Saturday, October 15, 2011


There seems to be an attitude around us every day,
That Christians do not have to work; they’re saved so they can play!
I don’t know where it came from, but it is all around.
In every part of industry this foolishness is found.
The “Christians” only go to work to “witness” and to chat.
They never seem to realise what God is looking at.
It’s stealing from the company if you neglect your work.
Another way to look at it, is saying that they shirk,
Avoiding their commitment to those who took them on;
And then get very angry when the boss tells them, “be gone!”
It really is amazing that people think that way.
It isn’t in the Bible. So what does Jesus say?
He says to look at others as better than ourself.
Try and get them all involved, not sitting on the shelf.
We all have a high calling to let the heathen see,
That those who follow Jesus, give their lives unselfishly.
That Christians work for Jesus; and their employer pays.
And so they work far harder and spend all of their days,
Showing what a difference that Jesus Christ will do,
When you seek to follow Him and let His light shine through.
Let your zeal for Jesus be visible to all.
Tell them that your work is now your high and holy call.
You have an employer and you must satisfy,
All the company’s standards, as well as God Most High!
No, it isn’t easy. But you are not your own.
You are just His bond slave and must do the things He’s shown.
We must do His bidding. We know the night will come;
Working won’t be possible until the rising sun,
Shines its rays upon us and night time is behind.
Then we’ll know for certain, that we have not been blind.
We have been appointed to be among the saved.
The rights that once we thought we had each one of them we’ve waived.
The brothers and the sisters and all our former friends,
Are those we want to win for Christ; and much of it depends,
On what they see us doing; and how we work each day.
Is it an example that points them to the way?
Will we keep on running, until our race is done?
Will they see the Christian life as good and healthy fun?
Will these people search for us, or thank God we have gone?
Or will they all be challenged to take the Christ life on?
Remember they are governed by what they hear and see.
So let them notice Jesus Christ; that’s how it has to be.
Jim Strickland – Written 16 October 2011