Sunday, June 12, 2011


The gap between perfection and mediocrity,
Trying to draw closer – impossibility.
At least that’s what it looks like. So can we close the gap,
Between the place we aught to be and our place on God’s map?
There’s lots of ways suggested; and lots who want to try.
The “magic” word is progress for folk like you and I.
But though we change positions, we seem to stay the same.
Just wealthier or poorer as each one plays life’s game.
So are we any better off than ancient stone age man?
Of course we have our gadgets but are we better than,
Our forefathers who lived their lives so many years ago?
I think if we are truthful, the answer must be “No!
We may have our computers and all they had were bones.
We may have rocket science when all they had were stones.
But do we live a better life? We’re just the same inside.
A mess of selfish lust for power; for sex and greed and pride.
Some thought we were improving; and then the holocaust!
It clearly shows what men can do when evil is endorsed.
The fact is man is fallen. The gap is far too great.
All humanity combined; still no one could create,
A way to make us better, because it’s forged by sin.
There is no cure or remedy to treat the mess we’re in.
It would go on forever unless God intervened.
But what to do to break the grip of an outlandish fiend?
The only way was Jesus, the Saviour of mankind.
He did just what was needed, to break the chains that bind.
He bridged what was unbridgeable; which only He could do,
And made it possible for us to live a life made new!
But that’s not all that Jesus did. He gave us righteousness.
He made it possible for us to live a life like His!
No longer slaves of Satan, but freed from every sin,
Empowered by His Spirit to overcome and win
The battle of the ages. We too are crucified.
We were in Him upon that cross. We died the death He died.
So we can be together. That gap our Lord has closed.
For when our Master rose again, in Him we also rose!
And now He has ascended; He’s seated at God’s side,
Wanting us to join Him and be His precious bride.
And so we have to answer “Yes, much better than before!
We’re free to fellowship with Him and be with God once more.”
Jim Strickland – written Monday, 13 June 2011