Friday, March 16, 2012


Time with Jesus - Saturday, 17 March 2012
Hi all,
We talk about “the battle of the sexes”. We tell little jokes against each other. Mostly it’s a lot of fun. “Adam was the first dumb blond!” is one that makes me laugh! The one against the ladies refers to Adam talking to Enoch, his great, great, great, great, Grandson. “Why are we living here and not in paradise?” asked Enoch? “It was your great, great, great, great, Grandmother Eve’s fault!” said Adam. “She ate us out of house and home!”
The whole tragic incident is summarised for us in Genesis; 6 the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good to eat. It was also pleasing to look at. And it would make a person wise. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her. And he ate it. Gen 3:6 NIrV
Satan came with three basic temptations. 1) the lust of the flesh, 2) the lust of the eyes; 3) the pride of life. Eve fell for all three! Dumbo (Adam) let it happen.
We make light of such things. But they are not really something to laugh at. The fall of man was the greatest tragedy to ever befall the human race. “From paradise to poverty in one bite! It’s tragic rather than funny! The ramifications – sin - echoes down the centuries like the sound of a guillotine to this very day. Jesus was the only One Who could fix it! Fix it He most certainly did!
Satan tried to defeat Jesus with the same three basic temptations. Jesus did not fall for it. Sadly we often do. The Apostle John summarised the basic temptations as follows. 16 Here is what people who belong to this world do. They try to satisfy what their sinful natures want to do. They long for what their sinful eyes look at. They brag about what they have and what they do. All of this comes from the world. It doesn't come from the Father. 1 John 2:16 NIrV
Satan uses one other feature. It’s rather subtle. The temptation comes in the form of a question. The technique is shown in the temptation of Adam and Eve. He tried the same stunt when he tempted Jesus in the wilderness. The circumstances were different; but Satan questioned the three basic assumptions. “Did God really say --------?”
Back in the late 1980’s it occurred to me that he still employs the same technique. In old English, Satan asked the question, “Hath God said?” He used it directly on Eve. He tried the same technique on Jesus, somewhat more indirectly. Also, we know that when he tempts us, he repeats it. It gets a bit boring, but in the final analysis he asks, “Hath God said?”
With this in mind I compiled a nine verse poem. Each of the first two lines begin with “Hath God said?” It still gets a bit boring. But Satan has no new tricks. He rehashes the same stuff which worked so well with Adam and Eve. It failed with Jesus. But he keeps coming back to the same thing, rather like a cracked gramophone record. Mostly, Adam and Eve’s offspring still fall for it.
That 1989 poem is today’s meditation. It’s just as true today as it was back then.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland

Hath God Said?

"Hath God said?” the serpent asked the time he tempted Eve.
"Hath God said?" His purpose was intended to deceive
The woman into doing that which her husband knew,
Was something God instructed him they should not ever do!

"Hath God said?" And when she looked, the fruit had such appeal.
"Hath God said?" But when she touched, it was so good to feel!
It seemed so very innocent. To eat would make them wise.
They'd be a little more like God and see with open eyes!

"Hath God said?" He tempted her and so she took and ate.
"Hath God said?" But nonetheless, she fed some to her mate.
Who, through these proceedings, had silently looked on,
Neglecting his authority to say to sin, "Be gone!"

"Hath God said?" The wilderness was shimmering with heat.
"Hath God said?”The devil asked attempting to defeat
The Son of God incarnate, who stood in Adam's place;
The Man who represented the fallen human race.

"Hath God said?" The devil asked when to the Man he came;
"Hath God said?" He tempted Him. The test was just the same.
"To satisfy Your hunger, just turn these stones to bread.
If You’re who You say You are, why shouldn't You be fed?"

"Hath God said? Just look at all the kingdoms which are mine.”
Hath God said? A miracle will prove You are divine.
If You are the Son of God, then You can jump from here.
His angels will protect You and harm will not come near!"

"Hath God said?" the devil asks of Adam's race today?
"Hath God said? Is that a fact? Did God really say,
The thing you know He told you?” "Perhaps it isn't true?"
That's only just the devil's voice and he is tempting you.

Hath God said?" he questions; "But doesn't it look good."
"Hath God said? That can't be wrong; Do what you feel you should.”
“It doesn't really matter, so let it all hang out."
The devil keeps on tempting us to disbelieve and doubt.

"Hath God said?" Of course He has. It's written in His Word.
"Hath God said?" That question is utterly absurd;
And just like the Lord Jesus, we'll make the devil flee,
When everything we say and do with God's Word does agree!
Jim Strickland – Written 1989