Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I have to use superlatives in praise of Christ my King.
But they are insufficient, to speak of everything
That He has been, or He will be, on any future date!
For language is inadequate; it’s far too poor to state,
In words that are coherent, how wonderful He’s been,
To those who are His bond-slaves; the ones He has washed clean.
Our purpose is to worship Him; to give Him all our praise.
So let us praise and worship in a Scriptural turn of phrase!
An apple tree in blossom among the forest trees;  -  SoS 2:3 GW
With fruit that tastes delightful and only seeks to please.
He’s dark and He is dazzling more than ten thousand men. – SoS 5:10
His head is of the finest gold; His hair like a raven. – SoS 5:11
His sparkling eyes appear like doves beside a mountain spring, – SoS 5:12
Like jewels that are washed in milk; fairer than anything. – SoS 5:12
His cheeks emit a fragrance; a park’s spice they infer; – SoS 5:13 note  park =garden
His lips are like the lilies, perfumed with finest myrrh! – SoS 5:13
His arms like rounded bars of gold inlaid with chrysolite.– SoS 5:14
His body, polished ivory with sapphires shining bright. – SoS 5:14
His legs like marble pillars in sockets of fine gold. – SoS 5:15
His posture is as stately as the cedar trees are bold. – SoS 5:12
He is of utmost value; a pearl of highest cost. – Matt 13:46
We cannot live without Him; without Him we are lost.
And God has given all to Him; complete authority! – Eph 1:18
He is the head of everything for all eternity.
This news cannot be hidden; It’s open and laid bare, - Mark 7:24
For all the world to recognise, regardless when or where!
A very special person Who speaks to one and all. – John 7:46
The God-man more exalted than any we recall!
He is King of Creation. He is the Lord of Lords. – Rev 1:5
The one Who has dominion; more than this world affords!
How can I then do justice to; or speak about the One;
Who broke the power of Satan and ahead of us has gone?
To be with Him forever. To worship constantly!
It surely is impossible for folk like you and me,
To put down in a language that man can understand?  - John 7:46
The wonder of His Majesty and faithfulness He’s planned,- Psalm 31:16
For those who will submit to Him; will see His smiling face; – Psalm 4:6 & 31:16
There is no higher privilege for all the human race!
Jim Strickland - written Thursday 22 Sept 2011