Friday, May 27, 2011


                Now let us all serve
With sinew and nerve
The One we all love and adore.
For as all we give
He’ll cause us to live
And worship our Mater much more.

                 As Moses’ face
Was veiled in that place
Let Jesus’ gifts be revealed.
There’ll be no surprise
When He opens our eyes
To things that we thought were concealed.

                Fulfilment is found
Where God’s gifting abounds
And we flow harmoniously.
The ultimate end
We needn’t defend
For sinners converted we’ll see! 

                The way we behave
Is the truth that will save
The people who need to repent.
For they’ll turn around
Where His people are found
And go where His Spirit has sent.

                His burden is light
It isn’t a fight
To do all the things He desires.
Just listen and do
And all will come true.
And His people will all be on fire. 

                We don’t want a flake
Or anything fake
To walk in the way we should go.
So fill us with power
To move hour by hour
In all of the things that You know.

                Let us take on
The Christ who’s the One.
And walk in the gifts He will bring
For all that we do
Will only come true
When Jesus is truly our King.
                 Give thanks for the gifts
And the way that they lift
And carry your people on high.
We won’t interfere
When You Spirit draws near
And Jesus will cause us to fly.
                 God’s gifting is sure
It’s Holy and pure
And we will bring Him all the praise
And if we are humble
We won’t cause to stumble
The people who walk in Your ways.
                We’re not all the same
And we worship the name
Of Him who is more than complete.
And as we harmonise
And cast out all lies,
We’ll all behold Satan’s defeat
                Our body’s at rest
And we will be blessed
When all of our people are one.
The warring will end
When our knees we all bend
And all of our quarrels are gone.
                So let’s celebrate
That as from this date
The gifts of His Spirit we’ll see.
And as we mature
We’ll begin to endure
And everyone here will be free.

Jim Strickland - Tuesday, 24 May 2011

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