Friday, May 27, 2011


Father God, the dawn is breaking through;
The morning's come and with it comes the light.
The sky has taken on a rosy hue;
In celebration of the end of night.
The sounds of morning fill my listening ear.
The birds cry out aloud to one another
Joyously declaring, "Daybreak's here.
Come and worship God my feathered brother!"
The dogs are barking in the quiet street;
As if to say, "We've waited long enough
To see the darkness vanish in defeat.
The sun will soon arise and call night's bluff!"
The shepherds shout as vocally they scold
Somnolent cows and seek the mournful bleat
Of some poor sheep that's wandered from the fold
In search of something different to eat.
The world seems sluggish as it slowly wakes
And rubs away the sand from heavy eyes;
As gradually it's slumber it forsakes;
To stretch itself, then finally arise.
My God, this parable applies to me.
For, like the world, I've also been asleep.
I've lain in bed and dreamed of what should be
And wandered off just like an erring sheep.
But now the day has dawned; The Son is here;
The light of God is dawning in my soul.
You've caused my foolish fears to disappear;
Your righteous Son arose and made me whole!
You've set me free to rise up like a bird.
On eagles wings I soar into the sky
And joyously declare what has occurred;
That Jesus is the Christ, the Lord Most High!
Just like a puppy dog, I yelp with glee
To celebrate the victory I've seen.
The 'night' has gone! The Son has set me free;
He's called the devil's bluff and washed me clean!
You've helped me wipe away the things that bind
My eyelids tight and hence cause me to doze.
So Lord, I stretch my spirit, soul and mind
And rise to do those things Your Spirit shows!

Jim Strickland – Sent out Thursday, 26 May 2011

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