Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Holiness! The sound of it is music in my ears.
But finding it is difficult for someone of my years.
The reason is quite obvious. I’ve sought it from my youth.
But most of my acquaintances, knew nothing about truth.
It started as a little boy, with little tiny lies.
We wanted to impress our friends; to look good in their eyes.
And so we sort of stretched the facts. We did it for effect.
Until the truth of what we said, our brains could not detect.
Why should we stick with forty six when ninety six was more?
It sounded better to our friends; a far, far better score!
“Cross my heart and hope to die”, was what we always said.
But if the Lord was “listening”, He would have struck us dead.
I’ve often thought the gift of tongues, was given to control,
The sort of rubbish that we spoke, which babbled from our souls.
For if the Holy Spirit was “speaking” what we said,
I’m sure we’d never tell a lie. That wasn’t Spirit led.
Of course it’s just a theory; and though it sounds quite good,
We wouldn’t be responsible; the Holy Spirit would!
Another sort of pipe dream. The fact is it is me.
I have to learn to speak the truth, that’s the reality.
And yet we are not on our own, when Jesus is our Lord.
The very thought of telling lies is utterly abhorred.
It leaves us feeling dirty; we cannot tolerate,
The thought of letting Jesus down; that’s hard to contemplate.
For when the Lord is in our lives, the truth is paramount.
We open up God’s Holy Word, which then becomes the fount,
Of how we should be living. His truth becomes our guide.
This brings a revolution, deep down in our inside.
We long to be obedient. We long to go His way.
We hunger and we search for Him, on each successive day.
We never want to wander away from His commands.
We want to make wise choices. We want to understand,
The way to go to please Him! His counsel’s all we need!
And as we start to listen, we’ll go where He may lead.
Then we’ll be His disciples and we will know the truth.
Not some abstract theory, discarded in our youth.
A friend we can depend on and willingly obey.
The Saviour who will set us free, in each and every way.
Jim Strickland – Written 16th November 2011

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