Friday, May 27, 2011


Why did they need a priesthood way back in Moses’ days?
He would meet the Most High God and learn about His ways.
He would go and talk with Him inside a special place.
There within a special tent they’d both speak face to face.
Sometimes he called on Joshua, to visit with the Lord.
But even when all three were there, they met in one accord.
Now Moses was a prophet, he never was made priest.
     But he made the appointments when their discussions ceased.
He chose his elder brother, just as the Lord had said;
And Aaron was appointed the brand new priesthood’s head.
With Nadab and Abhiu as the assistant priests,
And Ithamar and Eleazar to help if they deceased.
The High Priest special garments were wondrously arrayed,
To minister to God most High. But look and see displayed,
The ministry of Jesus in everything he wore.
Every detail was precise; “Make this and nothing more”.
The people’s place of worship was equally designed,
With even the minutia deliberately defined,
To point to the Lord Jesus the day that He would come;
For He would be our Great High Priest, His Father’s only Son.
Now Jesus entered heaven; our Minister is there!
Within God’s tabernacle; that place without compare.
Now Moses was the person who took Joshua along;
And every time he did it, he wasn’t doing wrong.
In fact the Lord approved it and Joshua was unharmed.
So when our Saviour takes us in, we needn’t be alarmed.
For when the introductions with Father are complete,
He’ll see we are “in Jesus” and therefore we can meet.
There won’t be any danger, we will not be destroyed.
And by the blood of Jesus, God will not be annoyed.
Then, like the tribe of Benjamin, we’ll live beside the Lord,
Preserved from every danger, the Father could afford.
So let us thank our “Moses”.  For everything He’s done,
To crush the power of Satan and enforce the victory won.
His death upon that cross was carried out for you and me.
We’re in a place where it had been impossible to be,
Without His intervention. Because He is our friend,
We’ll visit with our Father and have life without an end!
Jim Strickland – written Monday, 23 May 2011

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