Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Time with Jesus - Thursday, 01 March 2012
Hi all,
Have you ever stood on one side of a thin wall and heard something awful happening on the other side? You don’t have to be physically standing there to know what is going to happen next. Instinctively you know the final outcome and can do nothing about it. You’d like to but it’s not possible. It’s a bit like watching a program on TV. You see it all happening and have no ability to change the outcome.
This sort of thing is seen regularly on the goggle box. There’s a fork in the road. A choice must be made. One road leads to safety. However, you can see that it is bumpy and goes through difficult situations. The other looks easy. It’s wide, well made with a good tar surface. There are lots of attractions on both sides for you to have fun. One of the roads leads to heaven. The other one leads to hell. You have to decide which way to go.
I’ve deliberately simplified the scenario. But the real life situation is much the same. Each one of us must choose the way to go. Sadly, those on the road to heaven can’t make people go their way. You cannot make other people’s choice for them. As an additional complication, people won’t listen to what you want to say. They think you are a religious fanatic. No matter what you say is greeted with howls of derision. It’s heart-breaking! You have the one solution to their sickness. They are sick and dying from sin. There is no cure and no hope. There is only one way. The way is in and through Jesus Christ.
Tragically, many will die without ever knowing Him. A number of them are so set in their own ways that they would rather die than admit they have a problem. A few would rather die than believe you!
Today’s meditation takes us down this road. It’s a shame. It’s a crying shame. Worse than that, it’s a dying shame.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland

A Dying Shame

Why is it that all things come right, for those who serve the Lord?
It isn’t just a lucky plan, or what we can afford.
The secret isn’t hidden. It’s there for all to see.
When God raises His banner, His enemies all flee!
We think it might not happen. Perhaps we feel afraid?
But those who fight against the Lord will never make the grade.
They do not seem to listen; they miss the starter’s gun.
It seems they are so terrified, they turn around and run.
God has a mighty banner and when it’s held aloft,
The people of the world bow down, and every hat is doffed!
It started out with Joshua when he fought Amalek.
The mighty banner of the Lord held all His foe in check.
And from that very moment, Amalek was doomed!
Every time they raised their heads and battle was resumed,
The outcome was a certainty. They couldn’t win the day.
For those who fight against the Lord, all simply melt away.
You can’t fight God Almighty, so do not even start!
For when He fights against you, your army falls apart.
His people were all chosen, before all time began.
We don’t know how He does it. It makes no sense to man!
We know He has no favourites; but it is not by chance.
He knows the ones who’ll follow Him in His Divine Romance.
He doesn’t hate the others. He’d love them to join in;
But knew they wouldn’t bow the knee; they love it in their sin!
He didn’t make them that way. He’d like them by His side.
But they refuse to come to Him. They simply won’t abide,
The fact that they should follow Him and not the devil’s bunch.
So Satan rubs his hands with glee and has them all for lunch.
They do not have a stronghold; a fort or other shield.
In their battle with the Lord, they have no choice but yield.
And in their stubborn fight with God, it seems they’d rather die,
Than serve the risen Lamb of God, Who reigns supreme on high!
They look at us and giggle. “Extremists!” they all state;
And carry on with serving their lord of sin and hate.
The Lord God longs to free them and break apart their chains.
Their ears are deaf; their eyes are blind and little else remains,
For them to find repentance. “Forgive them Lord!” we cry.
But even so, they love their sin. In shame, they’ll surely die.
Jim Strickland – Written 1st March 2012