Saturday, October 1, 2011


He started going eastward toward the “eastern pole”
He had a sort of vague idea that he could reach his goal.
The goal of going somewhere to get rid of the sin,
That plagued his inner consciousness of all that he was in.
He had a deep conviction; it had to be somewhere;
And if he kept on journeying, someday he would get there.
He’d been upon his journey for over forty years.
He’d followed on the same old path; he’d cried a million tears.
But still he hadn’t got there; No one could tell him why.
“I’m going to keep on travelling until the day I die”.
He’d started as a young man of only twenty five,
And thought he was frustrated more than any man alive.
Some thought he was an idiot and some called him a fool
But what continued haunting him had happened back in school.
He’d pushed away his girlfriend; she fell and banged her head.
And twenty four hours later, they told him she was dead!
He thought he was responsible for all that had occurred.
Perhaps he’d find forgiveness at a place that seemed absurd.
There wasn’t any “East Pole”. But he had to atone,
For everything that happened to the girl he once had known.
His whole life had been focussed on this Don Quixotic quest.
Now in his middle sixties, he felt he’d failed the test.
His finances were crumbling, his hope was nearly gone.
He didn’t have the energy to want to carry on.
That day he found a seat outside a long forgotten church.
He wondered if this “Jesus Christ” could end his futile search.
Just then a young man passed his way, he sat there deep in thought,
The young man asked why he was there and what it was he sought?
He started to weep openly and asked what he could do,
To take away what haunted him and change his hopeless view.
“I’m glad you asked”, the young man said, “I specialise in hope.
Please tell me all about it, so I can help you cope.”
That’s when the story tumbled out and what he’d done for years.
“Do you think it is possible to take away these fears?”
“I’m sure I can”, the young man said. “Christ Jesus in My Name.
I’ve been with you for all these years and you are why I came.
If you will do what I request, I know you’ll be set free.
All that I require of you, is give your life to me.
Then I’ll change your direction, to go the other way,
That haunting memory I’ll heal and you’ll be whole today.
I’m going to send you Westward for I want you to know;
As far as east is from the west is where your sin will go.
Because I am the Son of God, I can forgive your sin;
And take away the dreadful mess that you’ve been living in”
He looked at Jesus in the face and love grew in his heart.
I’m ready Lord to follow you, thanks for my brand new start
Jim Strickland – written Sunday, 02 October 2011

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