Tuesday, November 29, 2011


What do we mean when saying He is the Prince of Peace?
Is He the one who’s destined to cause all wars to cease?
I’m certain He will do that. But how it will be done?
It seems that many people won’t think of it as fun.
The famous “Pax Romana” kept may wars at bay.
     There wasn’t much alternative, the Romans had a way,
Of keeping people quiet, by using deadly force.

Those who raised objections would soon be dead – of course.
So people were in terror of getting Rome upset.
And those who dared to do it, would never quite forget,
The way that they were dealt with. That’s if they were not slain.
So there was great encouragement to never once complain.
That wasn’t Christ’s intentions. True love does not use force.
He never wants to throw us out, or give us a divorce.
He has a plan for all of us, a plan that is sublime.
A way of life that never leads us to a life of crime.
He takes the situation. Whatever it may be;
And in that very circumstance He tells us, “Come to Me!
Lay aside your problems. In Me you are secure.
You know I will be with you, whatever you endure!
Perhaps you’re in the fire; in the middle of the flames.
My presence will go with you to fulfil all My claims.
No matter what they do to you, they cannot touch your soul.
You may experience suffering, but I AM in control.
Perhaps you have to die for Me. But what is that to you?
I’ve given you a promise; My promises are true.
For you will be rewarded, beyond what you can think.
You’ll soon be at my table; and I’ll cause you to drink,
Until you are more satisfied than you will ever know.
So if they want to kill you, relax and just let go!
They don’t know what they’re doing. There’s only you and I,
Can understand the purpose; the who; the where; the why.
So let My peace enfold you; You are condemned to win!
No matter what might happen you’re pure and cleansed within.
Perhaps you’ll be a martyr; but I have died for you.
Surrender unto Me your life; and see what I will do!
You’ll be a mighty conqueror. Your peace will be complete;
And through your act of dying, you’ll witness sin’s defeat.”
Jim Strickland – Written 30th November 2011