Sunday, May 19, 2013


Time with Jesus - Monday, 20 May 2013

Hi all,
Over the past 50 odd years, I’ve had the privilege of listening to many great speakers. Some have been inspiring. Some have made a deep and lasting impression on me. Four spring to mind immediately; Derek Prince, Bob Mumford, David Pawson and Billy Graham. These four men have had remarkable ministries. What I have particularly enjoyed is the humble attitude in which they have brought their messages. 

Among the ladies, I’ve deliberately excluded my wife whom I regard as one of the most gifted women in the church today. The other ladies are Joyce Meyer, Caroline Savelle and Lizanne Verkuil. Caroline Savelle is included because at the 1982 Rhema Faith Convention in Johannesburg, she brought a message called, “Made to be a Blessing”. It lacked the histrionics of the men at the convention that year. It was spoken in a quiet and moving way that I’m not sure I’ve seen or heard since. I can’t say it was life changing. What was brought was the voice of a lady passionately in love with her Saviour, determined to be a blessing. 

Here was the voice of a modern Mary Magdalene without any of the baggage Mary carried.
Lizanne Verkuil was a friend of Phyllida going back to the late 1970’s. Phyllida attended the Rosebank Bible College for their Old and New Testament Bible Survey. Lizanne was one of her lecturers. Her ability to get people excited about the contents of the books of the Bible is legendary. 

In the 1980’s she wrote a booklet entitled “Polished Arrows” It was aimed at helping people become better preachers and public speakers. I recall asking her why she had chosen that particular title. She pointed out that preaching and speaking was a verbal gift from the Lord to excite and inspire others. Her comment reminded me of a verse in Proverbs that has been with me since the early 1980’s. 11 A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver. Pro 25:11 ESV
Some people have been gifted by God to touch the hearts of others through the spoken word. I’m told that Spurgeon was such a man. His words did not always, “cut to the quick”, as we so often believe is necessary. Instead, they came to people like a special gift from God, presented on a plate of verbal delicacies, that delighted the ear. These were words spoken at exactly the right time and changed the direction of those who were paying attention.
These were spoken words; “Golden words” from the Spirit of Truth. They were “Apples of gold”. When those words touched the hearts of the listeners, those people were enriched. The recipients became those “setting of silver”. They were the better for having heard them. Indeed their lives became transporters of joy to all around.
Solomon is said to have been the wisest man who ever lived. We are told that he spent many years collecting the proverbs of his people in something like a book. That book is called “Proverbs” in our Bible. 

Whether or not all that is written in the book of Proverbs were collected by Solomon is anyone’s guess. It matters little. What does matter is that God has used this book like a polished arrow to bring apples of gold in settings of silver to His people.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give
Time with Jesus – 20 May 2013
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give
These devotionals are the intellectual property of Jim Strickland and copyright protected. You are welcome to copy and distribute them to anyone provided it is for non-commercial Christian purposes
To the best of my knowledge, Mary Magdalene was the first person to see and recognise Jesus, after He had risen from the dead. Many people have asked, “Why did Jesus appear to Mary first?” It’s a good question and there are no real answers. What can be said is that this appearance was perhaps the most poignant of all. The dialog “oozes” love in an extraordinary way. Her grief that He was not in the tomb where she had last seen His body. Her extreme anguish as she blurted out her request to the “gardener”, asking where they had put His body? There is a tone of desperation in these words that speak volumes about her love for Him. Then, while her eyes were looking anywhere and everywhere in a frantic desire to find Him. It only took one word. “Mary” spoken in His familiar voice in a tone of loving understanding. She spun round and threw herself at His feet in abandoned joy while crying out the word, “Rabboni”. “Master, my Master” or “Teacher.” All her pent up emotion since the crucifixion exploded out of her.
If you look hard enough you will find expressed in this one word the voice of humanity. The trial is over. The guilt and shame of the fall pours out of her. It’s stated in a way that only the pure devotion of a woman for the man she loves supremely can be expressed. This is the sound of the Bride of Christ desperately, passionately wanting to be with Him forever.
It may be knowledge of this which prompts Him to gently release Himself from her adoring grip on His feet. “Not Yet Mary” He seems to be saying. “First I must Go to My Father and your Father!” I must prepare a place for my bride. Then in the fullness of time I will come back for you and bring you to where I am.
If I’m reading more into this than I should, I must say it comes from my imagination. A gift from the Lord that I enjoy. It also gives me the opportunity to speak what is on my heart. They tell me that silence is golden. By logical deduction, speech must be silver.
Today’s meditation was composed in 1998. At that time it was composed to bring encouragement for a certain brother in the Lord. In a way he was looking round desperately to find direction. The poem helped Him get focussed on Jesus so that he could love and serve Him to the best of his ability. I could sense the desperation in his quest. It reminded me of Mary Magdalene at the garden tomb.
Our love for Him and His love for us inspires much like Mary’s love for Jesus. He has become an unquenchable fire in the heart which only He can satisfy. All else is secondary. “Rabboni” we cry.
Jim & Phyllida
16 Jesus said to her, "Mary." She turned toward him. Then she cried out in the Aramaic language, "Rabboni!" Rabboni means Teacher.
John 20:16 NIrV
1 But now thus says the LORD, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.
Isaiah 43:1 ESV
3 To him the gatekeeper opens. The sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. 4 When he has brought out all his own, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.
John 10:3-4 ESV
16 See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.
Isaiah 49:16 TNIV
19 But God's truth stands firm like a foundation stone with this inscription: "The LORD knows those who are His," and "All who belong to the LORD must turn away from evil."
2 Timothy 2:19 NLT
14 Now that we know what we have--Jesus, this great High Priest with ready access to God--let's not let it slip through our fingers.
Hebrews 4:14 MSG
9 Next take two onyx stones and engrave the names of the sons of Israel on them in the order of their birth,
Exodus 28:9 MSG
12 Fasten the two stones on the shoulder pieces of the Ephod--they are memorial stones for the Israelites. Aaron will wear these names on his shoulders as a memorial before GOD.
Exodus 28:12 MSG
15 "Now make a Breast piece of Judgment, using skilled craftsmen, the same as with the Ephod. Use gold; blue, purple, and scarlet material; and fine twisted linen. 16 Make it nine inches square and folded double. 17 Mount four rows of precious gemstones on it. First row: carnelian, topaz, emerald.
Exodus 28:15-17 MSG
21 The twelve stones correspond to the names of the Israelites, with twelve names engraved, one on each, as on a seal for the twelve tribes.
Exodus 28:21 MSG
30 Place the Urim and Thummim in the Breast-piece of Judgment. They will be over Aaron's heart when he enters the presence of GOD. In this way Aaron will regularly carry the Breast-piece of Judgment into the presence of GOD.
Exodus 28:30 MSG
The colour of the jewels God wears upon His crown
Are black & white & yellow & sometimes red & brown.
These colours are His people; The jewels He has made
To bring mankind deliverance; To comfort those afraid;
Each child of His is different and each one has a gift;
And God has made you eloquent so that your voice can lift
The people to His presence; To minister with fire;
To speak of what is on your heart, so that you can inspire
His people with the message which He desires to bring.
So thunder with compassion; erupt and duly sing
A new song to His people, though they be black or white.
Spread wide your arms to call them home and you will see the sight
Of people in repentance before His royal throne;
Of others with a heart of flesh instead of hearts of stone!
For men will be delivered through what you have to say.
The power of His Holy Word will hold men in His sway
To do what He desires. You'll be His instrument
To bring about revival and cause men to repent!
So use all of your learning to exercise your tongue;
Speak forth the word of wisdom and prophesy among
The people you are sent to. Like Barnabas and Paul,
Be strong in your anointing. Lift up your head! Walk tall!!!
Declare The Lord our Righteousness and all His Holiness
And watch His Holy Spirit move out to save and bless
The men and women listening. For that is what must be.
For you've been called to minister for Christ, His Majesty,
To those of different colours! To black and white and grey!
Be not afraid of what's ahead, but hurry to obey!
For then you'll know His fullness far more than you can think;
Of green and blue and purple; Of orange and of pink!
A multi-coloured people of huge variety
Alive and well and living for Christ eternally.
Jim Strickland
Written 1998

Apples of Gold in
Settings of Silver

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