Saturday, December 31, 2011


Today is the first day of 2012, So let me commence by asking the Lord to bless you, family and friends in 2012.
Some phrases in the English language become “hackneyed” with age. The same is true in Scriptural language. Please don’t think I’m being irreverent when I say that I am more than mildly irritated when I am present at a prayer meeting; or any other gathering of Christians when I hear the phrase, Where two or three people meet together in my name, I am there with them." I’ve heard it so often that I rather suspect it’s become a sort of Christian “mantra” that we need to hear but don’t really believe. In a sense it’s as though people are saying, “Jesus is with us, but don’t expect anything to happen”.
I suspect this frustration comes from my school days at Marist Brothers. There were regular brief interruptions for prayer throughout the day; every hour on the hour. But habit had taken the meaning out of the prayers. So we said the words before we could get on with the class. Great if you love ritual. But if you want to put your heart and soul into prayer, find a better method. For the sake of clarification, look at the way the Message expresses the words, 19 When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. 20 And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I'll be there." Mat 18:19-20 MSG. I find nothing in these words to suggest that Jesus’ sole purpose is to answer the prayers of those who are praying.
One of the phrases in English which I find equally disturbing is, “The longest journey begins with a single step.” If ever words were strung together to discourage people they are these words. I wonder if Hudson Taylor or Gladys Aislewood pondered this phrase? How about Paul, Peter or any of the church fathers?
Today we are setting off on a one year journey to follow the Daily Light Evening Scriptures. The journey will take 366 days (Leap year) Let’s not think of this as a chore to be undertaken. Let’s see it as a breathtaking journey into the heart of God. Each day should be a pleasure. It will be if that’s what we decide.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland.

The Lord of Life

As Moses said to Joshua, “Take courage and be strong.
For you will lead these people as soon as I am gone.
Go take the land God’s given them, divide and share it out.
The time has come for taking it. That’s far beyond a doubt.
The Lord will go ahead of you and grant you great success.
He won’t fail or abandon you, His purpose is to bless,
The people He has chosen to be His very own.
Just follow Him consistently and do what He has shown.”
The words that Moses gave them, all still apply today,
And Jesus says to all of us, here’s what we must obey.
It’s not a time for slacking off; It’s not a time to mope.
It’s not a time for thinking, that there’s no future hope.
It’s time for looking forward and straining for the prize.
For focusing on what the Lord has placed before our eyes!
It’s time to seek the glory; the type the Father gives.
The sort that is reflected by the way the Master lives!
It’s taking on the suffering, the way that He endured;
That when we trust in Jesus, our victory’s ensured.
It’s having a deep knowledge, of all that He has said.
It’s putting all our trust in Him, to whom we’ll soon be wed.
It’s waiting for the day to come, when He’ll return as judge.
To know this is a certainty from which we cannot budge.
It’s grasping He will do it; That all will be fulfilled.
That nothing can prevent it, for that is what He’s willed.
It’s getting into training, so we can win the crown.
It’s fully recognising we’ll wear His wedding gown.
It’s fully understanding, His word will never fail;
In spite of execution, or being thrown in jail.
It’s truthfully discerning, the presence of the saints.
Who’ve died and gone before us the way the Bible states.
It’s listening to them cheering, as we go running by,
Aware we will be with them the instant that we die.
It’s looking unto Jesus; He is the only way!
Assured that He will take us, to be with Him one day.
And as we move together, into our Promised Land,
Be certain He will be with us to help us understand,
That when the battle’s over, He’ll give us a reward.
For being His disciple and making Him our Lord.
Jim Strickland  - written – 1st January 2012

Friday, December 30, 2011


Time with Jesus - Saturday, 31 December 2011
The end of an era is usually denoted by a few profound words. Few words in all of history were more profound than those Jesus spoke immediately prior to dismissing His Spirit and giving His body over to death. John’s Gospel records the incident as follows: 29 A jar of sour wine was sitting there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put it on a hyssop branch, and held it up to His lips. 30 When Jesus had tasted it, He said, "It is finished!" Then He bowed His head and released His spirit. John 19:29-30 NLT
One of the commentaries interprets the words as, “It is accomplished”. It’s clear that He had completed everything His Father had sent Him to earth to complete. Nothing remained outstanding. He had done it all! In fact it is these very words that tell us that the way back to God was open.
Another comment which I noted was the one that indicated that the campaign was over. All that was required was the mopping up which He had left to His followers. My problem with this statement is that it suggests that He had not quite achieved everything necessary.
From our perspective and looking back on 2011 we can also say, “It is finished”. I’ve completed one full year of daily devotions in rhyme and metre using the Daily Light Morning Scriptures. It’s been great fun as well as a challenge. At the beginning of the year I thought I’d bitten off more than I could chew. Having reached the end there is a feeling of achievement at having accomplished my goal. In this regard, thanks so much for the helpful comments and constructive criticism from friends and relations all over South Africa.
Where to next? Well the next task is to get 2011 devotionals compiled into a book. Hopefully, that will be complete by the middle of February and I’ll be able to let you all know the cost of the book.
At the same time, the plan is to produce another yearly book of daily devotions. This time it will be based on the Daily Light Evening Scriptures. For some reason the evening Scriptures have never been as popular as the morning ones. I don’t know why. Perhaps we will find out as we progress through the year?
Today’s meditation is a reflection on 2011. The Scriptures appear to focus on looking back over a period of time. So this morning’s meditation comprises a short review of 2011 from Phyllida’s and my point of view.
Once again, thanks for your support. We are looking forward to a new year with a new goal; to complete the devotional for 2012.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland.


O Lord as I reflect upon what’s happened in my life,
There’s so much to be thankful for. Especially my wife.
You brought us both together some thirty years ago,
And gave us both a blessing which is more that we could know.
O Lord it’s clear You carried us each step along the way.
It is the only reason why we are here today.
You brought us out of Egypt as if on eagle’s wings;
And multiplied our union with so many different things.
Indeed Lord, You redeemed us. You set us both aside.
You’ve cared for us and blessed us, as though we are Your bride.
Your presence hovered over us; You saw we were protected.
You set us on a journey which will end when we’re perfected.
No foreign god was with us. You did it on Your own.
We tried to be obedient and do the things You’ve shown.
We know that there were errors when we just plunged ahead.
But even in these failures, You were our “living bread”.
And Lord we both are aging. Our hair has now gone grey.
We haven’t got the energy that we had yesterday.
But that is not important because we still have You.
And by Your Holy Spirit’s power, we’ll do what we must do.
We know there’s no compulsion. We do it out of love,
Because You are our Father, the God Who reigns above.
Thank You for Your faithfulness throughout the former years.
Thank You for the laughter, the good times and the tears.
Thank you we are standing where a new year will begin.
And that Your loving presence will keep us free from sin.
Thanks there are no reasons to be frightened or dismayed.
Thank You for the certainty that when You are obeyed,
Tomorrow will present to us an opportunity,
To follow where You’re leading, wherever that might be.
Help us to hear clearly. Help us make a vow,
To do what You are saying, regardless where or how.
For Lord, You are the potter and we are just the clay
Longing to be used by You in each and every way.
So as we fix our focus on the year that lies ahead,
Give us both the power to go where we are led.
To keep on being faithful right to the very end.
Trusting in the only One on Whom we can depend.
Jim  Strickland- Written 31st December 2011

Thursday, December 29, 2011


What do you see when you look at your reflection in the mirror shortly after getting up in the morning. At times I feel a bit like the wicked queen in Snow White’s adventure. As I recall she said something like, “Mirror, Mirror on the wall; who’s the fairest of them all?” The mirror always answered “You are!” - Until Snow White was on the scene.
Now I don’t have a mirror that speaks. It doesn’t need to. Looking at my reflection speaks volumes as I trace the lines etched into my face by time. There was a time, many years ago, when I could look at my reflection and feel satisfied with what I saw. Not exactly Charles Atlas, but a comparatively average young man with lots of living in front of him. (D. V.) Those days are now remembered as my time of vanity. Penny Coellen had just won the Miss World beauty contest and the average young male gazed into the mirror believing that if she could win Miss World, we could appeal to someone who compared favourably with the sort of man her title warranted. (Pride – yuk!)
Those were the halcyon days of Brylcream (a little dab ‘ll do ya.) and ducktail hairstyles for men! I rather suspect that most of us thought we were the answer to some young maiden’s prayer!
Those days have gone. In place of hair there is baldness; Brylcream no longer helps - except as a polish. There are now more lines on our faces than train lines in Cape Town. The chest has sunk down into the region of the stomach. So what I now see when I look in the mirror reveals the stark reality of the aging process. I don’t like what I see!
However it is not the magic mirror looking at me. Someone far better and much more reliable now whispers in my ear. He tells me that to him I’m not a mess. In fact He tells me that in His sight I’m exactly right. He isn’t looking at my outer physical shape. He’s looking inside me and can see the spirit man he “recreated”. I may not be a modern Penny Coellen; wrong gender anyway. But He sees me as I will be when I am with Him. I wish I could do that!
It seems that this world is completely upside down. In Him we are renewed day by day. In the world I get older every day! It’s comforting to know that although the grave is likely to interrupt the process, at the very end, what Jesus sees will be reality!
Today’s meditation looks at this in more detail.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland.


I looked at my reflection in the mirror on the wall.
I thought it was familiar and was what I could recall.
The hair was grey and balding where once there was a mop
But time had done its damage and was nothing I could stop.
The face was far from perfect. It looked wrinkled and was lined.
It surely wasn’t handsome, distinguished or refined.
The chin was rather hairy and it needed to be shaved.
It didn’t look respectable but didn’t look depraved.
I looked in fascination at the things that I could see.
It was a mirror image that represented me.
I saw the spots and pimples, the results of passing time.
It didn’t look too terrible except for ingrained grime.
Then deep inside my spirit I thought I heard a voice.
“The things that you are looking at are the result of choice.
It may look quite presentable, acceptable to you.
But son, from My perspective, it really will not do.
I’m looking for a people who want to be My bride.
Arrayed with all the splendour of the glory that’s inside.
A people who are spotless and completely wrinkle-free.
Do you think you’re acceptable to be the one for Me?”
I looked in disappointment at the person whom I saw.
It surely was impossible; not handsome anymore.
A tear then started forming in the corner of my eye.
I knew what Jesus wanted and I could not comply.
And then he whispered softly as He ministered to me.
“Look now at the picture of the person whom I see.
Look into your spirit for there you will behold,
The man who I have moulded from a piece of purest gold.
Look at the perfection, for I have done it all.
I’ve made you pure and spotless unhampered by the fall.
The moment when you trusted and gave your life to me.
I gave you all the qualities that only I can see.
You look at your appearance; I see your inner man.
You see your imperfections. I see the bigger plan.
You think it is impossible; My son that is quite true.
But I have made a masterpiece and recreated you.
Stop looking at the creature that both your eyes have seen.
Instead look at the person I’ve shaped into a queen.
A picture of the glory of what only I can do.
A born again example of where I’m taking you.
So be a little patient with the passing of the years.
The day is not too distant when I’ll wipe away your tears.
And we will be forever in a place where we will be,
Bride and groom together for all eternity
Jim Strickland – Written 30 December 2011 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Time with Jesus - Thursday, 29 December 2011
Hi all,
The will of the Lord is something Christians often find confusing. As a new believer, I was taught something which I called “dot theology”. I was taught that regarding God, there were “three wills”. These were (a) His perfect will; (b) His permissive will and (c) that which was not His will. Dot theology meant that His will was the bull’s eye. The rest of the target or inside an unspecified circle was His permissive will. That which missed the target completely was said to be not His will. The diagram was useful for teaching purposes but theologically it was a nightmare. It was nothing more than a palliative (soothing anxieties or other intense emotions) to comfort the tender consciences of unbroken Christians!
There are only two possibilities in what we do. It’s either His will or it’s not! God does not have a permissive will! If you can show me a permissive Bible, I’ll admit He has a permissive will! Everything that happens is either His will or not. There are no shades of grey. Most things that take place on this earth are simply not His will. Sure He permits it to happen. But that does not mean He is in any way permissive! That we have a permissive God is unthinkable. How could a permissive God bring judgement? On the contrary, God is totally consistent and is not a respecter of persons. How could He smile on me and frown on you when we have committed identical sins? The very idea is anathema. (Somebody or something that is greatly disliked or detested and is therefore shunned)
It seems to me that we Christians have “invented” a permissive will because we don’t like to admit we are wrong about anything. For example, the Holocaust was not His will. What happened was absolutely contrary to His will. He permitted it to take place because people are free to do what they choose. He does not interfere. That does not mean He is permissive. It did not happen in His “permissive will”. He “hated” every moment of it. It happened because this world is filled with men and women who are “monsters of Iniquity”.
Without Jesus Christ, you and I are incapable of righteousness. We are still able to be like that. It’s only by His grace and the working of the Holy Spirit that God sees us as righteous. Jeremiah summed up humanity as follows: 9 "The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? Jer. 17:9 NLT. Nothing has changed since then.
Paul in his letter to the Romans describes how our life in Christ Jesus should be. 2 Don't live any longer the way this world lives. Let your way of thinking be completely changed. Then you will be able to test what God wants for you. And you will agree that what he wants is right. His plan (will) is good and pleasing and perfect. Rom 12:2 NIrV In his first letter to the Thessalonians Paul describes the Lord’s will for us: 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 ESV.
God’s will for you and me is to be obedient to His commands! A good place to start is by loving others. If we do, there will be no confusion in our hearts and minds and we will find that doing His will is as clear as day. The question we must ask ourselves is if we are “willing” to do it!
Today’s meditation looks at this in a practical and non-religious way.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland.

God’s Holy Will
Friends, do not be foolish; seek God’s holy will.
You won’t find it difficult; it’s easy to fulfil.
The Lord has not concealed it; it isn’t tucked away.
It isn’t vague and woolly; He’s made it plain as day.
It isn’t in a distant land. In fact it’s very near.
You’ll have no trouble finding it; He’s made it very clear.
He want’s you to be Holy; He want’s you sanctified.
He wants you to be spotless; an honourable bride.
Abstain from immorality; Keep well away from lust.
Don’t be like the Gentiles; be honest, true and just.
Do not be a mimic of those who don’t know God.
Do not be licentious and do not spare the rod.
Never be a tattle tale; don’t pass the gossip on.
If you aren’t involved in it, your interest’s surely none.
Don’t be late for meetings. It makes the others wait.
It’s their time you’re stealing. Plan well before each date.
Walk with unbelievers; display your inner peace.
Always be consistent; prayer must never cease.
Follow the Lord Jesus. He’s honest, pure and true.
Listen very carefully and He will speak to you.
Live a life that’s worthy, of Jesus Christ the Lord.
Only spend your money, on what you can afford!
Ask the Lord for wisdom, to help you understand,
What’s happening around you and what it is He’s planned.
Never cease rejoicing; praise the Lord in song.
Give Him all the glory; you will not get things wrong.
You belong to Jesus; be His humble slave.
Do not be rebellious; when He speaks, be brave.
Carry out His orders, do the things He says.
Read the Holy Bible; it tells us of His ways.
Pray for other people. Pray that you will know,
The Lord in all His riches; Therein you will grow.
Let hope be your beacon; always intercede.
Call upon His mighty strength; He is all you need.
Don’t fear what might happen; do not fear at all!
He will always help you, when on Him you call.
If you’re always doing what is written here,
You will always know His will, and He’ll always be near.
Jim Strickland – written 29 December 2011

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Time with Jesus - Wednesday, 28 December 2011
David Pawson tells a story about a group of men from various religious movements meeting together in search of unity. Each person was asked to please describe what their particular faith offered people, that was unique and incontestable in terms of what they understood. The Buddhist stated that reincarnation gave everyone a chance to ultimately “make the grade”. The group then discussed this to establish what the advantages were or were not.
Each participant in turn spoke. The group discussed each one of them in turn. In the end, the Christian was asked for his contribution. He said that the “one thing” Christianity offered, that no one else could give, was forgiveness. The group remained silent. They knew that it remains the greatest need confronting humanity.
For my first few years in Christianity I went through a time of doubt. The doubt was centred on forgiveness. Had I really been forgiven? Was it true or was it a religious delusion? The only “proof” I could find was in the Bible. But in those days the Bible was just another piece of literature with deeply historical roots. I was told it was the Word of God. I didn’t have much problem with that. But I could see no logic in an ancient book, full of history and written so many years ago, being God’s Word. My unanswered question was, “Which words were God’s words? In addition although I was told I had been forgiven, I didn’t feel any different from what I felt before that night when I asked Jesus to forgive me! Of course the essence of Christianity is believing in God. 6 It's impossible to please God apart from faith. And why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that he exists and that he cares enough to respond(s) to those who seek him. Heb 11:6 MSG
So unbelief was at the very centre of my relationship with Jesus. It’s hard to have a relationship with someone you neither know nor trust! No wonder those early day were so mixed up for me! How could I believe I had been forgiven if I had no close knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ?
The bottom line of all this was. How do I know that my sins had been forgiven? There’s no real answer to this. It’s a matter of faith.
During my time at Bible School, I listened to Dr Ken Stewart. He told us that he had entered the seminary convinced of the reality of God’s existence. He stated that he went to the seminary to prove God was real. Imagine the shock when he found that he shared a room with a young man who had gone to seminary to prove that there was no such person! He then added that neither of them succeeded in their quest. It was only when he decided to believe, that the Lord’s reality became evident. He suggested that we would never be able to prove God’s existence. But when we start to move in faith, then Jesus reveals Himself to us.
For me today, God’s forgiveness is no longer a matter for examination in a test tube. That doesn’t work. But when we start to believe we find the truth. “Rolled away, rolled away, and the burden on my heart rolled away.” On that day my sins were rolled away! Yes it is still a miracle. I can’t show you God in a test tube. But look inside the heart of a believer. There you will find all the truth about forgiveness you will ever need.
Today’s meditation looks at forgiveness and freedom from sin.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland.

Freed from sin

The most important statement, I’ve ever read or heard.
Came from the lips of Jesus! I thought they were absurd.
I know I was a youngster. I’d not seen much of life.
And when I read the Gospel, they stabbed me like a knife.
A most accomplished sinner; I knew that I was bad.
But surely God would understand for I was still a lad.
I listened to the speaker; his words cut to the quick.
And while he went on talking, I physically felt sick.
He said God set a standard of sinless purity.
That just a teeny weeny sin, would be the end of me.
He asked with deep compassion, if I could reach that goal.
For me it wasn’t viable to be a sinless soul.
I’d failed the test already; I’d tallied up a score.
And even if I tried again, I’d surely sin some more.
So what was the prognosis? How could I get things right?
I thought it was Mount Everest and must be climbed tonight.
And as the man continued I sank into the pew.
I thought that it was hopeless; something I couldn’t do.
The more the man kept talking, the worse it seemed to be.
For me it was an absolute impossibility.
And still the man kept talking but with a change of tone.
There was a little ray of hope; one way to God alone.
He then spoke of forgiveness; what Jesus Christ could do.
The thing I knew I needed and surely wanted to.
He said my sins were numerous, but if I’d simply trust;
My sinful life He’d turn around, iniquity He’d bust.
To come and take my sin away; repentance was required.
It sounded very logical and was what I desired.
He said forgiveness was the way; and if I’d take His test
He’d separate my sins from me as far as East from West
I knew that’s what I needed, but wondered could I do it?
To which he said there was no need - and why should I construe it?
I gasped at the simplicity. I didn’t have to strain.
That Jesus Christ had done it all and I could start again!
That Jesus was the Saviour; my sins he’d roll away.
So when he gave the altar call, I knew I must obey.
It took less than ten seconds to answer to that call.
I trusted in the Master and made Him Lord of all.
And from that very moment my life He turned around.
I had no appetite for sin and I was heaven bound.
But none of this could happen till Jesus said to me,
“My son you are My vessel. From Sin I’ve set you free”.
Jim Strickland – written 28 December 2011