Thursday, October 31, 2013


Time with Jesus - 1 Nov 2013

Hi all,
WE BELIEVE in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen.
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father. Through him all things were made.
For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary, and was made man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. AMEN
In 1951 at the age of 9, I was in the boarding establishment of Kingswood College in Grahamstown. Being away from home for the first time was traumatic, but after a couple of days with the other boys, life settled down into a comfortable and normal pattern. 
Mondays to Fridays were busy with the usual school activities in the morning and sports in the afternoons. Saturday was mostly devoted to sport and Sunday was a “day off” if such a thing can happen in a boarding school. We were all encouraged to attend a Church Service on Sunday morning. 
For me that was the big Anglican Cathedral in the middle of town. It wasn’t all that far away so we all walked to town. Some of the boys went to the Methodist Church. Others went to the Cathedral. I don’t recall being with Roman Catholic boys back then. I suspect the reason was the presence in Grahamstown of St Aiden’s College, which was primarily for the Catholic boys. (As far as I know, it’s closed now. It was last time we were in Grahamstown.)
Before Kingswood, I hadn’t been much of a church goer in spite of a number of Catholic friends. Now, things were slightly different. Going to the Cathedral was a welcome break from the school grounds.
It was in Kingswood that, unbeknown to me, I began to feel the vague promptings of God. 
Thus it was on Sunday mornings, there I was in the Cathedral going through the Anglican prayer book and listening to the liturgy. That’s where I came across the Nicene Creed. I’d already learned the Apostles Creed by attending Marist Brothers Schools. So I was somewhat surprised to find there were other creeds. 
Why there needed to be two creeds was a mystery. Nevertheless, every Sunday morning, there I was in one of the pews, in the middle of the church, listening and watching as the priest and congregation, went through the set morning worship ritual. 
Frankly, I loved it. One thing that puzzled me then, was that when the congregation read the portion, “For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary, and was made man”, all the congregation knelt briefly on the “kneelers”. 

It was never done sacrilegiously and certainly wasn’t offensive. But for a 9 year old boy it was strange! I presumed it was something to do with expressing reverence for Jesus Christ for what He had done.
Two passages from the Nicene C had me puzzled. These were:

1)     Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father. The problem was the word “begotten”. My guess was that it meant that He was the Son of the Father. His Father didn’t “make” Him, He was begotten. Now I’d come across the word “beget”. 
    The Old Testament was full of “he begot him”, indicating he was the son of. By implication, somewhere in the “begetting” there had to be a mother. For a 9 year old boy, this was obvious, even though I knew nothing of the birds and the bees. 

    So who was Jesus’ Mother? My Catholic friends always told me it was the Virgin Mary. I could tell this was true on a human level. But what about in the Spirit? In simple terms, who was God’s wife? That’s about as far as my juvenile ignorance could take me.
It was many years later that I came to realise we can’t deal with matters in the Spirit, the way we do in our dimension. The clue is in the meaning of the word, “begat”. Another meaning is “cause”. What a relief. I can understand the Father, “causing” the Son. This resolved the problem of God’s “wife”. 
It also made sense of Him being of one substance with the Father. Suddenly the expression, “a chip off the old block” helped me sort out this difficulty in my own mind. Not completely. The Father may be the “cause” of Jesus. But they are eternally one with each other. I guess it’s a bit like the question, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” In the case of The Father and the Son we can say they are eternally one and at the same time eternally unique.

2)     We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified. It’s the word “proceeds” that is another puzzle. Once again, understanding what is meant is a bit of problem. 
    Here again a good dictionary clears the air a bit. It’s got nothing to do with stealing the days proceeds from the till! It doesn’t mean to go forward after an interruption. It can mean “to come from a source; originate or issue”. Now we get to grips with the Holy Spirit’s “origin”. He “comes from” the Father and the Son. They are His “source”.
Inside the Cathedral in
To sum all this up, we can now get a slightly better idea of the Holy Trinity. At the same time they are eternally one and eternally individual. They are interdependent yet independent!
Anglican Cathedral
Occasionally, when I try and take a look at the Great Mystery of our God, I am inclined to want to go back to those Kingswood College days and revert to be 9 again. It’s a longing for the innocence of youth. Sadly, those days are no more.

Jim & Phyllida Strickland

Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give
Time with Jesus – 01 Nov. 2013
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give
These devotionals are the intellectual property of Jim Strickland and copyright protected. You are welcome to copy and distribute them to anyone provided it is for non-commercial Christian purposes
The Holy Trinity: Father Son and Holy Spirit. The Three In One. Three persons – One God. If you understand this truth, please explain it to every other Christian in the World. How Three can be One and at the same time be separate? If I really understood it I’d be a super-genius.
People have used a number of ideas in an attempt to illustrate this. One is an egg. It is one egg but it has a shell, a white and a yoke. It helps, but doesn’t describe our Infinite God adequately. Another I’ve come across is Water, Ice and Steam. Indeed they are the same substance, H2O. But this is also very inadequate. Another is; draw a circle and divide it up into three equal segments. Then imagine compressing it down to a minute dot, all three will be one. It boggles the mind a bit and may help some. Sadly, it doesn’t help me. Frankly, none of these ideas are completely helpful. What they do show is our inability to describe our Creator. If we could explain Him, He would not be God. Furthermore, such a description would enable us to concoct a mental impression of God. That would be an idol of our own making. It may be done for all the right reasons. But to our Lord, it would be an idol in the mind. As offensive to Him as building a golden calf and worshiping it.
Something that has helped me is the fact that in the Bible we are told 8 But anyone who does not love, does not know God, for God is love. 1 John 4:8 NLT
In order to love there must be someone to love. I suppose you can love a thing. But love is not really something you can do on your own. It takes at least two “people” for love to be real. If we take a ‘sideways” look at the same Scripture, we could conclude that God must be more than One or He could not love. So for God to be Love, there must be more than One. You may not like my logic, but it seems fairly clear that there must be at least “Two Persons in One” Of course with “Three in One”, love is not centred on one Person. Complete devotion to only one person could become a selfish relationship. So we’ve settled for the belief that God is Three Persons in One, committed to each other in a covenantal totally unselfish relationship!
Now let me rattle all our cages? Could it be that there are more than three? Personally, I don’t think so. But when I read about the “Seven Spirits of God”, my theology gets a bit rattled. In the poem today, I’ve looked at Isaiah 11:1-8 and it sort of threatens my comfort zone! We are dealing here with the Infinite God so it doesn’t have to make sense. But I just may be “treeing” up the wrong “bark” if you follow what I mean. My late Dad would say, “It’s a ‘can-ack-a-ler’”. What’s that? An unanswerable question.
Jim & Phyllida

6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting , Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6 TNIV
The gracious Holy Spirit! Isaiah clearly shows,
How He will be recognised; so everybody knows,
That this is nothing “spooky”. In fact, He’s rather grand!
He will give us wisdom; He’ll help us understand,
What our Holy God requires; so we can recognise
That what we are looking at is Jesus in disguise!
We need to know for certain that it is not a trick;
Sent to us by Satan dressed up as someone slick.
For He’ll bring us counsel and demonstrate the way,
To walk with God Almighty, on each and every day.
He will give us power. The strength that we all need,
To walk in true obedience and not in selfish greed!
His power will be gentle and yet as strong as steel.
To do that which is proper and not just how we feel.
Show the way to knowledge, that we may be equipped,
To walk the Christian tightrope, without our being tripped!
For wisdom goes with knowledge. You cannot separate,
What one does for the other. Together they equate,
To showing us the way to go when everything goes black;
When we’ve been confronted by a spiritual attack.
Knowledge gives us wisdom, to fear the Lord Most High.
Without which, our foolishness, would cause us all to die.
But we’ll be delighted, when we obey the Lord.
Rejoicing in the Spirit where Jesus is adored.
He won’t make a judgement by the way that we appear.
Nor draw a conclusion from the rumours which He hears.
He’ll make fair decisions and bring justice to the poor.
If they have been cheated, they won’t have to endure,
Wicked exploitation and find there’s no relief.
All their persecutors will be treated like a thief.
He’ll clothe the Messiah, with wisdom and with grace.
Give Him the authority, to look in Satan’s face,
And to overcome him by the power of God’s Word.
Thus God’s Holy Spirit will be both seen and heard!
He will bring God’s righteousness which Jesus will dispense.
For that is what’s needed; it makes lots of sense.
We can’t live for God the way that Jesus Christ requires.
But with the Spirit’s filling we get our heart’s desires.
Jim Strickland
Written 1st Nov. 2012

2 The life-giving Spirit of GOD will hover over him, the Spirit that brings wisdom and understanding, The Spirit that gives direction and builds strength, the Spirit that instills knowledge and Fear-of-GOD. 3 Fear-of-GOD will be all his joy and delight. He won't judge by appearances, won't decide on the basis of hearsay.
Isaiah 11:2-3 MSG

1 Does not wisdom call? Does not understanding raise her voice?
Proverbs 8:1 ESV

4 (Wisdom says) "To you, O men, I call, and my cry is to the children of man. 5 O simple ones, learn prudence; O fools, learn sense. 6 Hear, for I will speak noble things, and from my lips will come what is right,
Proverbs 8:4-6 ESV

14 I have counsel and sound wisdom; I have insight; I have strength.
Proverbs 8:14 ESV
29 This also comes from the LORD of hosts; he is wonderful in counsel and excellent in wisdom.
Isaiah 28:29 ESV

5 If any of you need wisdom, ask God for it. He will give it to you. God gives freely to everyone. He doesn't find fault.
James 1:5 NIrV

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart. Do not depend on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways remember him. Then he will make your paths smooth and straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6 NIrV

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Time with Jesus - 31 Oct 2013

Hi all,
A day or so ago we looked at an essay by Dr AW Tozer called, “The Waning Authority of Christ in the Churches.” The reaction to his essay has been such that it is appropriate to include extracts from his other writings. Phyllida and I firmly believe that this man was a 20th century prophet of Jesus Christ. His writing has deeply impressed us both and brought significant changes in our lives.

Today’s meditation comprises two Jimmets; “Veracity” and “Creativity”. God possesses these “qualities” infinitely. In fact you and I are only able to be truthful and creative because these “qualities” come to us from Him. Tozer refers to these “qualities” in His book, “The Knowledge of the Holy”. 
Today we look at “Why We Must Think Rightly about God”. If we fail to do so, we can stumble into idolatry, in spite of our best intentions.
What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.
The history of mankind will probably show that no people have ever risen above its religion. Man’s spiritual history positively demonstrates, no religion has ever been greater than its idea of God. Worship is pure or base as the worshipper entertains high or low thoughts of God.

For this reason the gravest question before the Church is always God Himself; and the most portentous fact about any man is not what he, at a given time, may say or do, but what he in his heart conceives God to be like. 
We tend, by a secret law of the soul, to move toward our mental image of God. This is true not only of the individual, but of the company of Christians that composes the Church. Always the most revealing thing about the Church is her idea of God; just as her most significant message is what she says about Him, or leaves unsaid. Her silence is often more eloquent than her speech.  She can never escape the self-disclosure of her witness concerning God.
Were we able to extract from any man a complete answer to the question, “What comes into your mind when you think about God?” we might predict with certainty the spiritual future of that man. Were we able to know exactly what our most influential religious leaders think of God today, we might be able, with some precision, to foretell where the Church will stand tomorrow.

Without doubt, the mightiest thought the mind can entertain is the thought of God.  Furthermore, the weightiest word in any language is its word for God. Thought and speech are God’s gifts to creatures made in His image; these are intimately associated with Him and impossible apart from Him. It is highly significant that the first word was the Word: 
“And the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” We may speak, because God spoke. In Him, word and idea are indivisible.
That our ideas of God correspond, as nearly as possible, to the true being of God, is of immense importance to us. 
Compared with our actual thoughts about Him, our creedal statements are of little consequence. Our real idea of God may lie buried under the rubbish of conventional religious notions. 
It may require an intelligent and vigorous search before it is finally unearthed and exposed for what it is. Only after an ordeal of painful self-probing are we likely to discover what we actually believe about God.
A right conception of God is basic, not only to systematic theology, but to practical Christian living as well. It is to worship, what the foundation is to the temple. Where it is inadequate or out of plumb, the whole structure must sooner or later collapse. 
I believe there is scarcely an error in doctrine or a failure in applying Christian ethics, that cannot be traced finally to imperfect and ignoble thoughts about God.
It is my opinion that the Christian conception of God in these middle years of the twentieth century, is so decadent as to be utterly beneath the dignity of the Most High God. 
This actually constitutes, for professed believers, something amounting to a moral calamity.
All the problems of heaven and earth, though they were to confront us together and at once, would be nothing compared with the overwhelming problem of God: That He is; what He is like; and what we as moral beings must do about Him.

The man who comes to a right belief about God, is relieved of ten thousand temporal problems. He sees at once that these have to do with matters which, at the most, cannot concern him for very long; 
but even if the multiple burdens of time may be lifted from him, the one mighty single burden of eternity, begins to press down upon him with a weight more crushing than all the woes of the world piled one upon another. 
That mighty burden is his obligation to God. It includes an instant and lifelong duty to love God with every power of mind and soul, and to obey Him perfectly, and to worship Him acceptably. And when the man’s labouring conscience tells him, he has done none of these things, but has from childhood been guilty of foul revolt against the Majesty in the heavens, the inner pressure of self-accusation may become too heavy to bear.

Perverted notions about God soon rot the religion in which they appear. The long career of Israel demonstrates this clearly enough, and the history of the Church confirms it. So necessary to the Church is a lofty concept of God, when that concept in any measure declines, the Church with her worship and her moral standards declines along with it. The first step down for any church is taken when it surrenders its high opinion of God.

Before the Christian Church goes into eclipse anywhere, there must first be a corrupting of her simple basic theology. She simply gets a wrong answer to the question, 
”What is God like?” and goes on from there. Though she may continue to cling to a sound nominal creed, her practical working creed has become false. The masses of her adherents come to believe that God is different from what He actually is; and that is heresy of the most insidious and deadly kind.

The heaviest obligation lying upon the Christian Church today is to purify and elevate her concept of God until, it is once more worthy of Him - and of her. In all her prayers and labours this should have first place. 
We do the greatest service to the next generation of Christians, by passing on to them undimmed and undiminished, that noble concept of God which we received from our Hebrew and Christian fathers of generations past. This will prove of greater value to them than anything that art or science can devise.

Jim & Phyllida Strickland

Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give
Time with Jesus – 31 Oct 2013
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give
These devotionals are the intellectual property of Jim Strickland and copyright protected. You are welcome to copy and distribute them to anyone provided it is for non-commercial Christian purposes
Cross my heart and hope to die!” Are these words as familiar to you as they are to me? They come from childhood. Someone would say something. “Is that true?” someone else would respond. In my day, it was something you said to confirm your statement. “Yes it’s true”, was never quite enough to add credence to your words. So we would make foolish statements hoping the other person would be convinced. It was certainly not a “Christian” phrase. But when you’re somewhere between the age of 6 and 10, what else can you say to emphasise that your statement is absolute truth. If memory serves correctly, it was only partly true anyway. Part of it was said for effect; to make yourself seem more reliable and truthful than you really were!
To some extent, David’s words to the Lord in 2 Samuel 7 have a feeling of incredulity about them. Yes, these were words of thanks and grateful appreciation to God for promising David, His line would continue forever. After all, what do you say to God when you hear that He has made such an extraordinary promise? It’s not a time to say, “That’s great so what’s for lunch?” How can I say this about David’s comment to God?
It has nothing to do with David and everything to do with God and the prophet Nathan. David was already thoroughly aware that God doesn’t tell lies. David also knew, Nathan the prophet always only brought God’s truth to the discussion. If Nathan really was a prophet of God – and David correctly believed that he was – God’s message would be totally reliable. In those days, lying prophets very quickly vanished from the scene. Rapidly removed might be the way to put it. Stoned to death! Not a bad idea! Perhaps we should do it today?
There is something else about God not telling lies that is hugely comforting. It’s the fact that we can be sure that what has happened in the past will happen today and tomorrow. If God is a liar, how do we know tomorrow will come? Why would the speed of light be constant? Would we have children or cabbages? Would there be anything we can depend on? Would two and two still be four? All these are true because of God’s invariable reliability.
Now God also understands the creatures He has made. He knows that we live in a fallen world and that we are sceptical about anything and everything. We are inclined to doubt the Lord God Himself. So when He made a promise to Abraham He said, 16 "I swear by My own name that 17 I will certainly bless you. I will multiply your descendants beyond number. Gen 22:16-17 NLT Now that’s a trustworthy statement. It’s His version of, “Cross my heart and hope to die!”
Jim & Phyllida
25 "And now, O LORD God, I (David) am Your servant; do as You have promised concerning me and my family. Confirm it as a promise that will last forever.
2 Samuel 7:25 NLT

It’s difficult for us to understand,
Almighty God will never tell a lie.
Liars we observe on every hand,
Many of them, do not even try
To tell the truth; and lying is their norm.
Every word they speak is to impress.
Speech is little more than verbal porn,
Weaved into a web of “truth-less-ness”.
Politicians – whom can we believe?
Government’s a stranger to the truth.
Is it they’re intending to deceive,
Voters and especially the youth?
What has happened to veracity?
Bring it back O Lord, we beg of Thee.
Jim Strickland
Written 31st October 2012

The things the Father told us long ago,
Are guaranteed and they will come about.
This is something we all need to know.
There need be no wavering or doubt.
Why is this? Because it was His Word
Spoken; and creation came to be.
In that empty, nothingness was heard,
God Almighty’s creativity.
That is how our universe was born.
Light with time and space quickly appeared.
What God said was like the break of dawn.
All the host of heaven loudly cheered!
God had started what He had said He’d do.
Make a paradigm for me and you.
Jim Strickland
Written 31st October 2012
38 Keep your promise to me. Then other people will have respect for you.
Psalms 119:38 NIrV
42 Then I will answer those who make fun of me, because I trust in your word.
Psalms 119:42 NIrV
Zayin. 49 Remember what you have said to me. You have given me hope. - 54 No matter where I live, I sing about your orders. - 72 The law you gave is worth more to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold
Psalms 119:49, 54 & 72 NIrV
Lamedh. 89 LORD, your word lasts forever. It stands firm in the heavens. 90 You will be faithful for all time to come. You made the earth, and it continues to exist.
Psalms 119:89-90 NIrV
17 So God took an oath when he made his promise. He wanted to make it very clear that his purpose does not change. He wanted those who would receive what was promised to know that. 18 God took an oath so we would have good reason not to give up. We have run away from everything else to take hold of the hope offered to us in God's promise. So God gave his promise and his oath. Those two things can't change. He couldn't lie about them. 19 Our hope is certain. It is something for the soul to hold on to. It is strong and secure. It goes all the way into the Most Holy Room behind the curtain. 20 That is where Jesus has gone. He went there to open the way ahead of us. He has become a high priest forever, just like Melchizedek.
Hebrews 6:17-20 NIrV
1 And because of His glory and excellence, He has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share His divine nature and escape the world's corruption caused by human desires.
2 Peter 1:4 NLT