Monday, November 21, 2011


The most neglected thing in all of Christendom today;
Is that so many people, don’t find the time to pray.
We know we aught to do it. We’ve heard about prayer’s power.
But when it comes to doing it, our willingness turns sour.
Don’t think you are the only one. I’m told that three percent,
Of Christians in the world today see time in prayer well spent.
Please note I’m not excluded. I wish I could improve.
But even so I must admit, it should be Spirit moved.
It isn’t just an attitude; it’s knowing what to say.
It feels intimidating, that why we stay away.
But do not be discouraged by not knowing what to do.
The Lord has sent us someone, Who wants to pray through you.
He’s called the Holy Spirit. The Blessed Paraclete.
He came to earth to help us. So that we too can meet,
The problem with our praying. When words are running out,
The groaning in our Spirit, shows us without a doubt,
That He knows what is wanted. And though our mind is blank,
The words we speak and utter come forth from heaven’s bank.
By praying in the Spirit, our mind is not involved.
The contact with the Father and where we are, is solved.
We don’t have the ability to understand all things.
But Jesus, by His Spirit, causes heaven’s bells to ring.
Regardless of how weak we are, the Spirit searches hearts.
It’s at that very time we find, that intercession starts.
Why should we understand it? The thoughts are God to God.
To know what They are saying, would really be most odd!
So surely it’s the time for us, to see through Jesus’ eyes.
That prayer is not a list of things to try on God for size.
It’s infinitely more than that. It’s standing as a link,
Between the blessed God-head. It isn’t what we think.
It is so inspirational, we wonder why we stop;
And as we take our part in it, the Master gets a crop,
Far bigger than He planted when He came into me.
Instead it’s universal; not my ability.
So let us take another look at prayer and all it means.
If you prefer a shopping list, forget about your dreams.
For you will never get there by living in a box.
Not when the Lord is planning to blow you from your socks!
To make your prayer life meaningful and not a boring chore;
Instead, an opportunity, of doing something more.
Of being a participant, in what the Lord desires;
And seeing the fulfilment, of all that He requires.
Jim Strickland – Written 22nd November 2011.

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