Wednesday, November 30, 2011


There has to be a reason why the Lord became a man.
There had to be a purpose; one that’s better than,
To merely come and demonstrate that He is in control.
What was the objective? Not just to take a stroll!
Of course He is Almighty; so none could tell Him “Nay!”
Nobody could say to Him, “What doest Thou today?”
But why a human being? Why not become a dog?
A turtle or a camel; an insect or a frog?
We know that this is silly. And God is not a fool.
But we must find an answer, not told in Sunday School.
Another little question. Why was He born a man?
Were women too inferior, to fit into God’s plan?
The reason’s fairly obvious. It’s all in the blood line.
He had to be the offspring, of Someone Who’s Divine.
It couldn’t be a woman; the gender must be male.
And if this didn’t happen, the plan would surely fail.
Adam was responsible, for bowing down to sin.
And by his disobedience, he let the devil in.
Which meant a human being, must kick the devil out.
A man would have to do it; of that there is no doubt.
But there’s a little problem, of man’s representation.
It had to be person, who included every nation.
One who was equated, to all the human race.
And only God could ever stand in all of mankind’s place.
Jesus as a human, was one person on His own!
But since He is Divinity, He doesn’t stand alone!
He takes the place of everyone who’s ever lived on earth.
So when He conquered Satan, His victory was worth,
Far more than just one person. We live because He died.
He paid the price for all of us and Satan is denied.
He cannot keep us captive. For we have been released.
And now it’s Satan’s power that truly is deceased.
That’s why He had to do it. He had to be a man.
There is no other creature could fit into the plan.
A donkey or an elephant, a vulture or a moose.
In terms of our salvation, were not of any use.
It had to be a human. It had to be a male.
Any other creature was surely bound to fail.
And so He walked among us and Satan’s reign was through,
Because of what the Saviour did, for folk like me and you.
And no one else could do it, for Jesus is unique;
Divine while He was human! With Satan up the creek!
Jim Strickland – Written 1st December 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


What do we mean when saying He is the Prince of Peace?
Is He the one who’s destined to cause all wars to cease?
I’m certain He will do that. But how it will be done?
It seems that many people won’t think of it as fun.
The famous “Pax Romana” kept may wars at bay.
     There wasn’t much alternative, the Romans had a way,
Of keeping people quiet, by using deadly force.

Those who raised objections would soon be dead – of course.
So people were in terror of getting Rome upset.
And those who dared to do it, would never quite forget,
The way that they were dealt with. That’s if they were not slain.
So there was great encouragement to never once complain.
That wasn’t Christ’s intentions. True love does not use force.
He never wants to throw us out, or give us a divorce.
He has a plan for all of us, a plan that is sublime.
A way of life that never leads us to a life of crime.
He takes the situation. Whatever it may be;
And in that very circumstance He tells us, “Come to Me!
Lay aside your problems. In Me you are secure.
You know I will be with you, whatever you endure!
Perhaps you’re in the fire; in the middle of the flames.
My presence will go with you to fulfil all My claims.
No matter what they do to you, they cannot touch your soul.
You may experience suffering, but I AM in control.
Perhaps you have to die for Me. But what is that to you?
I’ve given you a promise; My promises are true.
For you will be rewarded, beyond what you can think.
You’ll soon be at my table; and I’ll cause you to drink,
Until you are more satisfied than you will ever know.
So if they want to kill you, relax and just let go!
They don’t know what they’re doing. There’s only you and I,
Can understand the purpose; the who; the where; the why.
So let My peace enfold you; You are condemned to win!
No matter what might happen you’re pure and cleansed within.
Perhaps you’ll be a martyr; but I have died for you.
Surrender unto Me your life; and see what I will do!
You’ll be a mighty conqueror. Your peace will be complete;
And through your act of dying, you’ll witness sin’s defeat.”
Jim Strickland – Written 30th November 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011


Why was it you decided that you would serve the Lord?
Could it be, to serve Him, for some sort of reward?
I know that’s why I started. I’d heard there was a hell.
That’s why I came to Jesus – as best as I can tell.
But was that reason valid? Was that the way to come?
To hide away from Satan and be the Father’s chum?
There lots of folk who’ve done this. They wanted an escape.
They didn’t want the flames of hell. For them it would be rape!
There’s many other reasons. They focus on themselves.
But why should Father take them down from off His storage shelves?
Surely if it’s selfish, the action was a sin.
Was that a proper reason to want to enter in?
We think the Lord will do us good and so we raise our hand.
And walk the little journey while all the others stand.
We come before the Master and say we want to serve.
We think that we will benefit. And then, we have the nerve,
To think that we were doing it to glorify the Lord!
That’s just a load of nonsense, we flee His mighty sword!
There has to be a reason, that isn’t me and mine.
A purpose more appropriate, for serving the Divine.
Something to bring glory to the God who saves our soul.
Something that’s unselfish, where Jesus is the goal!
I know that I first came to Him, so I could get away,
From what was very certain on the final judgement day.
And so I took His offer, with a big sigh of relief.
But when I think about it, I think I was a thief!
What glory was there in it, for God who reigns on High?
The one who had the benefit was me, myself and I!
There’s really just one reason for coming to the Lord.
That reason is He’s worthy to be worshipped and adored.
In fact He is so worthy, that what He does with me,
I shouldn’t even think of what the outcome aught to be.
In truth He is so worthy, that if I get sent to hell;
And stay in it forever, as best as I can tell;
It shouldn’t really matter. His glory will then shine,
In spite of what will happen to me, myself and mine.
And that is more important than any other thing.
He has the right give to me His lovely wedding ring.
Or send me to the other place; for He is all in all.
I have no right to bargain or on His name to call.
It’s only Him Who matters. My purpose is to see,
The splendour of the Master. So what He does with me,
Depends upon His purposes. I cannot cut a deal.
I only have to trust that in His glory He’ll reveal,
His purpose and His planning, for those who want to be,
Doing what He wants us to for all eternity.
Jim Strickland – Written 29th November 2011

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Some folk are most unhappy, that a Christian has to work.
They think belief is adequate and they can sit and shirk,
Away from their combining their faith along with deeds.
To think that they can’t laze around, just violates their creeds.
They think they are so special. Their Father is the King;
And that they have a licence, for doing not a thing.
And in their estimation, there’s one four letter word.
The word is “work”; and by them, it never should be heard.
“God will provide” they tell us. And if we answer “how”?
You’d think we’d gone and slaughtered their favourite holy cow!
“By faith” is what they comment. They do not understand,
That God abhors the sluggard. And they are far too grand,
To have to stoop to working. They get it all for free.
“The Lord will somehow do it and give it all to me!”
That’s not the Christianity that Jesus ever taught.
It’s also not the Kingdom, into which they were brought.
They haven’t read the Scripture that goes with work and food.
Their hunger pangs will fix them and smash their idle mood!
The same is true of everything that’s written in God’s word.
You have to put your trust in Him and do what you have heard.
For if you do not do it, your holiness is shot.
And if we are not Holy, Salvation, we have not!
Yes! There is a connection, ‘tween work and Holiness.
They always go together; like soap and cleanliness!
For cleanliness is possible by washing off the grime.
And if you do not do it, you’re going to smell, big time!
So faith and work are partners and both of them you need.
They are the combination that will cause you to succeed.
Faith is the foundation, on which our virtue rests.
By working to acquire it we’re sure to pass His test.
Then carry on to knowledge and then to self control;
To steadfastness and godliness, that’s how you are made whole.
But this requires effort; and work means just the same.
You have to use your energy, to play the loving game.
And finally when you are done and look back down the years;
And think of all your effort, your eyes will fill with tears.
For you will see historically how faith and work succeeds;
And thank the Lord for what He did with faith and love and deeds.
Jim Strickland – Written – 28th November 2011

Saturday, November 26, 2011


It’s hard to look at anything, that’s right before your nose.
The more you keep on looking, the more frustration grows.
You think you aught to see it, when it’s right before your eyes.
But sometimes, it’s so obvious; you think it’s in disguise.
You don’t expect to see it; that’s why it’s hard to spot.
It’s not where you expected. It’s little, not a lot!
It’s men who have this problem. The ladies often see,
The thing which we are looking for, as quick as quick can be.
It’s also expectations. We see the things we should.
If something is invisible, it isn’t any good.
No matter how you look at it, it simply isn’t there.
Although we keep on looking, until look becomes a stare.
We cannot see God’s glory. And that is just as well.
If we approach too close to Him, He’d blast us into hell.
It seems that Peter got it right. Please keep away he said.
If You come any closer, I’m sure that I’ll be dead.
Yet there have been some people who have looked and seen the Lord.
Isaiah was just one of them and he was overawed.
Of course there have been others, although it’s been quite few,
It made a massive impact, on all that they would do.
And then our Lord and Master, arrived upon the scene.
But no one wondered who He was, or asked where He had been.
He’d come here incognito. Our God in a disguise.
He did it quite deliberately and it was no surprise,
They didn’t recognise Him. How could they anyway?
He didn’t tell them who He was; His glory tucked away.
Not many folk would see Him and know He was the Lord.
It wasn’t what was needed. They’d know as a reward!
For faith was still essential to please the Lord Most High.
So He could walk upon the earth, be crucified and die,
Without the people knowing for certain it was He.
They had to put their trust in Him although they couldn’t see,
That He was the Messiah. The only way was trust.
And this remains the only way, the children of the dust,
Can ever really see Him. Faith is the only way,
That He will let us come to Him; and it’s still true today.
To really see His glory; One glance into His face.
Reveals the radiant glory of the One who saves by grace.
Jim Strickland – Written 27th November 2011