Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Top of the Muck Hep

Time with Jesus - Wednesday, 01 May 2013

Hi all,
Still on Top
Very strange things happen to our aspirations on the journey from the cradle to the grave. In our late teens, early twenties, our minds are filled with a variety of possibilities. Fame and fortune feature largely among our intentions. Perhaps a president, or the husband/wife of a king/queen. There are no limitations and we see ourselves at the helm of a huge organisation. We see ourselves among the movers and shakers that change worlds. 
Solomon had it all
Sex, Money & Power
After full time education is complete we find an employer. In no time at all, we realise that there are many others working alongside with similar aspirations. More than that, we find we are surrounded by people with completely different value systems to yours and mine!
Suddenly we realise that we are somewhere on something like a “pyramid”. We want to climb higher and, with time and effort, we move up to the next rung on the pyramid.  This keeps happening until we reach a place from which, further upward progress becomes very difficult. We realise that there can only be one man at the top of the pyramid. Furthermore, the competition gets fiercer for the next few rungs of the ladder. But we carry on until age starts catching up with us. We aren’t quite as quick on the uptake as once we were and our annual holiday is something we badly need. When we go back to the office we find that our desk has been moved into the passage and someone else is in the office we previously occupied.
Your Empty Desk
At this time in life we realise we will never be the President. Things aren’t quite as exciting as they once were and we realise our days are numbered. This is called the rat race. We’ve been trying to climb to the top of the muck heap. The few that make it to the top realise that it’s still a muck heap! Effectively we’ve wasted our life. Only that which is done in and for Jesus has lasting value. All the other “stuff” may provide a top of the range Mercedes; a large and very expensive house in the most fashionable part of town; perhaps with overseas trips and all the other trimmings which go with worldly “success”.
King Solomon achieved all this and more. He was said to be the wisest man who ever lived. He had more women than most men would think possible. He was not only on the top of the muck heap; he was on the top of all the muckheaps. What did he say about all this? “Vanity of vanities; all is vanity. 2 “Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher. “Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.” Eccl 1:2 TNIV
He is Preparing a Place for us
There is a better way to live life. That way is the way of Jesus Christ. His way leads us to the place John Bunyan called the Celestial City! The City God is preparing for His people. Forget about all the “stuff” this world can provide.  Yes, we do have to stay here for our allotted time. Just don’t get too fond of what you can see and feel. It’s meaningless. Try and imagine the City He is preparing for those who love Him. Bear in mind that if you can imagine it, you are cheating yourself. His City and His reward exceed anything and everything we can imagine. For starters, the City itself appears to be mobile! It must be if it can down to us from heaven.
The New Jerusalem cumming down
This is where we will spend eternity with God living in a place Jesus has specially provided for us. Wow! I can hardly wait.

Jim & Phyllida Strickland
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give
Time with Jesus –
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give
These devotionals are the intellectual property of Jim Strickland and copyright protected. You are welcome to copy and distribute them to anyone provided it is for non-commercial Christian purposes
Imagination is a wonderful thing. It enables us to go where we can never go while in our “earth-suit”! I’d like to walk onto the middle of the sun and see what God has at the centre. To explore the moon or the bottom of our deepest oceans unhindered by the limitations we all know so well. To soar aloft with the eagles. What would it be like? Did Adam and Eve know any of this before the fall? All answers are pure guesswork.
Imagination is a God-given quality. But we can’t imagine the unimaginable! Paul in his letter to the Ephesians writes: 20 God can do anything, you know--far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. Ephesians 3:20 MSG
As we think about this and our imagination, we are forced to the conclusion that no matter what we can possibly think or imagine, what He has prepared for us, is infinitely more. Put another way, if you can think it or imagine it, it doesn’t measure up to what He has prepared for those who love Him.
We know that He reveals things to us by His Spirit. We also know that He has placed into His Word just enough to make us ravenous for Him.
Today’s Scriptures deal with the new heaven and earth. What will it be like? In today’s meditation I’ve tried to express some of the things He has already shown us in His Word. To a large extent they challenge our thinking. “Can such things be true?” we ask, not really knowing the question or the answers!
One thing I can assure you is that what I have written is only what I see in His Word. I have imagined and thought these details through and have written them down accordingly. What I can, and will say, is that what I have written is utterly inadequate to describe the fullness of God’s plans for those who love Him.
I suppose we could say that they are like the daubs on canvas of a two year old compared with a Rembrandt or a Reuben’s. There is almost no comparison other than the desire in the mind of a two year old to state what he sees in his imagination.
If I can imagine it or you can imagine it, we are still daubing paint on the canvass of our imagination. We can say only one thing in its favour. We are at least trying to make use of the faculties He has given us. I love the daubs of paint by my young relatives. They are meaningless to me. But the potential within them exceeds my wildest dreams. I suspect Divinity feels the same way about us!
Jim and Phyllida
35 "The four sides of the city measure to a total of nearly six miles.(18,000 cubits) ”From now on the name of the city will be YAHWEH-SHAMMAH: "GOD (the Lord) IS-THERE."
Ezekiel 48:35 MSG
3 I heard a loud shout from the throne, saying, "Look, God's home is now among His people! He will live with them, and they will be His people. God Himself will be with them.
Revelation 21:3 NLT
22 I saw no temple in the city, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. 23 And the city has no need of sun or moon, for the glory of God illuminates the city, and the Lamb is its light.
Revelation 21:22-23 NLT
15 Because I do what is right, I will enjoy your blessing. When I wake up, I will be satisfied because I will see you.
Psalms 17:15 NIrV
25 Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.
Psalms 73:25 ESV
20 "But Judah will be filled with people forever, and Jerusalem will endure through all generations. 21 I will pardon My people's crimes, which I have not yet pardoned; and I, the LORD, will make My home in Jerusalem with My people."
Joel 3:20-21 NLT
10 Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion, for behold, I come and I will dwell in your midst, declares the LORD.
Zechariah 2:10 ESV
3 No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him.
Revelation 22:3 TNIV
When Jesus is creating, We think in terms of size.
But when we see what He has done, we’re in for a surprise.
He has gone to make a place within His Father’s house.
It takes some understanding and requires a bit of nous,
To think what He’s been doing for some two thousand years.
We know He has been busy. That’s how it now appears.
But stop for just a moment and think how long it’s been.
A day is like a thousand years. For God that’s how it’s seen.
Now Jesus Christ ascended on a Thursday afternoon.
So as He calculates it, it’s really far too soon.
To Him, this is the middle of the next Saturday.
It also is the Sabbath, if thought about His way.
So from the Master’s view-point, the weekend isn’t through!
So brother if He’s coming soon, what day is this to you?
Furthermore the project is massive everywhere.
The base as it’s explained to us is measured as a square.
We know twelve thousand stadia is fourteen hundred miles,
Give or take a mile or two. It makes me think awhile.
That’s bigger than the distance from Jo’burg to the Cape!
Such a massive city! Our mouths will be agape.
Fourteen hundred miles each way and fourteen hundred high!
It seems to use a massive chunk of Our creator’s sky!
Is it like a pyramid, or cubic in its style?
As I think about it, I sort of want to smile.
What about the mansions? That’s what we’d like to know.
There’s no need for lighting; our God provides that glow!
Someone has informed us; it would just fit in the moon!
And Jesus has informed us that He is coming soon!
I’m glad He’s the Creator. A project of this size,
Is quite beyond the reasoning of any mortal’s eyes.
No temples will be needed! The Lord Himself is there!
Everything required will come from Him to share.
There will be no sun or moon and there will be no night.
Father, Son and Spirit will be the source of light!
There will be no sickness and death will pass away.
There will be no crying; Lord, hasten in the day!
This is what He’s making and I can hardly wait!
Please do us a favour Lord! Don’t postpone the date.
“Jim Strickland”
1st May 2012

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