayer to save.
I felt that death was choking me with ropes around so tight,
It seemed to be impossible to live another night!
So Lord I called upon You. I trusted in Your Name;
And in an instant You were there to take my guilt and shame.
O Lord I can’t forget You for all you’ve done for me.
There’s no one else Whom I can trust for all eternity.
I know I don’t deserve it; You did it on that cross.
To think that God would do this – to suffer so much loss!
You thought that I was worth it, in spite of all I’d been!
How can I ever thank You for washing me so clean.
Jim Strickland – written Wednesday, 05 October 2011