Wednesday, August 31, 2011


We’re living in the strangest world of inconsistencies.
Some people say they’re humble and always on their knees.
But get a little closer and examine what they do,
And you get the impression that none of it is true.
Hypocrisy is rampant. You hear them speak and mutter.
They give you an impression their mouths will not melt butter.
But look into their character and what is it you see?
Idolatry and witchcraft, strife and heresy.
They envy and they murder; they revel and get drunk.
Which means their Christian “witness” is just a load of junk.
No Christian who is genuine will put on a display,
And manifest behaviour we’re seeing every day.
Adultery, uncleanness, heresies and strife,
Should never be observed in those who live the Christian life.
It is a contradiction; like water and like oil.
And “Christians” who live this way their character will spoil.
So how should we be living when we say we serve the Lord?
The Holy Spirit’s Fruit should always be in one accord,
With what the Bible teaches. God’s Word is very clear.
For love and joy and kindness should constantly be near.
There should be an abundance of peace and self-control.
The life of Christ should always be their purpose and their goal.
If it looks like Christian, and acts and speaks that way;
It‘s sure to be a Christian whatever men might say.
So let us take our blinkers off and take a look around.
If it’s truly Christian, its witness will be sound.
He’ll look a lot like Jesus in faith and gentleness.
His lifestyle will be Godly in Christlike Holiness.
Accompany him anywhere and you will see the same.
A follower of Jesus Christ in action and in name.
With Jesu’ yoke upon Him and meekness in his heart,
He’ll emulate the Saviour right from the very start.
As Jesus’ disciple he’ll know just what to do.
And all his aspirations will finally come true.
The longer you pursue it, the sooner you will find;
The easier that it will be to transform heart and mind.
And like our Godly forebears we’ll say “In God we Trust!”
And all our former weaknesses will finally go bust.
Jim Strickland – written Thursday, 01 September 2011

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Long Line of Sin

I dreamed my sins were written down, I thought I saw them stretch
From here for such a distance; I wondered what they’d fetch?
Would anybody bid for them if they were auctioned off?
Would anyone be interested, or would the bidders scoff
And say, “Far too expensive”. “Don’t try and sell me that”!
“I wouldn’t even bid for them to throw out for the cat”!

And so I stood there all alone and no one seemed to care.
They paid me scant attention, as though I wasn’t there.
They giggled, scoffed and sneered at me; their laughter filled the room.
But none of all their levity could penetrate my gloom.

How long was I left standing? It seemed a million years.
And no one took an interest in me and all my tears.
I peered out of the window and saw the falling rain
And cried out for a Saviour to take away my pain.

But nothing seemed to happen. At least, that’s what I thought
Until a ray of sunshine stole in and gently brought
A stillness to my spirit. I knew that He had come.
He looked at me with loving eyes and said to me, “My son.
You see this endless line of sin? Please let me take that on.”
I nodded and then instantly that shameful line was gone.

It seemed that He’d “absorbed” them and they were mine no more
And tears of grateful gratitude like rain began to pour.
I tried to stammer, “Thank you!” but I had been struck dumb.
There simply wasn’t words enough of thanks for what He’d done.
And then He took me in His arms and drew me to His chest.
Your sins have gone”, He said to me, “As far as East from West.

I stared in blank amazement. I couldn’t take it in.
Had some one really come to me to take away my sin?
Not mine! That was not possible. My stain was crimson bright.
But when I took another look, I saw He’d made me white.
I glowed with all His goodness. I saw that I was clean.
In spite of all my wickedness and all the things I’d been
I saw I was forgiven. He didn’t bear a grudge.
I hadn’t gone beyond a place from which He couldn’t budge.

The Lord had really done it.  I tried to ask Him “Why?”
He smiled and whispered gently, “My son, don’t even try
To understand My doings. They can’t be comprehended
Just know into your inner man, My Spirit has descended
This truth will never be made known to any human mind.
But deep within your inner man is where to look to find
The evidence you’re seeking. You’ll find the witness there.
A truth that only comes to you through seeking Me and prayer”.
I nodded in agreement. For what else could I do?
My mind was in confusion; my heart said, “Yes it’s true!
The Saviour has redeemed me. This isn’t just a joke.
There is no need for emptiness - not while I wear His yoke”.

And so my sobbing ended and then I looked around.
The people who had sniggered at me could not be found.
Instead I saw a myriad of angels looking on
Amazed that I had been redeemed and all my sins were gone.

And then again I saw Him. He was lifted up on high.
Yet even then He held me - I dreamed that we could fly.
It seemed that we were heading for a place He had prepared
No longer was there reason for me to feel so scared.

Then once again I looked and in my dream I thought I saw
A Golden throne and cherubim; a rainbow and much more.
The other things that I observed are more than I dare say,
But somehow in my heart I’d been with Jesus Christ that day.

Then quietly it ended. The dream began to fade.
I didn’t want to go back home and tried to be delayed.
But gradually the sunlight came and shone upon my face
And I became aware I was no longer in that place.

But why did Jesus do it? Why did He give to me
This vision of my line of sin that reached eternity?
What purpose was there in it? And, what should I do next?
These questions thundered through my mind and made me feel so vexed.

Then quietly His Spirit whispered gently in my ear,
Go on in strength My soldier; there’s nothing you need fear.
There’s so much more I’m planning and lots you have to do
To help the people understand there’s many folk like you;
Helpless men and women who know that they are lost
With all their neighbours giggling about the dreadful cost
Of all that they’ve committed through wasted lives of sin;
And crying out for mercy from the trap they’d fallen in.

So go on out and tell them they mustn’t give up hope.
Tell them I will save them when they know they cannot cope
With all that they are going through and all their wicked deeds;
And that there’s a solution to all their lustful greeds.

Tell them that I love them and that I’ll surely do
As much for every one of them as I have done for you.
If they’ll come in repentance I’ll wash them white as snow
And fill them with My Spirit so each of them will know
That nothing is impossible. They only must believe
And everything I’ve done for them they surely will receive.
And as they start to do it and walk through life with Me,
My Spirit will accompany them for all eternity!"
Jim Strickland – written 11th December 2005

Monday, August 29, 2011


There’s times when we are called to do a thing we’d rather not.
It’s rather like your feet are in a great big cooking pot.
The temperature is rising. You know you must get out.
But it has been so comfortable your mind is still in doubt.
It happened to Queen Esther; with Xerxes on the throne.
She had to go and see him and do it on her own.
She hadn’t been invited; And Xerxes plainly said,
That anyone who just barged in could very soon be dead.
It rested on his feelings and also on his mood.
He may have been her husband, but if her thought her rude,
The outcome could be fatal. The sceptre in his hand,
Would have to be extended or she’d die by his command.
Now Esther was no coward, but this was quite a chance.
It had to rest on something a bit more than romance.
She was a Jewish lady and popularity,
Was seldom in the favour of where she had to be.
So she made preparations by fasting and by prayer.
Her handmaids joined the party to aid her getting there.
For she was in great danger, she’d surely lose her head,
If she was uninvited and blundered in instead.
But what the people didn’t know was Who was on her side.
I don’t think that she knew herself although she was his bride.
For in those days the ladies were the property of men.
And if the king was so inclined they’d kill her there and then.
But she had a relationship and served the King of Kings;
And she took courage from the fact, He was in charge of things.
So when she walked in unannounced, she went at God’s behest,
So Xerxes held the sceptre out. That’s what her hands caressed.
And this is so like Jesus. He sits upon His throne,
And waits for us to enter into God Almighty’s zone.
He has a golden sceptre, but really it’s His cross.
And those of us who reach for it will never suffer loss.
Of course we may be terrified, but those who know Him best;
Tell us that we needn’t, because He wants to bless,
His bride each time she enters. He honours us this way;
And He is so much better than the king in Esther’s day.
In fact we are invited to come before His throne;
But not in trepidation, for we are His alone.
Jim Strickland – written Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Serving Jesus

 It seems that lots of school boys desire to learn of God.
I know that was my feelings and I was not so odd.
My parents had me “christened”; an Anglican; that’s me!
In nineteen fifty seven, my school made this decree,
“The young men who were Anglicans would be “confirmed” that year.”
It really wasn’t optional, and to me Christ was dear.
So I had no objection to going week by week,
Down to the local vicar where after God I’d seek.
It was a time of blessing. The Lord seemed very near.
And so I went along each week for nearly half a year.
My adolescent thinking was, “I should trust the Lord”.
It gave a satisfaction than men can ill afford.
I revelled in communion. I thought “God tasted good”;
And if I kept on serving Him the way a young man should;
That He would make me prosper. That’s what God’s word had said;
And though He wasn‘t Saviour, That is the way He led.
Each Sunday I woke early. The church was far away.
But somehow I would get there, regardless, come what may.
I went to take “communion”. My Lord, I had to “taste”!
I can’t describe how good it was. I think I would have faced,
Anything the devil brought; I wouldn’t trust in man.
And to this very day I’m sure that this was all His plan.
And after I disgraced myself and had to leave my land,
I somehow hoped against all hope that this was what He planned.
But I was still a youngster. I longed to hear His word.
But thought it was incredible! Was it His voice I heard?
That happened to the prophets and not to kids like me.
That I could also hear from Him – Impossibility!
But somehow He was near me. He kept me day by day.
He was the refuge whom I sought. It was the strangest way.
I couldn’t understand it. My life was one big mess.
But when I went to church one night I knew I had been blessed.
I didn’t think it possible. How could He trust a cheat?
But in that holy place that night, my Saviour I did meet.
Since then I’ve tried to serve Him; sometimes successfully.
And in the intervening years, He’s been so good to me.
I’ve never once gone hungry. My children have been fed.
Not once have any one of them gone out to beg for bread.
I’ve had sufficient income to lend to those in need.
So I have seen these Scriptures fulfilled for me indeed.
So I have tasted Jesus and proved that He is sweet.
His bounty overwhelms me; my every need He meets.
Indeed the Lord has blessed me far more than I deserve,
And given me a deep desire my Saviour to serve.
And so for half a century, not once have I seen lack.
And I’ll keep serving Jesus Christ and cannot now turn back!
Jim Strickland – written Monday, 29 August 2011

Sunday, August 28, 2011


 Of all the creatures ever made, it’s surely rather odd;
That one of them would have the “gall” to try and challenge God.
We’re think his name is Lucifer; but is it really true? (Isaiah 14:12)
Could it be we’ve been deceived and only shown one view?
We know Isaiah wrote the words but who was it he meant?
To say He wrote of Satan was never his intent.
The words came from the former kings each one of whom had died.
So saying he meant Satan, that makes our patience tried.
The time has come for us to ask, “who was this puffed up man?”
To say it was the “devil”, I don’t think that we can.
Of Course it’s not important. Why should we care a fig?
That gives him an identity which really is too big.
But Satan‘s the accuser of Christians one and all.
And surely he’s responsible for making Adam fall.
We know he points a finger at Christians everywhere,
And whether it is true or not it seems he doesn’t care.
His purpose is destruction for everything God made.
He’s only got one purpose. That he will be obeyed.
We know He’s been defeated. It happened at the cross.
And those who trust in Jesus know Jesus is the boss.
And we can overcome him. The Scripture tells us how.
Our testimony and Christ’s blood are efficacious now.
And if we don’t hang on to life in spite of Satan’s threats;
We’ll be with Christ forever – a more that certain bet.
And Jesus gave us something else. To take away our fear.
He said if we believe in Him, then death will not come near.
For He has the authority and death has been defeated.
If we have been born again we’ll never be deleted!
He says, “Put on your armour to fight demonic powers”.
Without it we are ill-equipped to stand and fight for hours.
In fact we’ll be defeated for they are very strong.
Without the armour of the Lord, we’ll never get along.
But in the power of Jesus, our victory’s guaranteed,
He’ll ensure that we are given everything we need.
Nothing will be lacking and Satan’s hordes will fall.
Jesus Christ will see to it when on His Name we call.
This is what He told us and this is what He’ll do.
Nothing is more certain when to Jesus we are true.
Jim Strickland – written Sunday, 28 August 2011

Friday, August 26, 2011



1)     Though I can speak with angels voice, or with a human tongue,
2)     But have not love; it's only noise; a cymbal or a gong.
3)     Though I can freely prophesy and fathom mysteries;
Know everything; be full of faith; move mountains; all of these
4)     Mean nothing without love; though I give all that I possess
And cast my body in the flames, without love I am less
Than nothing.   Love is patient; doesn't envy; it is kind;
5)     It doesn't boast; it isn't proud; in love you will not find
 Rudeness or self-seeking; to wrath it is not prone;
It has no record of men's wrong.   No!   Love is always shown
6)     Delighting not in evil.   It's truth which love reveres;
7)     It always trusts; it always hopes, protects and perseveres.
8)     Love never fails though prophecy may cease & tongues be stilled;
9)     Though knowledge pass away - for these are partially fulfilled -
10)   When perfection comes, all imperfection disappears.
11)   As a child I thought and spoke according to my years.
When I became a man, my childish ways were left behind
12)   Now we see un-clearly.   The reflection that we find
Is poor; as in a mirror.  But, someday, face-to-face
We'll see.  For what we then will know shall totally replace
These elements of knowledge, for I'll be fully grown;
13)   Then, all which will remain is faith and hope and love alone
And, of these three , the best of all's unquestionably love
14)   vs.1 Which eagerly we'll follow as we follow God above.
Jim Strickland – dated 27th August 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011


The garments of the High Priest told us more than we could know.
Designed by God Almighty, their purpose was to show,
The holiness of someone Who one day would appear.
His beautiful exterior made positively clear.
The highlight was the headdress He wore upon His head.
“Holy to the Lord” is what the Israelites all read.
Jesus didn’t need it. Not there and in His time.
Some guessed He had a halo but that was not His sign.
For nowhere in the Bible is such a headdress seen.
Except perhaps by those who were a self appointed queen.
This all spoke of His Holiness. For He was Sanctified.
Unique, an indication of God’s pure and holy bride.
Which tells us that the High Priest could never be “unclean”
Sin should never be in Him; a thing no “man” has been.
Sanctified completely revealed on Scripture’s page
For no one could be glorified without this special stage.
But it could be imputed to those who drew in near.
And this imputed Holiness, to was God very clear,
He Himself was glorified when people praised His name.
A thing we feel impossible for any man to claim.
Does this describe God’s holiness? This fundamental law?
That our imperfect bodies, to God implies far more,
Than we could ever understand? It shows God can impute,
His Holiness to anyone and no man can refute,
The fact that He may do this. God’s righteousness can be,
A matter of believing Him and His integrity.
So if the Master gives it, why is it we complain,
When folk the likes of Abraham will trust God’s Holy Name?
We need to understand the fact that He makes all the rules.
And if we want to challenge Him, it’s we who are the fools.
We know that it is difficult. We think it isn’t fair.
But we were given righteousness when weren’t even there!
He says that we can have it if in Jesus we believe.
He says our sins are washed away! That’s not what we perceive.
And so the sign of Holiness that’s fastened to our head,
Is something we will only see the moment we are dead.
So let us start believing we’re holy to our King!
What could be more important than this amazing thing?
Jim Strickland – written Friday, 26 August 2011