Sunday, July 31, 2011


Our spiritual nature should be properly controlled.
And if we do this faithfully, our Lord will keep us whole.
But we must keep on doing it. We mustn’t drop our guard;
And while we are persistent, the task will not be hard.
Look at what God required every single year.
They celebrated Passover, for God had made it clear,
That this was not just something they’d never do again;
But rather a rehearsal of Jesus in His pain.
It may have been in Egypt, the first timed it was done,
But it was more a foretaste of what was still to come.
The blood upon the door tops and also on the sides,
Showed the crucifixion and how the Saviour died.
If this was followed faithfully throughout the coming years,
The Father would forgive them their sinfulness and tears.
We may not understand the reason why it was this way,
But this has been their practice down to this very day.
Of course, the blood was central to the ritual each year.
It represented Jesus blood; that’s very, very clear.
For God had told His people, the life was in the blood.
So Jesus’ atonement became a mighty flood.
All of this was planned before the world was ever made.
So it is not surprising that the system was obeyed.
The purpose was that Jesus be the sacrificial “ram”!
He wasn’t just an infant; He wasn’t just a lamb.
The Law required an offering of an animal mature.
And Jesus’ maturity was absolutely sure.
So everything was carried out and faithfully maintained.
The slightest variation could never be sustained.
For that would break the pattern that Father God required,
To show us that His only Son was all that He desired.
We’ve wondered why He did it. Why Jesus had to die.
But Someone had to suffer for the sins of you and I.
That’s why He could be faithful. He knew what He would do;
To pay the price of all the sins that everyone would do.
It couldn’t be a simple slap upon the wrist.
But something that the Lord Most High would certainly insist.
It had to show God’s hatred of each and every sin.
But something that His Son could face and ultimately win.
So let us praise His faithfulness. He didn’t miss a trick.
And though the pain and suffering would make us all feel sick,
It solved the Master’s problem and brought us to His side,
Where through the blood of Jesus we could evermore abide.
Jim Strickland – written Monday, 01 August 2011

Saturday, July 30, 2011


There seems to be an attitude of quietness and ease.
   The Christian life should always be a lifestyle that will please.
I’m not sure where it came from. It isn’t in God’s Word.
   Perhaps it’s just a statement of something that’s preferred.
No person’s keen on suffering or ever feeling sore.
   A journey that’s in luxury would suit us somewhat more.
But not even a monarch can let things all roll by.
   There’s so much more we all must learn before its time to die.
I’ve never been a soldier. I praise the Lord for that.
   But discipline is something we should all be aiming at.
The sergeant will not tolerate a soldier who’s asleep.
   If he can get his hands on him, he’ll make the soldier weep.
So why do Christians contemplate a feather-bedded life?
   Why do we all seek idleness instead of sweat and strife?
If you can give the answer then kindly tell to me,
   Exactly what we have to do with downright lethargy?
There aught to be a special place where Christians can go;
   To find what is reality and what is outward show.
The sort of place where people can really come to grips
  With life. It’s made living and not marijuana trips.
We have to learn that suffering’s as much a part of life,
   As marrying your sweetheart, your husband or your wife.
It’s often not the devil who’s sitting on your tail,
   Its things that we are doing that cause us all to fail.
But blaming other people is what we much prefer.
   And we can wear that helpless look each time that they occur.
Why should we be in battle when things get rather rough?
   It’s easier to bellyache that life is far too tough.
That’s not the way of Jesus. It’s not our way of war.
   It’s standing up to Satan whatever is in store.
It isn’t only comfort that each of us must face,
   But standing up to everything that harms the human race.
It’s asking God to strengthen you when everything goes wrong,
   And in the face of failure, to sing the victory song.
It’s looking after others when pressed beyond your power,
   Knowing that the Lord will do what’s needed every hour.
It’s facing up to failure; knowing He will do
   Everything that’s needed, to make your dream come true.
It’s back to the beginning in spite of all you know,
   Knowing that the Saviour will show you how to go.
It’s giving up ambition and every human goal,
   Knowing that the Lord desires to save your sinful soul.
Jim Strickland – written Sunday, 31 July 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011


We wonder where we’re going and what we’re going to do.
We’ve all been seeking wisdom that will work for me and you.
The followers of Darwin say its millions of years.
A theory he concocted for atheistic fears.
But where can we find wisdom to sort this whole thing out?
Is everything evolving, or is this still in doubt?
The theory seemed a good one. The logic made good sense.
But Darwin’s theory’s bankrupt. The error is immense.
We’re starting to appreciate that science can be wrong.
That we were all created and to the Lord belong.
Darwin had a theory; but theories are not fact.
It’s only a hypothesis until its science backed.
That’s where it takes much wisdom to sort out the dreams of men,
And what the scientists declare as absolutely “gen”.
Where is the common ancestor they’ve talked about for years?
The only missing link we find is in between the ears.
So what has really happened? It’s you who must decide.
Is everything an accident as Darwin has implied?
To get an honest answer we must ask everyone;
If God created everything, where has this “science” gone?
It’s not an easy question. But all of us must pick,
Either we believe in God, or science that’s gone sick.
Believing nothing’s easy. God will not intervene.
But we have an inheritance that still remains unseen.
For God gives us a future where evolution fails.
The prospects for the Darwinist are simply fairy tales.
If everything is random, a sort of twist of fate,
Why does it make a difference to either love or hate?
If everything just vanishes when you are dead and gone,
Where will you find the purpose to simply carry on?
It makes a massive difference whatever you decide.
When all of life is over, you cannot run and hide.
But friend, if you believe in God, accountability
Is what He is expecting and that is what must be.
Of course you can ignore Him. But what if He is true?
Then you will be responsible for everything you do.
There isn’t an alternative. He is, or He is not.
Darwin or Christ Jesus. It puts you on the spot!
Jim Strickland – written Saturday, 30 July 2011

Thursday, July 28, 2011


There’s going to be a major change in just a little while
We know that Jesu’s coming back, and it will be in style.
We have an understanding that Heaven’s far away.
And if that’s your opinion then hear the things I say.
Elijah knew quite clearly that God was fairly near.
The Baal priests on the other hand did not see things so clear.
Their god was up in “heaven” and he was hard to reach.
For him to pay attention it seemed they had to screech.
But that was unproductive. He didn’t seem to hear,
The volume was not quite enough to call and draw him near.
And that is when they cut themselves and caused their blood to flow.
It didn’t seem to help a lot. And why? They didn’t know.
That’s when Elijah mocked them, “Perhaps he’s on the loo?
     Perhaps he’s constipated and cannot get to you?

Perhaps He’s on a journey and so he’s not at home?
So why don’t you shout louder if that’s what you are shown?
Sometimes I feel quite sorry for those foolish pagan priests.
The way to get their point across was to behave like beasts!
Elijah kept on teasing them right to the very end,
By then the pagan priests were dead, on that you can depend.
We know there is no question that Father took control.
He “bent the heavens and came down”; took Up His royal role.
His fingers touched the mountains and they burst out with smoke.
By then all of the on-lookers knew God was not a joke.
And so we know the journey from Heaven to here is short.
We know the Lord will come that way to bring this world to naught.
The last time He was here with us, He came to deal with sin.
The next time He is coming, He’ll judge the world and win.
That day the proclamation “This is our God” we’ll cheer
We trusted Him and He saved us. Thank God that You are near”.
He’ll bring with Him salvation that only God bestows.
The people who’ve rejected Him; into Hell fire they’ll go.
But why are we selected? Well, it’s not strictly true.
Salvation is available to Gentiles and to Jews.
For God does not have favourites. No man will be passed by.
But God will leave it up to us to choose the way we die.
So think about your future and where you wish to be.
Your choice of Hell or Heaven is for all eternity.
Jim Strickland – written Friday, 29 July 2011

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


The tadpole and the hump back whale went walking out one day.
They couldn’t hold each other’s hand; there were none anyway!
They wanted to start talking but somehow they could not.
The tadpole spoke in whispers. The whale can’t hear a lot.
But they persisted walking and didn’t think of size.
And so they had to settle for the love light in their eyes.
The whale was far too massive. The tadpole far too small
And so, to put it mildly, they couldn’t hear at all.
Before you get all angry about this being true,
I’d like to state how big God is and just how small are you.
You’d think it is impossible for God to ever hear,
The things a little spot like you could speak into His ear.
I know that it is ludicrous and that you don’t compare.
But this remains the attitude of most folk everywhere.
They do not walk with Father because of the great size,
Of Him Whom they are serving so they resort to lies.
They say they walk together but it’s not really true.
They do not speak the language of love in all they do.
They think that God is massive and they’ll be sent away;
But Jesus Christ is not like that; His love is here to stay.
For love does not have “sizes” it doesn’t rise and fall.
The finest way to put is to say “One size fits all”.
So when we walk together and love holds both our hands,
We get that great sensation we’re meeting God’s commands.
I may look like a tadpole. You may look like a whale.
But what we share between us can never ever fail.
I know of your shortcomings. I know that you know mine.
But in the splendour of God’s love we both are doling fine.
We have no expectations of anything we do.
There’s just a growing knowledge that Jesus is in You.
And so we greet each other with kindness and with care.
We know we’re tender hearted because our Lord is there.
We know about our problems and that’s why we forgive;
Because in our reality there’s no way else to live.
I love to see your freedom. I know that you love mine.
We know it is made possible by Jesus Christ Divine.
And so we walk together and hold each other’s hand,
Because the very Lord of Love has said it’s what He planned.
Jim Strickland – written Thursday, 28 July 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


 Some time ago in Worcester we made some brand new friends.
A number of blind people; the sort the Father sends,
To check your Christianity and all the things we do;
To be a better neighbour to those we never knew.
The town had many features to help those without sight.
The traffic lights had special sounds so they could get things right.
The school for the blind children was just along the street,
And every Sunday morning a few of us would meet.
At first it really bothered us to lead this little band.
Of course they were all children from all parts of our land.
They had a special hymn book with all the words in Braille
They’d read them with their fingers and the hymns were never stale.
The reason for their blindness was hard to ascertain.
Some had a little vision and could lead them down the lane.
We loved those little children assisting them through school.
They had a sort of attitude that said “I’m not a fool”.
At times it could get difficult until they trusted us.
And there would be an attitude of not making a fuss.

They had a special leader who always had been blind.
We found she was approachable and wonderfully kind.
One thing we found amusing was when we raised our voice;
She said that she could hear us. “I’m blind not deaf” of course.
The time we spent in Worcester helped us both to see,
The things we take for granted in our own society.
We saw it was essential to take someone by the hand,
And help them cross the road to get to somewhere they had planned.
What really touched our spirit was the way they seemed to trust.
Although they were unsighted they could “see” each one of us.
They knew that we were present although they couldn’t see.
A bit like how we’re limited in our ability.
We cannot see the spirit world but know that it is there.
And have a closer contact through the medium of prayer.
It made us think of Jesus and the way He gives us sight,
Even in the darkness of a world without His light.
We know that He is present by the way He takes our hand
And helps us to cross over into His Promised Land.
We know He’s like His Father; He’s the image of our God.
He lets us be aware of Him and doesn’t think it odd,
That we should call Him “brother”; He thinks that it is right;
For people in His image to walk in endless light.
He looks just like His Father and enthrones us in His love;
For He’s the incarnation of the God who reigns above.
Jim Strickland – written Wednesday, 27 July 2011