Friday, September 30, 2011


Those who’ve followed Jesus for many, many years,
Hold within their memory their youthful, childhood fears.
We think we will get rid of them as we are growing old.
But find we haven’t got the power to live as self controlled.
We find this in the Spirit. It is His special fruit.
And still we have to live with things that we once thought were cute.
A number of those problems are directed at the men.
The ladies seldom suffer, except just now and then.
But I have long been “haunted” by a passage from those days.
In Matthew five verse twenty eight; and here’s what Jesus says.
Adultery’s committed not only by the act,
But looking at a woman and lusting, is in fact,
As serious as wanting to get her into bed.
Adultery’s committed while still within your head!
How do the menfolk cope with this? That is the mystery!
It’s something I have thought about throughout my history.
The Lord designed our gender to see the one he loves.
He cannot wander through the world protected by kid gloves.
So how are men enabled to be pure and still stay whole?
The only way is exercising perfect self control.
But that is supernatural. It is The Spirit’s gift.
He cannot do it by himself - if you will get my drift;
He cannot turn his eyes away from all the girls he sees.
But looking must not ever be a fantasised strip tease.
I have to tell you honestly that most men are this way.
To ever overcome it and not be led astray,
Is by the Holy Spirit, who sets each man the goal,
Of living in this kingdom with total self control.
I know it isn’t easy. In fact it’s downright hard.
To deal with his desires and always be on guard.
But we are not abandoned. He’s said there is a way
For men to walk in Holiness, with women every day.
The girls don’t make it easy. The very clothes they wear
Were specially designed to make the menfolk turn and stare.
So all the men and women need the Spirit’s self control.
Or they’ll become a victim of the devil’s fiendish goal.
I know I cannot do it. I turn my head away.
To keep this sort of thinking continually at bay.
And as the Holy Spirit inspires me more and more,
It’s easier and easier to not want to explore,
Those mental exercises that seek to lead astray,
And follow in His footsteps as day gives place to day.
Jim Strickland – written Saturday, 01 October 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011


I wanted to play cricket, but wasn’t any good.
And so I tried out rugby, as every young man should.
But I was not successful. I think I was too slow;
And all that happened with the ball, I really didn’t know.
And so I turned to boxing and thought I might excel.
I hoped that I’d be on my feet until the final bell.
With Judo and athletics the outcome was the same.
And then It dawned upon me; sport never was my game.
I’m not a Graeme Pollock or a Montgomery.
I’ll never be a Springbok that doesn’t work for me.
At sport I’m very average. I’ll never pass that test.
The only thing that I can say is that I did my best.
A vessel of great honour in sport I’ll never be.
My only contribution, perhaps a referee?
There’s northing wrong with average. It’s not silver or gold.
Perhaps is more like wood or clay; at least that’s what I’m told.
And so I started to play chess. I had a thought in mind,
For awesome mental challenges. But that too was unkind.
The subject I was best at was digging in God’s Word.
This made my fellow classmates decide I was a nerd.
Perhaps I’d be a minister; perhaps a Catholic Priest.
But since I’m not a Catholic it attracted me the least.
The question of a calling was also in my mind.
I wasn’t even certain that I could be that kind.
But looking back upon it and how I messed about,
It seems to me a miracle that everything worked out.
For what I hadn’t realised was God was in control.
That He was the director of what happened to my soul.
A vessel He would make of me; of silver or of gold.
Of wood or clay; of honour; or useless to behold.
A very strange utensil; a sort of melting pot,
Selected for His purposes of making sinners hot!
The point is, it is righteousness our Holy God requires.
He uses pots, the likes of me, to stoke up cleansing fires.
We may or may not like it. But that’s beside the point.
He wants to bring His cleansing fire to every bone and joint.
It is so fascinating to see Him shape the clay.
He moulds it into any shape that He decides that day.
A vessel made for honour or just utility;
It’s how the clay flows in His hands dictates what it will be.
If we will just cooperate, we’re clad with priceless gold.
If not we’re just another pot that could be bought and sold.
But what denotes its value? The silver or the clay?
It’s only when it’s being used it gives the game away.
The valuable metals by Jesus will be used.
While those made out of wood or clay, He’ll not so often choose.
Jim Strickland – written Friday, 30 September 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


We think that in this kingdom that love is what we feel.
She may look so inviting; he may look very real.
That love is best experienced while we are in the bed,
With any man or woman who features in our head.
Perhaps she’s as seductive as the winner of Miss World?
Or he looks far more handsome and appeals to every girl?
And so, because we feel like is we’re in each other’s arms,
      Reaching for the limits of each other’s sexual charms.

But this is just erotic. It isn’t love at all.
It’s satisfies a passion. A drive which from the fall,
Has dominated people in a strange Satanic way.
And it is never satisfied; regardless, come what may.
It’s rather like the animals when oestrous comes round.
Who mate with one another wherever they are found.
It’s like a bitch in season or an elephant in must.
But what it all boils down to is nothing more than lust.
This isn’t what Christ taught us. It’s just a parody,
Of what a true relationship was first designed to be.
A man should love his wife the way that Jesus loves His Church.
The honour of her husband; a wife should not besmirch.
The husband should be willing to lay his life aside,
       In total dedication to the one who is his bride.

It never is a question of how the man can cheat,
And thereby be unfaithful to his wife so warm and sweet.
The wife should find great pleasure in submitting to her man,
The way the Lord has told us was given as His plan.
This cannot be subservience. She wasn’t made that way;
But as an equal partner, she can care for every day.
There’s something very beautiful in this relationship.
And Jesus gave His life for us; He wanted to equip,
His followers that loved Him to find they are fulfilled,
By mutual submission with which the Lord is thrilled!
There is no domination; there are no hidden threats.
There’s just a way of living, without any regrets.
He wants us to be willing for us to do the same,
For any Christian brother or sister in His Name.
We know that it is difficult. I can’t do it for you,
Unless I first can do it, for the one I’m married to.
A wife cannot be willing to lay herself aside,
Until she’s learned to do it for her husband as his bride.
And this is what we’re called to. The Lord has shown the way.
And that is what’s expected from us from day to day.
But are we truly willing; or would we all prefer,
To live just like an animal that lusts for him or her?
We all have this in front of us and each of us must choose.
To do what He requires of us; to win or else to lose..
Jim Strickland – written Thursday, 29 September 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Humility, humility, If only I could see
A sense of deep humility at work inside of me.
But like so many others who want to serve the Lord,
Humility is something so few of us have stored.
Instead of deep humility and seeking to be true,
There’s evidence of arrogance in all we say and do.
We’ve learned this little lesson, by what is all around.
It’s typical of what is taught in ways that are profound.
Why bother about others. Claw all of them aside;
You’re better than the rest of them so arm yourself with pride.
Let them know you’re different. You are a self made man!
Do anything you want to do with anything you can!
Ooze with your self-confidence. Rise above the rest.
Who can ever stop you, for surely you’re the best!
This sort of thing is what is taught by our psychologists.
Of course it’s very popular, but think of what’s been missed.
No longer do we serve the Lord. We serve ourselves instead!
But who will solve their problems the instant they are dead?
Self confidence is garbage, if self is all we see.
The self must first be crucified. That’s how it has to be.
We’re told to look at others as better than we are.
In fact we find our purpose when Jesus is our star!
He’s all Who really matters. We find our life in Him.
Unless we’re serving Jesus, there’s no way we can win.
And this requires humility in all we say and do.
This means to look at others and not just look at you.
Of course it’s very difficult when we’re consumed with pride.
But if we do not do it, we will be set aside.
I’m not the most important; though that sticks in our craw.
But that is what our Master taught; we don’t need any more.
So practice being humble. It isn’t hard to do.
Serve your fellow Christians and take your eyes off you!
Don’t promote your purpose. It may not be your time.
Give to those who ask of you. Don’t tip them with a dime.
If they want to take your coat, give them your suit as well.
Don’t resort to gossip. The truth’s what you must tell.
If they think they are better than you, don’t disagree.
Let them do to you their worst; let only Jesus see.
Do not walk up to the front. The back seats are the best,

For those who want to serve the Lord and pass His “humble” test.
Be sure if you don’t do it, the Lord will intervene,
And you’ll be humbled by the Lord where every detail’s seen!
Jim Strickland – written Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011


Living in this century, we find it rather hard.
To know about the idols in yesterday’s backyard.
We’ve heard a lot of stories of Moloch and the like.
But these seem unimportant, because they do not strike
At the very centre, of where we are today.
They happened in our history long ago and far away.
The Lord spoke through the prophets and made it very clear,
That all forms of idolatry must never come in near.
They’re an abomination to the Holy God they knew,
And if this ever happened, they knew just what to do.
Tear down all the idols and destroy the pagan priests.
Nothing was acceptable until this worship ceased!
God may as well have spoken to the stars, the sun or moon.
The people wouldn’t listen and very, very soon
They would all be punished, and taken far away,
Banished to a country where they would have to stay.
The threat was disregarded. They didn’t think that He
Would ever take such action, against Jacob’s progeny.
They thought it couldn’t happen He wouldn’t turn away,
And let His temple crumble and fall into decay.
And now our generation is faced with much the same.
By worshiping the “idols” we’ve erected through their fame.
There’s rugby and there’s cricket, and their passion for football.
Most don’t care a fig about God’s great and Holy call.
Instead of serving Jesus; there’s film stars and there’s sex
There’s cheating and corruption; what will they dream up next?
The Christian church is laden with the vice-like grip of sin.
Refusing to take note of all the trouble they are in.
It can not last much longer. The Lord will intervene.
The wicked folk identified, as those who are unclean
They think they are protected by the little card they signed;
It said they’d chosen Jesus but the terms were ill-defined.
Repentance wasn’t mentioned and Christ was not made Lord.
The outcome is a people ill-mannered, rude and bored.
I’m sure you will agree with me, we’re talking about “flakes”;
Or more appropriately, be classified as “rakes”!
Everywhere we look, the tale is very much the same;
And living as a Christian? Don’t bother it’s too tame!
The Lord will soon bring judgement through great calamities.
There is no other way to bring His people to their knees.
So earthquakes and tsunamis and pestilence like AIDS
Are sweeping through the nations in overwhelming waves.
They’re almost universal; we see them every day,
They call them “Acts of God” so the insurance doesn’t pay!
And when you think about it, these words they use are right!
“Father God Protect us, from this grim and deadly plight!”
Jim Strickland – written Tuesday, 27 September 2011