Friday, December 2, 2011


We’ve learned the ten commandments; we know them off by heart.
Perhaps we cannot quote them, but they are such a part,
Of Jewish-Christian culture, they’re part of how we live.
It’s only to the tenth one, that most of us must give,
A little more attention. We covet with our eyes,
The wife of someone’s neighbour, or yearn for other guys.
Of course it’s our sin nature and how we are inclined.
But when we get right down to it, that’s what we always find.
There’s only one solution; to come to God in prayer.
To ask Him for His mercy and for His loving care.
But never take for granted, that He will set you free.
Your attitude must be correct, or you will find He’ll be,
Deaf to your petitions. He knows you inside out.
You get away with nothing; of this there is no doubt!
But if you have repented and asked in humble prayer,
You’ll find His ears wide open and always listening there.
He has a reputation for mending broken souls.
His perfect understanding, God’s Holy Word extols!
So go in true sincerity and fall upon your face.
Tell Him all your troubles and ask Him for His grace.
You won’t be disappointed. He will not let you down.
Give Him your anxieties and cast away your frown.
He knows before you ask Him, exactly what you need.
Let His peace flow over you; and let your spirit feed,
On all of His abundance. Make Him your sure delight!
Your heart’s desire He’ll grant you; Your prospects will be bright.
Commit your every action, to Him and He will show;
The thing you should be doing, so that in Him you’ll grow.
Spend each moment with Him, whenever there’s a chance.
Be a willing partner in His Divine romance!
This way you will develop a true relationship,
With Father, Son and Spirit, you never will let slip.
And as you walk together, your righteousness will shine.
You’ll be a true reflection, of Jesus Christ Divine!
You’ll intercede for others and He’ll incline His ear.
And He will give an answer that’s exceptionally clear.
You’ll find there is power, because you know Him well;
And rescue many people on their journey toward Hell.
Jim Strickland – Written 3rd December 2011