Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Psalm 40

Time with Jesus 3rd April 2012
Couldn't put together an introductory email. So I've just sent off the Psalm
Jim & Phyllida Strickland

Psalm 40

I waited patiently for God: And then He heard my cry!
He drew me from the deadly pit and set my feet on high;
Upon a rock; above the mire; establishing my ways,
That I might sing to Him a song of reverence and praise!

Blessed is the man that places in Almighty God his trust;
Who isn't proud, nor turns aside, nor follows after lust.
Many wonders, O my Lord, by You they have been done.
All the things You've planned for us aren't told by any one.
No man alive has numbered them, or totalled the amount;
Exceeding the ability of any man to count!

Sacrifice and offerings, The Lord does not desire
It's only man's obedience You've said that You require.
I then said, "Here am I, I've come" as it says in the scroll.
I long to do Your will because Your law fills heart and soul;
And in the great assembly I'll speak of righteousness;
I will not cease declaring, Lord, You love and faithfulness.

Do not withhold Your mercy Lord. May love and truth protect
Me from the countless troubles, I see when I reflect
Upon my may sins. Far more than hairs upon my head,
Preventing me from seeing you. They make my heart stop dead!

Be pleased, my Lord, to save me. Come quickly to my aid;
May all who seek to take my life be rapidly dismayed.
May all who wish to ruin me, be turned back in disgrace
And those that say to me, "Aha" be shamed by what they face!
May those that love salvation, exalt You with their voice;
And may those that are glad in You and seek Your name, rejoice!
For though I'm poor and needy, You'll think of me today.
The Lord God's my Deliverer! His help He won't delay.

Jim Strickland - Written 1986

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