Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Time with Jesus - Thursday, 01 March 2012
Hi all,
Have you ever stood on one side of a thin wall and heard something awful happening on the other side? You don’t have to be physically standing there to know what is going to happen next. Instinctively you know the final outcome and can do nothing about it. You’d like to but it’s not possible. It’s a bit like watching a program on TV. You see it all happening and have no ability to change the outcome.
This sort of thing is seen regularly on the goggle box. There’s a fork in the road. A choice must be made. One road leads to safety. However, you can see that it is bumpy and goes through difficult situations. The other looks easy. It’s wide, well made with a good tar surface. There are lots of attractions on both sides for you to have fun. One of the roads leads to heaven. The other one leads to hell. You have to decide which way to go.
I’ve deliberately simplified the scenario. But the real life situation is much the same. Each one of us must choose the way to go. Sadly, those on the road to heaven can’t make people go their way. You cannot make other people’s choice for them. As an additional complication, people won’t listen to what you want to say. They think you are a religious fanatic. No matter what you say is greeted with howls of derision. It’s heart-breaking! You have the one solution to their sickness. They are sick and dying from sin. There is no cure and no hope. There is only one way. The way is in and through Jesus Christ.
Tragically, many will die without ever knowing Him. A number of them are so set in their own ways that they would rather die than admit they have a problem. A few would rather die than believe you!
Today’s meditation takes us down this road. It’s a shame. It’s a crying shame. Worse than that, it’s a dying shame.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland

A Dying Shame

Why is it that all things come right, for those who serve the Lord?
It isn’t just a lucky plan, or what we can afford.
The secret isn’t hidden. It’s there for all to see.
When God raises His banner, His enemies all flee!
We think it might not happen. Perhaps we feel afraid?
But those who fight against the Lord will never make the grade.
They do not seem to listen; they miss the starter’s gun.
It seems they are so terrified, they turn around and run.
God has a mighty banner and when it’s held aloft,
The people of the world bow down, and every hat is doffed!
It started out with Joshua when he fought Amalek.
The mighty banner of the Lord held all His foe in check.
And from that very moment, Amalek was doomed!
Every time they raised their heads and battle was resumed,
The outcome was a certainty. They couldn’t win the day.
For those who fight against the Lord, all simply melt away.
You can’t fight God Almighty, so do not even start!
For when He fights against you, your army falls apart.
His people were all chosen, before all time began.
We don’t know how He does it. It makes no sense to man!
We know He has no favourites; but it is not by chance.
He knows the ones who’ll follow Him in His Divine Romance.
He doesn’t hate the others. He’d love them to join in;
But knew they wouldn’t bow the knee; they love it in their sin!
He didn’t make them that way. He’d like them by His side.
But they refuse to come to Him. They simply won’t abide,
The fact that they should follow Him and not the devil’s bunch.
So Satan rubs his hands with glee and has them all for lunch.
They do not have a stronghold; a fort or other shield.
In their battle with the Lord, they have no choice but yield.
And in their stubborn fight with God, it seems they’d rather die,
Than serve the risen Lamb of God, Who reigns supreme on high!
They look at us and giggle. “Extremists!” they all state;
And carry on with serving their lord of sin and hate.
The Lord God longs to free them and break apart their chains.
Their ears are deaf; their eyes are blind and little else remains,
For them to find repentance. “Forgive them Lord!” we cry.
But even so, they love their sin. In shame, they’ll surely die.
Jim Strickland – Written 1st March 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Time with Jesus - Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Hi all,
Our Love is Here to Stay
It's very clear
Our love is here to stay ;
Not for a year
But ever and a day.

The radio and the telephone
And the movies that we know
May just be passing fancies,
And in time may go !

But, oh my dear,
Our love is here to stay.
Together we're
Going a long, long way

In time the Rockies may crumble,
Gibralter may tumble,
They're only made of clay,
But our love is here to stay. 
George & Ira Gershwin
In 1890 Albert B. Simpson wrote:
“Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same.
All may change, but Jesus never! Glory to His Name!
Glory to His Name! Lord Jesus; Glory to  His Name!
All may change, but Jesus never! Glory to His Name!
Music by James H. Burke
For me, 1955 was a “water-shed” year. I was at school in Sasolburg. Dad’s company suddenly called him back to England for a six month refresher course. So I had a six month holiday in England. I was 13, and overnight became acutely aware of girls. At the time, Taaibos Power Station was being constructed. Taaibos was rather isolated. It was ±15 km from Sasolburg.  In those days, Sasolburg was little more than a small housing estate. The nearest town was Vereeniging, some 30km away. Taaibos village boasted a recreation hall for bioscope shows, dances and a variety of social and sports clubs.
I distinctly remember going to the recreation club to see the movie, “An American in Paris” staring Gene Kelly and Lesley Caron. For me it was the first “Love story” I’d seen. It featured one of my all time favourite songs, “Our love is here to stay”. The haunting words and melody are with me some 57 years later.
I had no idea that the title would dwell in my heart for so long. The fact is, 5 years later I met the only one of whom it is correct to say, “Our love is here to stay”. I met my Lord and Saviour in Bainbridge Memorial Methodist Church Hall in England and discovered someone about whom the words of this song truly apply.
At age 13, some things do not cross your radar screen. All of life was in front of me so death was little more than a column in the newspaper. Perhaps this is why the song is so significant? Those who know me know that I love singing. I’m no Mario Lanza, so my voice is unlikely to be anyone’s favourite. But I know the Lord loves it; particularly when I sing about Him and His love.
In 1961 I first came across another song which I love. The theme is similar. I learned it and sang it with the people who were attending the Cliff College Easter Convention. Already I knew something about change. There are enormous changes between 13 and 18. But as far as I was concerned, the years ahead were beckoning with eager anticipation.
Many other things have changed since then. “Age and decay in all around I see”. There are things I could do then that I no longer attempt. In spite of all these changes, a couple of things remain true. “All may change but Jesus never”. And “Our love is here to stay”. Thank you Lord!
Today’s meditation looks at some aspects of our changeless God.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland

Our Changeless God

We don’t know what it can be like for things to never change.
Even now, just thinking of it, seems so very strange!
Will the next word in a sentence; fill our listening ears?
Surely it can never happen. What about our tears?
Can they flow over our faces? Surely they will freeze?
Any movement that we think of, like an engine seized.
Every photograph we look at, constantly the same.
Every particle of motion, captured in its frame.
Relatives we knew so closely, some have passed away;
But each time we see their pictures – was that yesterday?
Is there aught that we can think of, in our time and space,
That will carry on forever? Change will not take place?
Mountain ranges all will crumble. They cannot endure!
Time will do its work upon them. This we know for sure.
But there must be somewhere stable; fixed and ever firm.
Something like a tiny virus or some tiny germ?
Nothing in this vast creation will go on and on.
Though we think its everlasting; soon it will be gone.
God alone is never changing; Thank Him it is so.
He alone is everlasting; doesn’t ebb and flow.
Yesterday, today, forever; starting point and end.
Isn’t subject to the seasons; doesn’t flex or bend.
Every word that He has spoken surely has come true.
He’s the fullness of perfection; needs not me nor you.
Priest and King Who reigns forever. He will always be,
Author of our great Salvation, loving steadfastly.
Merciful in great abundance; constantly the same.
Not the slightest variation in His Holy Name!
Infinite in every aspect, Length and breadth and height,
Reaching out in all directions; Lord of endless light.
How can we extol Thy virtues; Words are far too small,
To declare to men and angels, Him who’s all in all.
Even with our limitations, we all long to see;
Him who has no start or finish, ruling endlessly.
Lord forgive us for attempting to expound Your Grace.
For us it would be sufficient, just to glimpse Thy face!
Righteousness and love abounding. Lord to Thee we bow.
Knowing that we will be with You in Your timeless now!
Jim Strickland – Written 29 February 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012


Time with Jesus - Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Hi all,
It was a Sunday evening in October 1960. I had just committed my life to Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. For most of the next couple of days, Jesus Christ thrilled and excited me. Then, progressively, over the next few weeks, doubts started to multiply in my heart. These doubts are best summed up by the question, “How do you know you have been saved?
I must admit, apart from being excited about Jesus Christ, everything seemed so normal. I didn’t feel any different. In fact, I felt much the same as I had done before my conversion. I distinctly remember being shown words in the Bible. “So what”, I kept on asking? “What is this all about? What is there about the Bible I can trust? There was very little in it I could understand anyway. Furthermore what had the antics of a bunch ex Egyptian slaves, roaming round the wilderness carrying a weird tent and its furniture got to do with it? Genesis and Exodus were easy enough to read; but what about all those odd regulations and sacrificial rituals in Leviticus? Where was God in all this? Where was Jesus? Furthermore, why should I trust it? They said it was the Word of God. But how did I know it was God’s Word? Everything was as clear as mud and twice as murky. I didn’t know it then, but I was experiencing a head on attack by Satan or one of his pals. I think I would have quit, but I was quite enjoying it and getting to know the other young people in the church; especially the girls. Sometimes I think I was attracted to Christianity by the ladies. O well at least I’m willing to admit it!
Then something very important happened. I started attending the Prudhoe Street Mission on Saturday afternoons. Shortly thereafter I began responding to calls for salvation. I kept going to the front regularly. I needed assurance of salvation. The people helped me considerably. Then came 1961 and Billy Graham’s Greater Manchester Crusade. They wanted counsellors. I volunteered on the basis that it would help me with my understanding of being a Christian. I didn’t get to meet Billy Graham. But the counselling and choir sessions were being led by Cliff Barrows in the Prudhoe Street Mission. It was during these training sessions that I began “soaking up” Christian truth and getting answers to my questions. Of course, I didn’t get all the answers. What I did get was a passion for Jesus that is with me today.
This experience taught me one unforgettable lesson. I learned that God is greater than my heart. I had so many questions that needed answering. But somehow, He kept me going on with everything. In other words, His Word was bigger than my doubts. I felt condemned by what I didn’t understand. But He was and is greater than my feelings! Now I try and keep short accounts with God. By regular confession and repentance I’m able to stay close to Him. As a result, the words in John’s first epistle help me continue. 20 It's also the way to shut down debilitating self-criticism, even when there is something to it. For God is greater than our worried hearts and knows more about us than we do ourselves. 21 And friends, once that's taken care of and we're no longer accusing or condemning ourselves, we're bold and free before God! 1 John 3:20-21 MSG
All this comes from beginning to know the Word of God. No longer are there any questions in my mind concerning its validity.
Today’s meditation deals with Divine love and assurance.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland

Blinded by Love

No matter where we run to, from God we cannot hide.
He knows us intimately; what’s going on inside,
The heart of every person. Be they Christian or not,
The way that we react to Him. That puts us on the spot.
He penetrates our Spirit, with light ineffable;
And He continues doing it. He carries on until,
We come to the position, where we have made Him Lord.
Where sin has been defeated, by His great and mighty sword.
He doesn’t take a holiday. The Lord is never tired.
He knows our every motive for the things we have desired.
The things we think are hidden, in the recess of our soul,
Are lit up like a lighthouse to display our every goal.
Adam couldn’t fool Him from the time he ate the fruit.
He’d disobeyed the Master. The man could not refute,
His terrible exposure, to the God Who reigns on high.
And understand because of it, that He was bound to die.
Humanity had fallen. With all destined for hell.
Until the Saviour came and rang the “liberation” bell;
And by the Holy Spirit, could break the bonds of sin;
Return again to Father and truly enter in.
But still we have a problem, for Satan’s on the prowl.
He hunts around to get us like a predatory owl.
But he is unsuccessful, if Jesus is our King.
And we desire to serve Him much more than anything!
Christ provides the method, by the Holy Spirit’s power,
For Christians to be “sinless”, every moment, every hour.
Confession and repentance from sin will keep us clean;
And He will keep us spotless, no matter where we’ve been.
But Satan is a liar. He tells us we are lost.
He says that we are wicked; and we must pay the cost,
Of something that’s forgiven. He makes us feel condemned;
And that it is impossible to ever make amends.
But God has made a promise and assures us we are saved.
That we have been forgiven for the way that we’ve behaved.
Perhaps our heart condemns us, but God is so much more.
And He’s the One to turn to, to obtain the final score.
His truth brings the assurance of the facts about our fate.
While we are serving Jesus, the devil is too late!
God’s given us the victory, no matter how we feel.
And we can keep on serving Him with fervency and zeal.
So do not be misguided; Satan’s lies can make you blind.
But while you are obedient, God love is what you’ll find!
Jim Strickland – Written Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Sunday, February 26, 2012

ADULTERY! - (JOHN 8 VS. 1 TO 11)

Time with Jesus - Monday, 27 February 2012
Hi all,
Yesterday’s meditation and Scriptures were all about Covenant. You may recall that it referred to the fact that it was usually only the woman who was stoned to death for adultery. The man got off “scot-free”. I suspect that if women were stronger than men, it would have been the other way round! Being stoned to death for committing adultery is the topic dealt with in John 8 – one of today’s Scriptures.
This portion of Scripture is left out in some translations. Where it has been included, there is often a footnote or marginal-note stating that the passage is not in them. It’s been deliberately left out for a good reason. Many translators do not like to acknowledge that Jesus Christ is God! So they remove any section of Scripture which makes reference to His Divinity. After all, only God can forgive sin!
What is not mentioned is that if she was caught in the act of adultery and brought before Jesus, she was probably naked. Her deep humiliation and embarrassment would have touched Him deeply. To help her with this, Jesus didn’t look at her. Instead He wrote on the ground. It’s likely that someone threw her a covering of some sort during the time when the Pharisees left one by one. This would have quietened her trembling significantly. In other words, Jesus would not have been looking at a naked woman! I like this understanding, because of the deep care for women He displayed throughout His time in ministry. He would not have wanted to increase her embarrassment.
They thought they had “caught” Jesus out. The Mosaic Law was very clear. The penalty for adultery was stoning to death. If He had agreed, they would have stoned her to death there and then. If He didn’t He would have been siding with someone who had broken the law. His action was an act of God; repentance and forgiveness for an adulterer. No condemnation! “Go and sin no more”, was His injunction. Whether she did or did not we are not told. My guess is that her life was transformed by the incident. Jesus still does this today for sinners like you and me. Some of us have gone to Him more deeply entrenched in sin than this unfortunate woman. He forgave us and said, “Go and sin no more”! I’m so glad He did!
This little poem was written in 1985. However, it is as just as relevant today as it was back then. So I’ve included in today’s meditation. 
Jim & Phyllida Strickland

Adultery! - (John 8 vs. 1 to 11)
He'd been on the Mountain of Olives,
As well as our Temple in town.
We had heard Jesus speak
All the previous week
And at dawn, He came in and sat down.

We all began gathering round Him;
All eager, His voice, for to hear;
Perhaps we would see
Him miraculously
Cause a wondrous sign to appear!

Then, up walked a group of our leaders
With a woman they thought He should see.
They said, "It's a fact!"
"She's been caught in the act
Of committing adultery."

They said that, according to Moses,
She should now pay the ultimate price;
And, if He agreed,
They would like to proceed.
But first, would He give His advice?

Now, all of us knew that the question
Was designed to put Him in a flap.
They wanted to see
What His answer would be.
Perhaps, He'd be caught in their trap?

The woman looked horribly frightened.
She stood there just shaking with fear.
She was weeping aloud
In front of the crowd,
Convinced that her death was now near.

But we were all looking at Jesus
And wondering what He would say.
We could see He was faced
With His utter distaste
For this harsh and unloving display.

We didn't know how He could answer,
Or the principle He would propound.
But, we knew what He meant
When He silently bent
And His finger did write on the ground.

The Scribes and the Pharisees gloated,
Insisting He make a reply.
They thought He was beat
Till He got to His feet
And looked them all straight in the eye.

With a voice of authoritive passion,
He uttered these words from His heart:
“The one without sin
May her stoning begin."
Then, His writing, once more, He did start!
The leaders all stared in amazement;
Confused by the answer they'd heard.
For, the words that He spoke
Nearly caused them to choke!
To them, He had sounded absurd.

But slowly the truth of His answer
Started settling into each mind.
Like the light of the day
Driving darkness away,
Their reasons for stoning, declined.

Then, shamed by the wisdom of Jesus,
The eldest departed the scene.
How could he reply?
He did not qualify!
He knew what a sinner he'd been.

And, right the way down to the youngest,
They followed the eldest man's lead
And left, one by one,
Till each person had gone
That accused her of doing the deed.

The woman continued her weeping
But, since only Jesus was near,
Her trembling finished;
Her wailing diminished
And she was controlling her fear.

Then, Jesus arose from His bending
And glanced very quickly around.
We could tell from His eyes
He wasn't surprised
Her inquisitors couldn't be found!

"Woman, where are your accusers?"
Jesus asked as the woman grew calm.
"Where are the men
Who seek to condemn?
Is there no one that's seeking your harm?"

By then, she was filled with amazement
And relief that she couldn't disguise.
"No one Sir!" she replied
In a voice which implied
That she didn't believe her own eyes.

Then, Jesus looked full of compassion
As He gazed at her straight in the eye;
And His words set her free
As He said tenderly,
"If they haven't, neither do I!"

Jesus knew that she'd truly repented
Of what she'd been doing before;
And so He did say
That she could go away
And added, "Don't sin any more!"
Jim Strickland – Written 1985